The most serious problem with this game is that diplomacy is non-existent

I don’t know why they don’t do this fun content.

  1. Each merchant becomes a nation.
  2. Transactions are made at a time when the market price is not set.
  3. Depending on the interests of that transaction, it will affect your relationship with that country.
  4. When relationships deteriorate, an invasion begins.
  5. If the national power is strong, they become gangsters.
  1. The scale of aggression is determined by the level of unfair advantage.

I don’t think that is a good idea but having grand events interfering with your game could work, such as having the kingdom army come through and ‘requisitioning’ anything not nailed down, such as having an enemy army move through the land, destroying farms and mines but not attacking your city, such as a Crusader march conscripting all your young men, such as a weather event like a flood, or a forest fire, but make them like once in a generation (20 turns.)

Please no there are plenty of games with diplomacy I don’t want this turning into grand strat or stronghold #312

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I shouldn’t do it because I did it in another game? (This is truly nonsense.)
So should there only be one game per genre? Say something that makes sense.

There is war and trade, but it makes no sense to say there is no diplomacy.

Farthest is a town building game with optional combat. It sounds as if you want it to be an RTS game instead.

Crate are working on an RTS game, but Farthest isn’t it.


그건 아닙니다. Just because it includes diplomacy doesn’t mean it’s RTS.(Like Anon, Manor Road)

I’m going to step out of line here a moment to say that, personally, I think “the most serious problem with this game” is your incessant negativity and insistence that the game should be tailored to something YOU want versus what the game was designed to be. I don’t recall anything positive ever coming from a post you’ve made, or maybe it’s just overshadowed. And, honestly, you’re the LAST person who should ever be telling someone else, “Say something that makes sense.”


This is my first post here in this forum since I registered about a year ago.
And I absolutely agree with NanoSeven, you keep complaining.
If you don’t like the game, buy another one.

Dont speak englishm translatet with Deepl

This means that the original intention of the game should be maintained, but the content of diplomacy should be added. The last part of the translation is strange, so I don’t know what it means. Does this mean that my opinion makes no sense?

You have no right to tell me to do this or that.

The forum is a place to share your views on the game. You can say the most serious problem with the game is the lack of pink unicorn flying mounts for the troops, and that is fine. We will probably not acquiesce such a request, but you have every right to make it without the rest of the internet feeling obligated to tell you what they think of the idea.

A kind reminder to please respect the forum rules. Particularly this part:


I’m not sure it’s the same person, remember the hesitant player I did translations for?

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