[Tool] GD Defiler

My Russian comrades have discovered the problem - the name of the character in Russian language

  1. The program shows a Doodle instead of a name
  2. You cannot change the name of the character in the program - error
  3. The game does not load a character
  4. You cannot delete the character

Having the same issue. Is there something Iā€™m doing wrong (or NOT doing)?

Working now, thanks!

Is there an option to download GDDefiler manually without ClickOnceApp?

The link is not working. Is it just me or everyone?
Can anyone upload the software to another platform?

Can confirm, link does not work.
I had a older installer on my pc, but it does not work, I get an error when trying to install it.

This is not so. The link works.
You need to use VPN to change IP to bypass the restriction on the regions.

jep the link is broken

It is not broken (works just fine to me)ā€¦ Med0nt has the likely answer/solution if you live in a country that prefers to keep their populace restricted.

Iā€™m trying to use your defiler and it finds my character, i can change stuff without any error occurring but once i enter the game nothing has changed. I have clicked the save button in the upper left corner.

all ppl who cant access the websites can go to this link : proxysite com and copy and paste the link (soulseekkor com/apps/gddefiler/publicpublish/publish.htm )

Please note, my website (and editor) are going down for a brief maintenance now.

Those features have to be developed yet (mainly need the xp to level ratio, etc.). :slight_smile:

Not as of yet, I plan to change this very soon however.


Maintenance is now over, services should be returning to normal now. Please let me know if they arenā€™t. :slight_smile:


I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! I completely fu**ed up my characters attribute points. You saved his life! :wink:

Soul, small point re the Grim Quest mod and GD Defiler. With a GQ toon you can see the skills of all the masteries, but the TQ masteries arenā€™t listed under the Mastery section, only the GD ones show up. Hereā€™s some screenshots of my GQ Imperial Guard toon whoā€™s a Soldier/Defense combo.

I cannot get this program to work even though it is working for my friend.

I have steam and my steam games installed on a second SSD (E:)

When i start GD Defiler it does not detect any Grim Dawn chars so i go to settings and add the game path to my Grim Dawn dir and when i do i get the following error message (see attached photo)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

that link doesnt work for me:

how can i download GD defiler ? :>
Iā€™m form Poland.

       vpn                                  .

The application doesnā€™t manage to start. Iā€™m given the error:

Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.

I did try searching to see if this has been solved before in this thread, but holy crap grim dawnā€™s forum search sucks.

Had the same problem. On Microsoft site I saw how to fix this :
Use VPN if you cant open site. Then ā€¦
Open site in Internet Explorer - everything goes smooth from now on.