The State of Early Access - Update #01

Love the game so far. Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

These people love their work, I can tell you that.

Happy to support this project !

Thank you.

what about not being able to craft items you need for tier 2 buildings until reaching tier 3 ?

im glad this developer gives us such an incredible in depth info about the first update hope this continuous :slight_smile:

That’s a great roadmap. I figure you’ve thought of it but about wood production, you could do what Foundation did and have a Forester camp. It has to be maintained and someone assigned to it but they just go and plant trees which take some time to grow. Then the player is left with balancing out planting and harvesting trees with requisite building and staff costs.

Mausoleum / Memorial - To many times I have only 1 lone solider survive a raider attack. I care so much about them. I usually just change their name to something that reminds me of their importance to me. This way I can follow their end game. It would be great to build a unique defensive buff building where you can commemorate your dead or honored (Mausoleum/Memorial) that buffs your towers and melee units within the buildings radius. Think of it as an honor buff or something.

It also provides a timeline of user specific important events in the town’s history.


oh get over yourself

Holy cow you listened to the deep mine idea. Awesome that’s huge

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small village of logging and mining :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

we need drag and drop tool when plant the trees.

it’s too hard…one of each

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Loving all the incoming fixes and additions, and the dev/community interaction
What I would also like to see is -

an addition to the Manage Walls Button, which is “prioritise” as when you really need to get those walls up quick, you have to prioritise each block…

CTRL + Number for camera locations to more easily zoom around the map.

A “Next Building” button for each building type. Click on a work camp, manage your work circle then click the “Next Building” button to zoom to your next work camp and so on. Works also for compost buildings, mines (to easier check amount left to mine and workers), guard towers and barracks…

Sure there are other things, ill probably think of them when I boot the game up in 5…4…3…2…1…


Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

See the section in the opening post re forestry.

I love it all, this is the way you support the players <3

About religion, I don’t know if the game is trying to be historically correct or with a little more of fantasy, but to me I would love to be able to choose between religions, or maybe to have more than one active religion because you have some villagers from out there? The religions “fights” have been always a thing

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

High hopes for fixes and additions

Also embalmer to bury people no religion needed just a building to house them and do a quick goodbye before they are put in the graveyard or mausoleum

Anyway keep up the good work devs&community managers :wink:

Please no to any kind of current religion if you have to implement it, they are all a cancer on the planet. Base them off of gods from Grim Dawn would be my solution.
I wouldn’t want a separate spiritual mechanic we’d have to fulfil though, maybe have it contribute to entertainment. Or just nothing at all and have it as a neutral decoration so people have a free choice if they want them, not a requirement.

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Can’t believe this’s a 0.0.1 update! So many fixes and new features!

Well, as Zantai said not all of this will be in v0.7.5. Some yes, but most will be happening further along in the early access process.

Hahaha, my fault. That’s fine. Work hard guys. :grin:

I personally like the no church’s and other building like this. If you do have to It would be nice to make it the gamer’s choice.