The State of Early Access - Update #05

Cool and nice. But if you dont release it until april nobody will play this game as Manor Lord will be taking over the mid age city builder market.

Yes…history has shown that people only play one game in a genre forever…which is why Manor Lords will sell 0 copies because everyone’s already playing Anno.


Man… Go make your own game, What a silly comment!!


If you read the discussions for Manor Lords, April is the early access date for Manor Lords not the full release date.

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I am keen to see how the new military update looks. I would really like to have more defensive building capability. Who doesn’t want to build a castle for their medieval town? But a one off castle building would be boring. We should be able to set the footprint for the building and pay for additions and upgrades for different parts of the castle like a keep, higher walls, taller stronger tower etc. Setting the footprint of the castle determines how much you can build on to it and how high it can be built. We can build up our castle as we grow our town. Some unit recruitment options could be dependent on castle additions and upgrades. Building walls that can have units on them would be cool to. This could be part of upgradable walls. Anyone else want to push developers for this?


수소마차나 좀 수정 해주지…

请问0.9.2什么时候更新?When will 0.9.2 be updated?

Zantai said that v0.9.2 will not go into playtesting until some time in the New Year.

I appreciate the dedicated efforts of the developers and commend them for their hard work.

Farthest Frontier offers a unique gaming experience, and as someone who has explored various games of a similar genre, I find The Guild3 particularly captivating.

Developers, have you had the opportunity to delve into The Guild3? It struck me as a system that could enhance Farthest Frontier as it reaches its culmination. Upon achieving full functionality in the city, what avenues can we explore?

The focus lies in the day-to-day life within the city. It is my aspiration that a new DLC or game mode emerges, inspired by the captivating elements of The Guild3, especially its intricate political system. Order and law are integral to society, and despite The Guild3’s imperfections, I anticipate the potential incorporation of such features into Farthest Frontier’s future content.

I guess you will make it different with footman, it should fight like horse man but not a horseman-like footman? Let it run and charge and don t let them just stand and beat/beaten.

My favorite game of 2023

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Way to go! :grava_yes: :grava_yes: :grava_yes:

I was wondering, will 1.0 have Scenarios, and if so will new Scenarios be a feature with future releases? (ie: the mentioned water mechanics release)

May I ask if an archer can stand on the city wall(0.9.2) ?

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From other postings I understand that diagonal walls are under consideration as a later feature, but curved ones not feasible. Big difference from roads is that walls (fences, doors, gates) have armor and health points that will make the game engine work a lot harder for anything more complex than a single square unit. These features are at the top of my wish list too.

my understanding is that the physics of walls make it not currently possible but that it’s on the list for things to tackle once the game has graduated from early access.

Translation question: May I ask 11. The ivory of the autumn wild boar: shields and leather jackets provide+4 armor. The shield leather jacket provides 4 pieces of armor (4+4=8?) or (4=4=4) respectively

  1. Markovian Blade Shards: The damage dealt by soldiers and guards increases by 15%. Is the bow and arrow shooting of soldier guards enhanced in defensive buildings

No satisfaction level range display

May I ask how to reduce labor movement time?

Yes, the damage too.