Updated the chart with everything submited that had a link or something along the lines of “X made one but I can’t find the link” since they were posted to begin with, they must have been at least as good as we need.
I did not include those that sounded like “XYZ should be easy to make” … for now
Making those is the whole point Get to work !
I mean, if it is decent enough to clear campaign, that’s enough. We’re not looking for top performers, just builds that work .
X have been done, let’s try and check the entire board.
I have to draw the line somewhere though. This is already extensive enough for just a fun exercise. Many elemental builds will use gear and devotions of a specific element since they’re all boosted anyway. And there is no rational to have builds that have 2 damage types (pierce + bleed for example) check 2 boxes, while elemental builds having its own separate box, and then having to build with all 3 elements separately. I get that they are built differently, but so are melee and pet builds.
This is also one of those place where I needed to draw a line. I decided that “pets” and “retal” were just like “Melee AA” or “caster” : just a different way to apply said damage. If I make separate entries for each, this chart could stretch to infinity
We could have a very extensive chart where every playstyle + every element + every class is listed, but that sounds more like grindy homework than fun.
in short, not a bad idea in and of itself, but I had to draw a line somewhere, and “applied damage types” is where I drew it.
I mean, anyone could throw together something in 5 minutes and call it a build… at the same time, it’s still a build if it doesn’t make it to SR75.
What I think is a reasonable benchmark is campaign (Ultimate).
To clear campaign, your build needs to be reasonably thought-through and focused, but not so optimised that they need multiple impossible MIs.
With stringier requirement, some of those combinations would be downright impossible anyway, so let’s keep it “casual” but still “efficient”
If your build can dispose of Korvaak or it can clear a roguelike dungeon, it’s absolutely good enough for this list.