[Tool] GD Defiler

The way Soul has designed the program ensures you’re always on the latest version. Every time you open GD Defiler, it checks the versioning and downloads the latest one if present.

TL;DR you’re good to go.

So there have been no updates since January of this year?

Defiler doesn’t need to be updated anyway. It only reads character files, and they don’t change at all between patches.

when i was using GD defiler for the TQ game when i tried to use the multi masteries the button is darkened also when i try level up the character it doesnt let me level up or put numbers in it. thanks for the time

Hey, I installed it the first time it worked. Every time I try to use it after, pop up comes up saying. (this package was created with a trial version of advanced installer, you may use it for evaluation purposes only.)

I am using windows 10, I never had this problem with windows 7.

How do I stop defiler to stop creating new character, with the same name. I used the defiler to change the name of 4 of the characters, I saved it. Now when i continue with the characters, it creates a new lvl 1 character with the same name. Why, and how do I continue using the lvl 100 character without. Grim dawn creating a new lvl 1 character with the same name.

So I just installed it, but whenever I select GDDefiler.exe I only get three options: modify, repair, or remove. Upon selecting any of them, Defiler does some kind of installation then exits. How do I actually use it? (I downloaded it into my GD folder).

Probably the wrong place for it. Put it into C:\My Documents\My Games\ if you’re using local saves. That’s close enough for it to work.

Still doesn’t let me use it. I get the same three options and the message “This package was created with a trial version of Advanced Installer. You may use it for evaluation purposes only.”

I’m not getting any other options/tabs/buttons and the program closes itself after selecting one of the three.

Just wondering if there’s still some way to apply super flying bodies (i love it lol) to Titan Quest AE. I guess not? playing without it feels sooo lame.

Hi Guys,

so I got the awesome Defiler Version 2.2.0 and it worked just fine for a couple of days. Since a couple of days i cant edit anything with it anymore. I didn’t knowingly change anything on my system… :frowning:

What can i try to get it working again?

i appended a screenshot of the problem.

Hope to hear from you!

I had the same issue with the very old defiler, back when GD wasn’t a thing and I just reinstalled the program and it worked all fine. Have you also checked if your save file is only readable? I don’t know how’s the option called, but when you right-click the save file, press properties and there’s something like “readable only”, if this is checked, you can’t edit the file by any means.

I have a weird issue where I can not edit my masteries in TQ. I wanted to remove Rune mastery to then add it back (because I added too many points there) but I simply cannot do it.
Here a screenshot:

I can press how much I want but still nothing happens. I even re-downloaded the program because I thought I have an old version (although I used it in GD). Am I missing something?

It’s interesting that all discussions stop when someone points out certain flaws. I am curious as well why is it not possible to change masteries and other options for Titan Quest?

Nevermind, the old one is still working: https://tq.soulseekkor.com/downloads.html

SoulSeekkor hasn’t even logged in to the forums since June.

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There must be someone who can either confirm his GD Defiler is working with TQ-AE as intended, or it doesn’t work as intended.

I’d look for that someone on the TQ forum… as far as I am concered USER_NAME_01’s post is enough confirmation to see that it is not working, it’s not like he can make any mistake there

And there are several replies prior to that one saying this tool is great.

your point being ? the tool can be great and still have some bugs…