The MISSING builds compendium

Acid Vindicator: :white_check_mark:


I went the easy route with this one: Bramblevine GV + Radaggan set was an obvious lazy pick.
Leech from GV, coupled with Wendigo totem and Inquisitor seal gives ok sustain, enough to clear SR65 without much trouble (Died once to reaper)

I recycled a character for this, so my devotions (especially Rumor and Manticore) were super low level, so actual performance is likely much better than what I just experienced.

Obviously not as good as Archon or Conjurer, but still surprisingly good.

That completes Vindicator! :tada:

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Is your retal aegis Warlord the same now that the patch is live ?

I don’t wanna optomize it cause there’s gonna be retal changes incoming in the next patch anyway. And it’s a >5min cruci build nowadays after the rollercoaster of the test patch

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Should be still enough for inclusion here though, right ?

Wait do you mean the other damage types or the phys one? Phys one doesn’t belong here cause phys warlord is cookie. The others yeah do whatever :rofl:

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I meant the one @thepowerofmediocrity linked, the lightning retal one :rofl:

2H Physical Purifier theorycraft for who’s interested Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Vitality Shieldbreaker theorycraft Shieldbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

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Those made me realise why I never play anything with Demolitionist: I hate having to use thermite mines for RR because I find it awkward, and Demo is almost never a good choice outside of the types it covers.

At least it has a bit of support for physical damage.

Physical Purifier: :white_check_mark:


Ended up trying all 3 theorycrafted builds that were posted, but this is the one I ended up taking through SR60 for our purpose here.

The lack of RR shows, and the Kuba fight was suuuuper long, but it’s tanky enough that I was never worried.


At least this thread made me want to try bleed demo build just to avoid using mines :scorv:

It’s still in my grimtools.txt, but I’ll try post it if it turns out good in game

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Physical Warlock: :white_check_mark:


Just used the scraps from my physical Mage Hunter (linked somewhere in this thread) and crafted a new conduit, so this build was really un-optimized. Regardless it cleared SR60. Like the last few times, my devotions were’t leveled up, so both assassin’s mark and dire bear were low level.

Got one-shot by reaper in the boss room, but I’m blaming the absolutely horrid mutators for that, didn’t die to anything else.

Overall, not too bad for a very meme-y build. :slight_smile:

Only 4 physical builds to complete a 3rd damage type.

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Bleed Templar: :white_check_mark:


Despite the enormous life leech, decent health, damage absorb and excellent CC resists, this thing is super glassy. Low health, armor and physical resist are not a good mix.

Tried with Baldir’s set at first (and bolvar’s pendant for more bleed RR), but my physical resist was abysmal and I was dying all the time. Bloodrager fixed that.

Died to both Kuba and Kaisan during my SR60 run, but the damage output was pretty good, I’m just not fast enough to hit nullification when I get reflected. The rest was an absolute breeze.

Arcanist brings what it does best: lots of OA, absorb and a way to sustain the energy cost, but otherwise, it’s really just along for the ride. Nul and mirror are handy though.

3/10 not recommended

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So many meme builds. :rofl: Keep it up guys. :+1:t3:

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Bleed Commando

Going Baldir Commando here with the focus of being a bleed build sure is weird. Demolitionist offers speed, health regen, OA/DA and flat damage for this build, so this is more like a Soldier+ build. Sheet BA damage is like 35k physical + 35k bleed with only toggle buff.

I thought that amount of adcth + 4% adcth to BA can help the build sustain, boy I was wrong. The moment blast shield is depleted, just pray there is no reflect enemy left standing.

Build can finish campaign boss, and the highest shard tested is shard 75. But it can kill SR75 Kaisan and Grava deathless, and finally found a use for that Soldier conduit.

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great work! :slight_smile:

Bleed Commando: :white_check_mark:

Vitality Panetti’s Templar

Panetti’s does have a Vitality damage conduit, and Oathkeeper provides Vitality RR and lots of CDR for Mirror, so why not Templar? Well, Templar was the right choice, but Vitality Panetti’s is a little too meme for me. At least there’s a 2-piece set that gives +6 to Panetti’s so that you can cover the rest of your equipment slots with Vitality damage equipment.

Overall, I feel this is similar to other Panetti’s builds - great for AoE, but bad for single target damage. Kuba is 100% Alt-F4 territory, cause Panetti’s just doesn’t have the single-target to hit him through his healing. I would not recommend this one to anyone for SR 65, but I was able to complete it (with multiple deaths to Archmage Aleksander’s shards) and the meme is complete.

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Vitality Templar: :white_check_mark:

Templar only needs a pierce build to be complete too.

Quite surprising that Blightlord’s builds with Demolitionist mastery ended up being a Defiler considering there is good item support for vitality Shieldbreaker. This should complete the Shieldbreaker line. Vitality BWC/5 Guardian Shieldbreaker Shieldbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Funny enough I have had this char since that I abandon, then tweaked recently. The highest shard tested is 81, with the struggle being vs speedy nemesis which made IM and Fabius dangerous, but surprisingly it’s good vs Kaisan. Playstyle is hit and run, but can also stand and fight against no green shard Kaisan or IM. But I haven’t met Kuba and Reaper for several SR tries.

8/10 Very recommended fun build, bonus point for using Kilrian component.


Awesome, added :slight_smile:

Another completed class!

Bleeding Cabalist. EDIT: Sorry, I thought bleeding was missing but it’s pierce. NVM, I would leave the build.

GT - Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (

Build explanation - For DoT builds you want to stack multiple powerful effects. In this case I have class based skills supported by mods - freshly buffed Siphon Souls and Pox spreading in huge area. Also Maw of Damned granted skill, Decapitation from Bloody Whetstone, Violen Delights rune, devotion and item procs. I used Oleron’s relic for, cause my OA was low, other option is Massacre.

Tried it in Crucible and died 170’th wave. Sustain is kinda meh for tougher waves, in the other is pretty good. Time (if completed) should be around 5:30, Aoe Damage is pretty nice for this build, single target is average. I haven’t tried in SR but should be at least competent there as well.

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