[Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util

While doing so, i noticed that my DPS meter does not work, it maybe related issue. Overlay part of it.
In 14a it simply won’t display - new install, install and restart the game, nothing. I roll back to 13c and it works. I made another video - https://youtu.be/spcEXYiQmcI (i forgot to press f5 a few times to show that indeed DPS overlay only works when tool’s menu is brought up in 14a)

Same for me but only version 12alpha works and I have grim dawn gog hotfix3
New update 13 and 14 have the same issue windows DPS overlay disappear when menu tools closed

DebugView.zip (1.3 MB)

Hey thank you! This is a huge relief to me, and honestly v1.2 with DPYes is even better than 198 was with gi. Truly grateful for where the game is at right now. Looking forward to the little bit of modding that i’ll continue to do and enjoy having the gameplay how i want it.

Oops! :clown_face:

This should be fixed in 14b.

This was a bug introduced alongside the feature to display monster names.
If the feature was disabled, none of the DPYes overlays would be rendered when the menu was not open.
With the menu closed, the overlay is rendered earlier during the frame so it will appear behind Grim Dawn’s own windows.
When the monster info feature was disabled, this function was short circuited and didn’t display the overlay :frowning:

The DPYes config is also loaded and initially applied within these functions, which caused the discrepancies with the Devotion Zoom – further compounded by the DPYes default for Zoom min being 0.25 instead of 0.5 as it is in Grim Dawn.

Yes, looks like everything is working a-ok. Thank you very much.

Great ! Again It works wonderfully
Thank you so much for your prompt resolution of this bug

Is DPYes not reading DPYes_lootfilter.json upon start. All other settings seem persisted, but not lootfilter rules.

The lootfilter config is (re)loaded upon loading into the world – not at game launch.
This is in order for modded affixes to be loaded.

The lootfilter window should be (but are not currently) disabled before then.

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Wow, I love this. Loving the new side angles etc with grim cam.

Is there any way of using thisnwith reshade.

Would it be possible, feasible, doable to add prefix/suffix stats breakdown? Presumably to item info section?

It works fine with reshade, just take care to not delete any of Grim Dawn’s files when you do so.

Сделайте выбор языка!!! Русского нет!!! Почему??? В игре есть, а у вас нет!!!


One more thing, my grim dll settings within this plugin or keybindings must have changed, I was previously getting sideways shots like this

NownI can go just up or down. Any ideas what needs modifying to pan horizontally?

These are my settings, pretty sure I didn’t change them (copy and paste from grim cams ini, but settings are the same):

MinPitch = 52
MaxPitch = 52
FOV = 80
FarClip = 660
HSensitivity = 0.1
VSensitivity = 0.1
MinDistance = 7
MaxDistance = 100
DepthFogClamp = 220
Key = 0x04
EnableFog = 0

Thanks for this great tool Sleepless.
Is it possible to add epic and legendary items to autoloot? With the recent changes in crucible where items will be purged between every run, you now have to pick up items between runs which takes additional time which isn’t ideal when you have crucible blessings ticking away.

Newest version already support this, it’s in the custom loot filter.

Found it. It was under loot filter which i thought was just to show specific affixes on items so i didn’t even open the config. Silly me. Thanks for the heads up.

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I’m hoping to play Crucible with the Grimarillion mod again, and I saw that there are a few version 12-alpha versions that allow you to play it, but the current version 14 doesn’t have the option. Is there a way to keep this functionality through your standard updates?

Man, Thank you for this. I was always wondering wtf my dom pets do. Guess they actually do something ( Out DPS me :grin:)

DPYes doesn’t use GrimCam’s config file, did you reapply your GrimCam settings within the DPYes menu?

The crucible feature isn’t quite at the point where I’m happy to merge it into the main release of DPYes.

Here’s a build of 14b with the crucible alpha:
dpyes-14b-crucible-b.7z (MEGA)

edit: Fixed a bug with crucible




I really miss this main menu-based function of GI. I wonder if DPYes can reproduce it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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