[Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util

Regarding the method of obtaining teleportation coordinates, a solution proposed by a Chinese friend of mine who knows programming is for you reference. I wish you good luck.

1、Obtain the offset within the world for a region:
  1.1 Obtain the "MainPlayer" handle:
The function "?GetMainPlayer@GameEngine@GAME@@QEBAPEAVPlayer@2@XZ" requires the value of the pointer corresponding to "?gGameEngine@GAME@@3PEAVGameEngine@1@EA" to be passed.
  1.2 Obtain the "GetRegion" handle:
Use the handle obtained in step 1.1 and call the function "?GetRegion@Entity@GAME@@QEBAPEAVRegion@2@XZ."
  1.3 Obtain the "GetOffsetFromWorld" handle:
Use the handle obtained in step 1.2 and call the function "?GetOffsetFromWorld@Region@GAME@@QEBAAEBVIntVec3@2@XZ." The return value is an array ArrayA(2).

2、Obtain the region coordinates:
Call the exported function "?GetCoords@Entity@GAME@@QEBA?AVWorldCoords@2@XZ." This function requires two parameters, namely the "MainPlayer handle(1.1)" and the array ArrayA(5). ArrayA(5) is used to store the region coordinates.

Final coordinates:
X = ArrayA(0) + ArrayB(2)
Y = ArrayA(1) + ArrayB(3)
Z = ArrayA(2) + ArrayB(4)

Just to let you know that this version is not being flagged by Windows Defender.

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very nice <3 will test in a few moments :slight_smile: great work you doing here! <3

EDIT1: newest version working without any WinDefender flag as expected :slight_smile: the camspin left/right standardbinding now works with gamepad right stick (XINPUT only as i dont have a Steamcontroller to test). Unfortunatly the zoom in/out by pressing the right stick up/down then gets occupied by the camera pitch setting to tilt it :frowning:
Unlucky, but i guess you figure that out aswell :slight_smile:


Hey there! Great mod!
I was wondering, is there a way to make it work without launching Grim dawn from the application itself, or tinker in a way to have a specific path from which to load grim dawn from?
It’s cause I did some modifications (made permanent devil winds that work on the main campaign) that force me to use a Grimdawn.exe shortcut in which I add the basemods command at the end of the path, so it can work as intended (…Grim Dawn\x64\Grim Dawn.exe" /basemods), and I can’t do that when launching from the DPYes application. I tried making a shortcut of the application and add the command but it didn’t work. :frowning:

This was poor communication on my part, “Steam Controller” refers to what is now known as Steam Input, where Steam handles the controller mapping – not to a physical Steam Controller.

This button is clickable, despite appearing greyed out.

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With the newly uploaded 0.0.7d, options passed to DPYes.exe should now get handed along to Grim Dawn.

So a shortcut to Grim Dawn\DPYes.exe /basemods, for example, should work.


Thats really cool to know, also for other games :slight_smile:
Tested it with the newly activated Steam Input then, tried several configuration setups, without any luck. Either i can spin, or i can zoom, not both at the same time simply :smiley: tried all possible combinations i think now. Could be something taking priority and locks the other key assign out, or so :wink:


How would you prefer zoom worked on controller? Zoom on up/down instead of controlling pitch?

Yes, i think there is no need for a pitch binding on the gamepad, zoom and spin together would be best option in my opinion :slight_smile:

Hey, is there maybee a Teleportlist with all the devotionshrines available?

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v0.0.8 has been uploaded, adding the ability to save new teleport locations!
This feature is disabled in teleport restricted areas.




Damn… Outside of letting you play mods in Crucible, doesn’t this now have just about everything people wanted from GI??


Can you confirm that this is working? I am not able to get it to take the /basemods option either through steam or a windows shortcut. I have confirmed that the mod I am using does indeed work when passed to the base game exe. Thank you for all the work you have put in :slight_smile:

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This is a pity, I don’t know why it cannot be saved. I hope it can be improved. Good luck! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

It may be arbitrary, but I want to respect the fact that Crate disabled player teleports in certain areas, even if just a little.
You can still teleport out of and into such areas, provided you have obtained the coordinates from elsewhere, e.g.,

  • Using the console in a custom campaign
  • Grabbing them using Cheat Engine (combine the offset with the player position within region):
    # Region offset X,Y,Z (signed 4 Bytes)
    # Player position within region X,Y,Z (float)
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This is fixed in 0.0.8b.
Due to an oversight, the first argument effectively wasn’t being passed on to Grim Dawn.


Roger that. Thank you for the tool regardless. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your work. I love auto-loot and setting time of the day. And that you don’t have to exit the game to the configurator as it was in Grim Internals.

Not including some features is one thing but I cannot help but comment on gimping existing ones.

Game.Teleport command works anywhere though, even in restricted areas. You could respect this decision made by Crate instead, since the tool resembles Custom Game with its commands :stuck_out_tongue:

No Epic / Legendary auto-loot seems even more arbitrary. I’m assuming you decided to respect GlockenGerda in this case.

The reality is that almost none of the players wanting to teleport anywhere is going to do that as they’ll find it too complicated / time consuming.

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