The Trophy Room

So I’m still learning what’s good and what’s not good for end game here. This belt just dropped and to me it looks absolutely insane. Can someone let me know if its worth anything?

Could be useful for some Lightning Builds…

If you REALLY want to overcap Poison Resistance…:rolleyes:

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I wonder whats that for. It says “righteous fervor” :confused:

I can think of a lot more than just lightning builds that’d love to use that. All that OA and all those resists on Kuba Pants (+3 deadly momentum)

That’s one hellva find.

it has happened

It has happened :slight_smile:

Oh, the pain of that combination, that you’ll probably never again see dropped, ending up on that shoulder. Damn :rolleyes:

Needs a petzi-build :D. I’m gonna figure out sth.

Thank you Kaisan. I love you more now.


I like this one that I got a few days ago

another dope one

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This will be perfect for my AAR Mage Hunter

Shopped it in Port Valbury, did like 15-20 shop “resest” before I got this. Cost was about 370k iron bits, totally worth it!

Will fit my newley started Demolitionist perfect! When he hit level 94 that is :wink:

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This Alkamos sword is a freakin beast. Nice MI i would say …

I have One with almost +600% Cold dmg. Can post it later

Sandstorm of celerity is perfect for any elemental AAR. Congrats!

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Yes they can roll pretty high . Honestly you could use this for a build and it would be a very good weapon

Well not a great crop, and I’m not sure if this is the correct place since most of what ive seen in the thread are double rares but that Ultos’ Gem is as close to a perfect roll as I’ve gotten personally. It was a re-rolled item using transmute.

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I found this. Leveling a fresh char, just to test how well it performs :).