The conqueror is too easy. As the days grow longer, food becomes plentiful. There is no need to bring goods to the trade center in advance. It’s all because of the whining.
When I first saw the prologue video, I wondered how they were going to feed these poor people. Now that I look back, I see a fat cat.
Speak for yourself, my last three games I abandoned as soon as I reached T4.
The problem I have with this is, when the town is producing 30+k gold per year, that means building two gold storage builds per year, which is crazy
Hopefully there will be a larger central gold storage building in future
Order heavy weapons, armors, and tools at the trading post, and then pay them a lot; this will help to free up space for your extra gold.
Why build Gold more than one Gold storage? You can transfer unlimited amount of Gold to the trading center.
Thats probably an oversight thou, it really shouldn’t be storing unlimited gold:P
I would cap it at 50k, but also increase the gold storage building to 40-50k.
Most of the storage buildings could use a bit of a bump in storage capacity. Not by massive amounts
Although I like the longer days a lot, I understand when things go too easy, I have that very problem with other games I used to play but now there’s no real challenge, and I get bored
However, instead of reverting to what was before, I rather hope that harder settings are added for the players which seek such challenge
On the other hand I wonder if it may be like any other game, where once I know the mechanics, and I develop a strategy to tackle them, it get easier to overcome them
Isn’t this why difficulty settings exist though? When a game is “too easy” it just means that there should be additional levels added above the current hardest, not that devs “listened to the wrong people”. Some people play games to be challenged, others play them to relax. You need to satisfy both.
By the way, I still would prefer a different system of difficulty settings, instead of the three predefined settings of Pioneer, Trailblazer and Vanquisher for every parameter like Wildlife or Raiders, make sliders that players can pull up or down to whatever point they like. Preferably with numbers you can manually insert so you can put in values that make it literally impossible to survive.
That way you don’t need additional difficulty levels, if it’s too easy you can just keep making it harder until you arrive at the point you want to be.
It would also be nice to have such a system for climate and geography settings, to adjust hilliness, the number of lakes, the length of the seasons, humidity and so on. So you can create your own biome instead of being restricted to just the five predefined ones, or a random map.
Just play this map and get yourself the relic for more aggressive raiders/predators on top.
Would be nice if we have a place for challenging seeds.
Make a thread here in this section of the forum and post the details, simple. Map seed, map type, map size, difficulty. Done.
Thank you for sharing your points, because they’re all especially objective and valid…in particular, your last point, which I believe some can glaze over.
Very valid points and, in particular, the ‘need to satisfy both’.
And also to Kanotoushi’s point where we all get to a point where we develop a strategy to overcome the challenges of most games and wish there was moar!
I think the devs have done a great job of providing difficulty levels as well as the added rune to make it even more difficult for those who have now surpassed the challenges in place and are looking for more. At the same time, dev can never be a constant/endless revolving door of changes, particularly as they move through the early access stage.
At some point the player base has to realize that every game is ultimately going to have some limitations, and/or some that become part of a later release, or perhaps even an in-game ‘event’ where things may be a bigger challenge later. When (you’re) trying to get a game to the finish line, in terms of dev work, there has to be an end goal reached prior to official release. And (you’re) never going to make 100% of the player base happy with those results. Unfortunately, it’s just not realistic to expect a dev team to change/include absolutely everything that everyone wants. That said, I stand by what I think has been a friggin fantastic job by these devs in how they’ve managed community requests, bugs, direction, and even complaints, which can be a real hit to the motivation when you’ve been at this as long as this team has.