Thank you and sorry I wasn’t uhh trying to imply or demand you build or code anything. I worded things badly and was just wondering if I wasn’t using the program properly.
Thank you for answering. I think I need to turn the font size up more and see if I can keep a better on the in the moment dps.
For example:
can use file [affix.txt] or [prefix.txt & suffix.txt] to customize the affix name, and can freely modify the desired prefix and suffix name.
The loot filter as saved to disk uses the localization tag to store which affixes are selected.
This simplifies handling when swapping between mods, as affixes not present in the currently active mod can still be loaded (inertly) without special handling.
This is fixed in 13a, in this case it would have been the rule for looting Epic items that was picking up the Legendary items, classic off-by-one bug on my part
There seems to be an error. Once you connect to that program, the modeling has changed as shown in the character selection. When you connect to Dom mode, the program stops. Another mode (Grimalion) is connected.
Connect in dom mode when connected normally. Character selection window is normal.
Am I the only one doing this?
I have an issue with the latest version of this tool.
It is not when I use it, it is when I exit the game.
It suddenly is (Not Responding) that I need to end it with task manager.
Never had this issue on v12 -below.
Do you use any other external mods (e.g., ReShade)?
Also, can you share the output of DebugView (linked in OP) when you attempt to close Grim Dawn?
This is what it should look like:
I think it only happens when the game is paused for awhile. Still testing other possibilities. But for now, it’s nothing serious. Thanks for looking into this.
DebugView won’t show any relevant info regarding the renderer Grim Dawn attempts to use. DPYes doesn’t make any attempt to influence which renderer Grim Dawn uses.
Are you using the Steam version of the game?
If you launch the game directly through Steam with Play Grim Dawn (x64) as the chosen launch option and then try again with DPYes, does it still try to use direct3d?
Edit: Just to confirm, regarding Step 7, d3d11.dll is not to be confused with Direct3D11.dll which is part of Grim Dawn. Removing Direct3D11.dll will break the direct3d11 renderer.
Inside the location of your Grim Dawn.exe , look for a file named d3d11.dll and delete it*.*** (This file is replaced with dxgi.dll) If you wish to be able to restore it, simply rename it to d3d11.dll.bak**