The State of Early Access - Update #01

Thank you Crate! The suggestions shows you are listening to the players which is excellent. The only bad thing about this game is that you have stopped me playing Grim Dawn as this game is so much fun!

Exactly! Thank you.

I agree with this, just think about hundreds of unlimited goldmines. It is the same as unlimited money, it will break the game.

Another issue with unlimited resources. Their will be an exploit that totally breaks the game, just put around twenty mines on the unlimited spot and then get rich easily.

The major purpose of the game is destroyed, and that is to get you’re money out of the field management.

Unlimited doesn’t mean free. There will still be time and personnel requirements. And unlimited mines could be less efficient than current mines, which are already quite slow. I think one worker mines 20-25 ore per year.

Also think about clay/sand pits. You cannot put multiple on the same deposit, and I saw some that would take 50-80 years to fully mine. The same might be done for future deep mines, to avoid spamming multiple mines in the same spot.

Then there could be limited number of such places. So unlimited mines would still be constrained by how much you can mine each year.

I’m not trying to be facetious but how is unlimited pottery, or candles any different to just pulling money out the ground? Once you have a trade centre and any frequently traded luxury resource you have unlimited money.

Once you build 100+ large houses or manors, the taxes are already large enough that unlimited pottery production doesn’t matter, given that traders have limited money.

is [V0.7.5] live ?

Their is one trader that purchase you’re gold ore for a crazy amount of money. The first time I saw more than 10 000 gold coins join me. Just crazy. I was only tier 3 on that moment .

The initial cost is the only price to pay and then, you just need some people in it.

The thing I’m more worried about, is the possibility of the exploit. I don’t think it’s the intention to put twenty mines on a small spot. Off course I would like unlimited mines, but I don’t know where it will end.
the limitations of resources gives a special charm and difficulty to this game.

No, not yet.

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:persevere: I want to play bro.
thank you for update non the less.


Version 0.7.5 waiting room :frowning:

Not my decision. I’m just a volunteer moderator. It’s up to the Crate devs to decide when they’ll drop the patch. They’ll tell us when they do make it available.


I used to volunteer as a mod a few years ago for a different game. I know it’s a hard and thankless job.

Thanks for volunteering.

God, yes. It is so frustrating to have two pieces of land ALMOST connected, but there’s a teensy bit of water and so you have to build a road that goes ALL THE WAY AROUND.

All proteins production facilities, are failing to function because of bugs. (I can temporary solve it with trade, but I go bankrupt like this.)

And their is a major food supply issue. The population complain about a food shortage, but they let 60% of the food supply spoil. And I’m talking about five different things of food at least.

Not the place to report that, please use the Bug Reporting section of the forum.

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Indeed, but the best moment for the release would pass, and their weekend falls in ruin.
Of course hurrying to much, isn’t good either.

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Most of them are reported. Their is even a fix in the descending update v0.7.5 for most of them.

Wow, you already figured out how to exploit the mechanic that doesn’t exist yet. :laughing:


I won’t be suprised if there will be complaining about how hard it is to get to unlimited resources xD