The Trophy Room

Guys I think Satan is trying to communicate with me, what do I do?



I think, some Spellbinder out there will have a lot of fun with it. :slight_smile:

I can now confidently say i finally have 100% completion on this game

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My first good double rare after 1.3k hour of grinding (bought it from vendor lol)



Got myself two of these while running the Shattered Realm, and I also got…

This, also while doing some SR goodness. Might not have any retaliation damage on it, but for my toon with 26,000 health, the extra 10,000 to absorb the elements and aether damage more than makes up for that. Not to mention the nice bonus of adding to my Presence of Virtue.


Game telling me I need to start on that Acid RE build.

idk is this a trophy cuz im noob but first time i found 5 ress item ;o ? should i keep it or that’s not so rare?

You will change it later but for now, it´s really okay. Keep it (and use it).

I don’t normally take much note of low level items, but this green item really caught my attention.
I found this in the Slith cave that dropped from Primordian at level 13.

Pity my current build is focusing on Chaos damage, but it is well worth keeping to boost any new Acid Sentinel or other Occultist based builds.

That is quite a lot of useful stuff for a meagre level 12 item!


Not sure if it’s on Trophy-levels, but I thought the rolls looked pretty good.


All putrid necklace have those skill modifiers

Subjugators is just a magic tier prefix:

and of Readiness is a magic tier suffix:

Yeah my game also told me to do acid RE build :wink:


First time I killed Morgoneth in Ultimate btw …

Huh, almost identical. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a lucky drop @ Morgoneth.
I’ve been running the dungeon for a while (15ish runs) but I haven’t seen any rings or weapons yet, but I do have some Morgoneth pieces.

Edit: speaking of trophies, I finally got 185/185 achievements.
I hadn’t played HC since FG was launched, so it took me a while to get the remaining ones.
The one that took the most conscious effort was the Rigg’s Associates one. It reminded me of hunting Nemeses instead of the other way around, probably could use a bump in the encounter rate.

As for Calladraga, I just killed her on Normal difficulty quickly for the achievement. :slight_smile:

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I just dropped this, might do a build around it just for the lolz


Good god. Thats beautiful.


Couple of items i keep laying around after 1500 hours and before the 1.7 patch.

some are found rest are crafted. i have about 50 or so more just a couple i put together.

some are for trade if your wondering. but this isnt a trade thread

I was able to beat Crucible 170 for the first time with this particular pet build, and look at what I get as a reward:

The thing is: I actually do have a build centered around this weapon, but it’s for my Grimarillion compendium. All I can say is that Guardians of Empiryon, Blazeseer Set, and Herald of the Apocolypse are :ok_hand:.

I think i finally found something “trophy room” worthy:



I suspect the drop rate of this kind of thing may become more frequent following the latest patch, but I got 2 very nice and synergistic double rares from one group of 3 bloodsworn (!). Needless to say, my conjurer was delighted! I’m not 100% sure that they’re truly trophy worthy as the Bloodsworn codices do drop from fairly common enemies, but all the same they do seem pretty ideal to me.

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