This new forum is sweet. Any features I should know about?

Made the bot look, lol. :grava_yes:

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@discobot roll 20d20

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:game_die: 20, 6, 6, 5, 9, 7, 1, 19, 18, 17, 20, 9, 8, 7, 8, 16, 8, 10, 9, 17

Well this is certainly takes some time to get used to the new forum. Looking at it on my mobile currently.

At least glad that they are back. :grin:

For anyone who have issues with the scrolling, i have a small bit of experience with this type of forum due some other companys also it here a picture guide:

#1: You can either pull the thick part of the blue Scrollbar on the right side(which i marked with my amazingly drawn red arrow) with a leftclick at where you want to jump. (so if you want to the latest post simply pull it down) or simply click on the thin part of the sidebar (need to find the sweet spot with the arrow change to a hand) to jump straigt to an certain point.

And if you want straight to the first or last Post:
#2 + #3: Simply click leftclick at the first,- or latest Date.

Also i have to add, that the Server seems (somewhat) busy for now, so it can be a bit buggy or take awhile for the jump / scroll to load.


@LightningYu - Good post. Mastering thread navigation with the new “time slider” is paramount to get the most out of it.

It is also worth mentioning that hitting the --> ? <-- key (on any page on the forum!) is amazingly useful because of this:

Which provides you with this key --> # <-- which you can press in any thread to get this:

Which is handy if you want to really begin taking advantage of the new forums capabilities.


So far only to navigate i a bit messy :s Was wondering tho what was the limit of max characters per post

Easy way to find out:

  • Copy something very wordy and paste it into one of your posts.
  • Keep going 'til you find the limit.
  • Then simply edit it out of a post so you don’t have some potentially gargantuan post of gibberish.

Perhaps make use of a character counter:

I had a huge link in GI thread but it looks like id cant be loaded…hopefully yet
Cause that post had reached its limit in the previous forum. fingers crossed

Well, I would gues it’s pretty high if it’s taken Zantai’s changelogs. He had to increase the limit on the old forum to handle one of them.

Just posting this link here because I want the badge yo.

Kind of strange to me. Will have to get used to it. Wonder why they picked this format?

Trying the link share.

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I was secretly hoping this would be the new forum. Discourse is a breath of fresh air after vB. It’s also an excuse to use my gif folder, uploading stuff to this forum by dragging and dropping into the editor, wheeeeee.


Edit: I once frequented another discourse where I earned most of the badges, now I have to start all over again, dear gods :grimacing:


Honestly the new forum looks clustered, discombobulated and out of tune with what Grim Dawn is. Now it looks like they were going for an mmorpg style background. “Such a vast open world” they would say. It’s not open world actually. This is not an mmorpg game from what I know so far…

It happens to be the background from here:

…which also happens to be the first bit of art related to the coming town builder they’ve been working on for the past 2+ years. The forum is no longer tied to “just Grim Dawn” but it is intended to be the main hub for any future games as well.

Try not to shoehorn them into a box just because that’s where you believe they should be put. That’s shallow thinking.


It takes some getting used to, but once you do you’ll wonder why anyone ever used any other software.

You will adapt in time… or they will make you… don’t worry about anything, relax.

Just because they updated it doesn’t mean I or anyone else has to like the new interface. There are obviously some more adjustments that need doing.

Of course, I was just joking. I used Discorse once in my life earlier and even then, it took me 2 days to adapt here.