Tips from a bored game lover

I recently started playing FF and fell in love with it. I played almost 60 hours straight in the first week. However, the game loses its charm a bit over time, and I’d like to share some tips, if possible, to make it less boring after a while.

First of all, I observed the movements of some villagers, and it’s very confusing how to optimize their time. I’m not talking about making them work longer, but optimizing their tasks!
For example, I can’t speed up my city’s construction because the sources of Ore and Gold are too far away.

If I build a wagon shop (intuitively), I expect it to make my “logistics” easier and faster. However, that’s not what happens.

Another point: resource production lacks information:

  • Compared to previous years, how much more or less did I produce?
  • How long do I need to wait to produce anything?

I don’t get any feedback on the progress of production (Age of Empires, for example, has a kind of chart that tracks everything so you know when it will be finished).

Another lack of intuition is:
What exactly do “laborers” and “builders” do?
When monitoring each villager, their movements aren’t linear.

For example: in a typical day, I’d expect someone to work in the morning, have lunch, work in the afternoon, and return home at night.
But in practice, the one who’s supposed to build walks around, carries materials, stares at the scenery, and wanders back and forth… Then someone else brings materials, and the one who started building doesn’t finish it.

This is confusing. If we stack the mobs’ activities, it seems like actions overlap, and any available mob takes on the top priority task. However, this is inefficient. If the goal is to give the mob “reflection periods,” it would make more sense to intersperse this activity within their task stack.

The overall feeling is a lack of control.

Another thing: it’s frustrating to have a 50-year-old city and still not be able to store 50 units of iron for export. The production of iron and honey is an example of unintuitive production.

For instance, in real life, I should be able to produce more honey the closer the bees are to an orchard or flowering trees. But here, I need a farmer to harvest the honey? That just doesn’t make sense.

Iron production, especially, is extremely slow. This makes the game feel “boring.” I built an army, had 2 iron mines and 3 foundries, yet I still couldn’t produce enough iron to craft weapons.

Once again, resource management feels unintuitive. I don’t want to have to read Tolkien’s works to play a game after working 12 hours in a day.

One last thing: the game could really use a tech tree to help players see what’s missing and how to unlock it. This would speed up learning in an intuitive way.

I’m Brazilian, and to everyone who made it here, thank you for your attention. I absolutely love this game—please don’t take my critiques as hate. I’ve been waiting a long time to play a game like this. I’m a huge fan of this genre, and I deeply appreciate everyone involved in the project. God bless you all! :heart:



You have some good points in the topic.
I would like to the see the wagon transport to be faster. Because of the use of horses, that can run faster to transfer stuff. Instead of walking.
Tech tree is coming in v1.0 around spring this year.


A tech tree is coming with version 1.0. They’ve discussed it in the most recent State of Play.

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Thank you for your response.

I believe the game can be improved. As it is now, it feels unbalanced. It requires a lot of human resources to produce, mine, and transport. This results in a lack of workforce for repairs, construction, and producing luxury goods.

There’s also another issue: after I reached 800 people in my city, the game lost its charm. Either the game ran slower, giving me “more workforce,” or I was limited to working and storing resources. For example, I couldn’t forge anymore because, with two forges and 12 people, I barely met the minimum number of workers required.

Anyway, I really hope it improves A LOT in version 1.0, enough to make me excited to spend more hours playing it.

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Since it is a game under development, you need to have some understanding of it. If iron production is slow, build another foundry or place the foundry right next to the stockpile to reduce the radius of operation. Placing a warehouse right next to a trading post will optimize the merchant’s operations. Always have one or two carriage drivers on standby. They will transport your bulk cargo immediately. If the minimum quantity is appropriate, transportation is possible using only carriages without the labor of workers. Depending on the quantity, carriages have priority over workers for transportation. Construction planning is also important to avoid logistics misdelivery. I was able to speed up iron production by setting up a warehouse next to the foundry. As I produced iron, I also produced gold.

Oh, I forgot. Set up work camps to provide workers with food and shelter during the winter. Work camps provide food to workers even in peacetime. Keep spare workers in the market so they don’t have to go to the hut.