The value of meat

As far as I can tell all animals sent for slaughter contain the same meat value. Should our domestic livestock have different values depending on type? Chickens could have a value of one (in real life a chicken, with veg, could easily feed 4), then a goat would have a value of 5, a horse, 7, and a cow a supreme value of 10. Since goat and cow herds can be increased at higher tier upgrades the more people assigned to them would also increase the breeding rate, which I am not seeing.

We already get different amounts of meat from each of the animals when slaughtered

From the Coop, as well as upgraded Barns and Goat Barns


This shows us that 1 cow = 340 Meat, 1 Goat = 120 Meat, 1 Chicken = 20 Meat

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Cows are the only live stock worth having.

Also worth to mention:
2x Tier 1 barn = 4 cows slaughtered, 1x Tier 2 barn = 3 cows slaughtered.

Like I said, I’m not seeing that but will have a closer look tomorrow.

Try using manual slaughter tool it will show you exactly how much meat you get from each

Good morning from Brisbane, and I did what I see you suggested (great minds). Chicken meat is 20 per chook, goats are 120, horse are 340 and cows are 340. Cows and goats can be upgraded, horses and chickens cannot, guessing horses are useful only if you want cavalry. Do you know if the ratio of meat per person is one only or is it higher?

Meat per person is the highest for slaughtering cows/horses but cows also give milk which can be turned into cheese.
If you want to maximize food per person - hunters and foragers are the most efficient.

Goats have their uses too. Higher proportion of Milk produced and lower feed needs. It’s one weakness is that it’s worker requirements are 2/3rds of Cows. But you can combine 2 Grazing Areas coming outward from your settlement to take up less space (as seen below), which is great when you have less space you can use and/or the area is good for Grazing but not for Growing trees via the Arborist.

Most important use for goats is the area they can graze on. I have a fairly big area that is brown in Fertility-Mode. Can’t use it for farms, cows, orchards or Workcamp (forrest growth is too bad there aswell). And I don’t need it for my industry or city expansion either.

But the goats have 96% Fodder Quality in that area which is great and adds lots of milk to cheese production. I have 4 goat farms (2x T1 + 2x T2) in a 20x20 fenced area, only one cow barn so far and I still drown in cheese. In my book it’s a great way to make “useless” land useful.

That’s confusing, my grazing areas for goats, cows, chickens and horses are all the same.

Same here, I try to put my animals in the very green fertility places. Confusing is why bee hives do better in the suburbs and not on the farms or orchards.

People have plants etc outside their houses I guess. But, having Apiaries set up over Shelters greatly increases the amount of Beestings you get (it’s possible to get through a game without one otherwise, chance-based)

:rofl: :melting_face: :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :kissing: :innocent: :grinning: :thinking: :face_in_clouds: :disguised_face:(Post nust be over ten characters.)

Yes, I finally noticed it. The difference is not that big but you are right!