[Tool] GD save file editor

removed duplicate post

This is likely caused if you don’t have the right type of java. You need the 64-bit version. This behaviour was mentioned in this thread by Ales

Try the steps outlined and this should probably resolve your issue

Updating Java to 64-Bit solved my issue, thanks!

Excellent. Have fun. This is a very handy tool

Hi Odie,

This is not a bug in the editor afaik but thought I’d post it here in case anyone is using respec.
If you type “respec devotions” it clears all devotions, but shows you additional devotions points (see screenshot). DevotionRespec

It seems to be related to the 3rd tier devotions where you assign skills to the last slot (Revanant for example). Respec doesn’t clear the assigned skill properly. If you go to the spiritual guide and respec just these slots then everything appears correctly (only 55 devotion points to spend). Perhaps it is related to the fact that respec doesn’t reallocate as you mention in the FAQ, there are some things you have to go in and perform manually. Strange but true …

Alrighty. Will look into this. Was a bit too lazy to get that bit of detail right when I wrote respec. x)

New Version!

Omg, the editor is finally able to display details of an item meant for consumption by dirty humans!

Whenever the editor prints out information about an item now, it will also try to print out a listing of its stats at the end. If whatever dodgy program I’ve written to do this crashes and burns, then this added snippet will simply not be shown.

It’ll look something like this:

> show equipment/0

Whisperer of Secrets

                attached : true
            augment-name : ""
            augment-seed : 0

Whisperer of Secrets
    "Whispers dark secrets into the ears of your victims prior to the killing blow."
    Legendary Light Helm
    861 Armor

    7% Less Damage from Aetherial
    +42 Offensive Ability
    +50% Bleeding Duration
    +40% Bleeding Damage
    +32% Pierce Damage
    25% Aether Resistance
    +3 to Laceration
    +2 to Circle of Slaughter

    Granted Skills
      Ring of Steel
      In the blink of an eye, hundreds of phantasmal blades encircle you at lethal
      speed, cutting down adjacent foes.

      Stun target for 1 Second
      365 Pierce Damage
      25% Weapon Damage
      2 Second Skill Recharge
      4.5 Meter Target Area

    Required Player Level: 65
    Required Physique: 376
    Item Level: 65

It’ll show most of the stuff you’d expect to see, including effects from the affixes, granted skills, and pet buffs. I think most of the effects are accounted for. Do let me know if you get annoyed with any missing ones. Also, information regarding item sets, relics, augments, or transmutes are not listed at all. (because… lazy?)

Lastly, this version also fixes the “class remove” command that became broken at some point.

Anyway, enjoy! And let me know if anything goes haywire!

Hi Odie - this looks awesome. No-one else’s program is capable of doing this afaik. I performed an update via the command line and tried the new command on a character. Unfortunately I don’t get equipment details as shown above for any piece of equipment :slightly_frowning_face:

I tried “show equipment/0” through to “show - equipment/11”. It will not show the weapons slots (12 & 13) at all. It crashes with a java exception for those.

I tested equipment with and without augments and components with the same result so it isn’t that. Attached a screenshot of what I get.

I’d expect some positive results, not a total blank on all equipment :upside_down_face: Any thoughts/ideas ?

Hmm! Strangely, this is what I get…

> set inv/2/items "Mighty Ugdenbog Girdle of Destruction"

Item placed in inventory-sacks/2/inventory-items/16

Mighty Ugdenbog Girdle of Destruction

            augment-name : ""
            augment-seed : 0
                basename : records/items/gearaccessories/waist/b101e_waist.dbr
           modifier-name : ""

Mighty Ugdenbog Girdle of Destruction
    Rare Belt
    108 Armor

    Increases Armor by 10%
    35% Reduced Petrify Duration
    30% Vitality Resistance
    50% Poison Damage converted to Physical Damage
    +1 to all skills in Soldier
    +7% Physique
    +39 Offensive Ability
    +56% Fire Damage
    +56% Burn Damage
    +56% Electrocute Damage
    +56% Lightning Damage
    30% Elemental Resistance
    +2 to Fire Strike

    Required Player Level: 94
    Required Physique: 630
    Item Level: 94

Are you running
gd-edit 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT [build c6c8e1b]?

If not, running the update command should do it. =)

Hi Odie,

I wasn’t running the correct version. I did try the update command within gd-edit, but it did not update to the new version. I suspect this is more to do with something blocking that on my end but not sure. Grabbed the updated version from you link at top of thread. Works fine.

I now get the same output. The output is not reflective of the items in game though. The output seems to be some sort of generic stats. Screenshots attached. First one is gd-edit output. Second one is in-game. I was expecting output to be the in-game stats of item, not the generic ones. Is this what you were also expecting ?

Hi Odie,

A fun find - not sure if you were aware but if you execute “show skills” it shows you around 160 “skills” fields. Skills you execute with keyboard or number keys and devotions for example. Yes - you can actually set up devotions from within the editor from scratch or after you have done a respec (I suspect you can allocate mastery skill points this way too). For example show skills/17-20 might be the Eel devotion. To setup the Eel 2 fields need to change

  1. enabled must be set to true
  2. level must be set to 1 (there are cases where it is more but to activate a devotion is a 1 )

set skills/17/enabled true
set skills/17/level 1

This will complete the Eel devotion.

It’s a little tedious as you need to know the skill number and fields you need to change but once figured out it can then be scripted in a baatc file :grinning:

The devotion points do not actually get reduced by this command, and the skills don’t seem to assigned the same number for each character. Eel is not always skill17-20 for example. Still - you can figure that out per character and script. No other tool gives you the same insight or allows you to set individual devotions (and other items) like this. Well done. It’s very useful !

Yeah, this is correct. The actual final stats of the item is affected by the “seed” field of the item. Each field is probably run through some equation that determines the exact range the value can be in. Some RNG algo will determine the exact order of the random numbers. The exact order the game uses to apply this randomness to the fields will also be a factor.

Short of someone actually reverse engineering the algo used and reimplementing it in their tool, nobody is likely to be able to show the exact stats shown in game. x_x

Well… each skill you take in the game will introduce a new entry into that skills array. In fact, each devotion you take will appear in there as well. So, what’s in slot 17 will different from character to character. So, if you come up with a batch file to operate on a specific slot in the skills array, it will only work for that character. =(

On the plus side, you can always use the “find” command to find the skill (or whatever else the editor is aware of by name).

For example:

> find "falcon swoop"

Falcon Swoop: skills/15

If I want to have chance to pass through enemy ability on every/any ranged weapon in any mod, can this app help me?

Hi there,

What do you mean when you say “pass through”? Do you mean you want to look through or search for something in particular?

Some (rare, high level) ranged weapons have “projectile pass through” ability, so my question if I can make ALL ranged weapons have this ability with this app?

I assume this is what is being asked about - Hidden stat on ranged weapons

No program has the ability to change that type of stat afaik (GDStash can help with prefix and suffixes)

Some Hunting, Ranger, Amazon skills have chance to pass through enemies. How the authors of this mods get this result? I am desperate…

Apparently not desperate enough to do more than ask for help.

Skills and items have an attribute for that. So if you want to address this, you need to create your own mod. This is not something a savefile editor can do anything about.

I already asked Evil to add this feature to Stalker, for example (as a passive skill or active, or buff, or somehow else), but he is too busy now.
2everybody: my apologies, if I chose the wrong thread.