Too much micro management needed

I don’t see it that way. What happens to me is while I’m paying attention to the micromanagement of, say, my fields, I’m missing taking care of other things that need to be taken care of.

That’s the stage where I am, I guess, and sometimes it is overwhelming. Don’t worry. I’m stubborn. It’s just that getting to that place you describe is sometimes frustrating. I wish there were a way to make a map of my city, for reference, because as it becomes more dense in the center and more spread out in the hinterlands with mines and hunters and fisherfolk and foragers, I keep forgetting where I built what!

This is why we need a way to cycle through buildings by type :smiley:


Maybe I misunderstood your post but they are automatic.

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Not by itself but my game after a while is dumbed down to the same repetitive tasks.

  1. Fertilize farms
  2. Move some buildings to fix structural integrity
  3. Plant decorative trees so workers have something to chop
  4. Sell excessive goods and buy iron/coal/sand

In games like Anno, Rimworld, Oxygen not Included I literally don’t know what to do first coz there is always something. Here? It is hard to force myself to play after next winter coz I know the whole slog starts again… Well, I know what to do, I could optimize my production line but we don’t have the tools for that (yet).

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Exactly! I find myself doing the same repetitive tasks instead of exploring new fun features and this is why the game in its current state is not that good. I want to build awesome cites! not carry poop to farm fields.

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Already have a few of those.

Lol exactly! And then there are players who are trying to convince us that minimap is not needed. Oh, I forgot to mention, that scrolling from one end to other end of the map while having 20 fps is also not funny. Especially when blizzard or rain starts.


Then what is with “Enable milking” and “Disable milking?”

You know, I have thought about this a little more, and really it’s more the problem-solving than “winning.” How do you “win” this game, anyway? I’m not nearly to that stage, whatever it may be, yet. But I guess the thing is that the game is so complex – more so than just about any other game I’ve played since I started in the late 1970s. The learning curve is really steep starting out, and the whole thing is about problem-solving. But while one is solving one problem, others are springing up unawares (like no notifications about buildings needing repair until “building abandoned” pops up. That’s happened to me twice in the couple of (real-world) days). Gets overwhelming at times. We play and learn, just as we live and learn in real life.

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That would be special.

But for compost; I would like a discard button in the Compost building, so I do not have to assign it.

Literally what it says. Either you want to milk the cows or you don’t. Milking causes them to be inside longer and eat more root veggies or grain. Not milking has them outside longer.

But the milking is automatic once you make the choice, just as you suggest you want.


I don’t see it that way. What happens to me is while I’m paying attention to the micromanagement of, say, my fields, I’m missing taking care of other things that need to be taken care of.

I would recommend you to deal a little with the fields. There are 3 strips for each year by the field, and if you alternate wheat in the first year, beans in the second, and field care in the third (digging and clover for example), then you will never need to visit the fields again. Minus one problem

I wish there were a way to make a map of my city, for reference, because as it becomes more dense in the center and more spread out in the hinterlands with mines and hunters and fisherfolk and foragers, I keep forgetting where I built what!

it is very convenient to select, for example, the building of the fisherman, all the buildings of the fishermen are immediately highlighted. And I would recommend to collect them all in a corner and assign them areas for fishing and also forget about them

like no notifications about buildings needing repair until “building abandoned” pops up. That’s happened to me twice in the couple of (real-world) days)

I highly recommend putting 20-30 or more people on the right list of builders. You will be able to force them all to build something with great difficulty, but this is not necessary. The main reason is that they fix it. With my city of 300-400 people, 30 builders almost never allowed a strip with a damaged building. Minus one problem :slight_smile:


I say if they can fix the interface lag they can add even more micro management.

This is supposed to be a HARD CORE city builder survival style game not hello kitty lol. It’s also still in early access so things will be worked on but I don’t want them to make it a fully automatic running game. I want more control and the OP wants less. Give me MORE control please let me select people to work in what building so I control their travel time and I am able to choose people that live closer. Let me have more control over the fields and crops and hunters. Give me more options not remove them or worse make them automatic. Some things do need work, but lets not turn this into a city watcher game.


[quote=“Diecy, post:24, topic:120364, full:true”]
Give me MORE control please let me select people to work in what building so I control their travel time and I am able to choose people that live closer. [/quote]

We have a winner!!!

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Ah, I see. Thank you.

I have 50 builders and still have a problem getting them to do the repairs that need to be done. Your builders sound conscientious. Mine are apparently a bunch of lazy louts! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Diecy, complely agree with you. Give us more management options so we can micro-manage to our hearts content. If possible have an auto setting for people that don’t want that level of micromanagement.


every map I’ve gotten has water scattered across it. not in one place. plus, the population of fish changes so ignoring fishermen is just an invitation to having them do nothing when their population runs out.

here is my fish chart, I haven’t changed the zone for 70 years. As you can see, the fishermen complain that there are no fish, and indeed there are no fish, but for the year they catch about 80-150 fish

if a hunter or fisherman complains that there is no fish for a long time or there is no deer for a long time, etc., then in my opinion, if this fisherman or hunter made some catch last year, then these fishermen and hunters can be ignored for about 10-15 years , especially when there are no problems with food

I don’t know how many decades these hunters have been complaining that there are no animals, but somehow they manage to find 150 meat for the last year all these decades. If they continue to bring meat, I will never interfere in their work, there are a lot of other things in the game