[Tool] GD Stash

Recently started playing Grim Dawn again. Last played shortly after release of AoM. Just updated GDS and while all my saved items seem to have come over without issue, I’m having problems with GDS detecting some items from my in-game stash

Picture demonstrating issue:

I’ve exported my old stash data, reinstalled the latest version of GDS and it continues to not recognize these items.

Some Example’s of the missing items are Mythical Pack of Deadly Means, Mythical Steelheart Girdle, Mythical Desert Sting, Festerblaze Mantle. Are all of these Forgotten Gods items? I can’t figure out why they aren’t appearing or what the common factor is.

Please advise.

Go to the Config page and import the GD data. Sounds like you last imported when you had AoM, so all the FG items are unknown.

I’ve done that. I’ve also downloaded the zip file format of GDS instead of the setup so that I can do a “fresh import” and it doesn’t seem to change. Also, during the import it never says Importing Forgotten Gods data (though I don’t know for sure it’s supposed to.

I did notice that when I reinstall via the exe that it seems to still have the previous database import, but I haven’t been able to figure out where it’s keeping it. If that’s useful.

Which loading screen do you get at startup of the tool ? It should be the screen of the ‘highest’ DLC it finds (so yellow for FG, green for AoM and red for vanilla GD).

Assuming it finds FG, it therefore should be the yellow / desert screen and should also say ‘Importing Forgotten Gods’ or something along those lines. If it does not find FG, then neither of this should be the case.

I had one case a long time ago where for some reason AoM was not installed in the GD dir but somewhere else, not sure why that was. Maybe you have that case too ? You should have a gdx2 dir in your GD install dir, the tool looks for gdx2\database\GDX2.arz to determine whether you have FG installed (uppercase does matter…), please check if you have that file (with that exact name), if not that would explain it

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Thank you! That was it! I recently changed computers and copied my steam library, but for some reason when I bought Forgotten Gods it redownloaded the full game in the default Steamapps directory.

I so appreciate it, I don’t think I ever would have figured that out on my own.

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Can you assist with this error?
Please do ask for any resources required.

  1. Error reading C:\Users\somef\Documents\My games\Grim Dawn\save\transfer.gst

  2. Unexpected end of file
    java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of file
    at org.gdstash.file.GDReader.readBytes(GDReader.java:248)
    at org.gdstash.file.GDReader.readString(GDReader.java:372)
    at org.gdstash.item.GDStash.read(GDStash.java:268)
    at org.gdstash.item.GDStash.(GDStash.java:112)
    at org.gdstash.ui.stash.GDSharedStashPane$StashSelectActionListener.actionPerformed(GDSharedStashPane.java:63)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.fireActionEvent(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.setSelectedItem(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.setSelectedIndex(Unknown Source)
    at org.gdstash.ui.stash.GDSharedStashPane.refreshStashSelection(GDSharedStashPane.java:396)
    at org.gdstash.ui.stash.GDSharedStashPane.adjustUI(GDSharedStashPane.java:254)
    at org.gdstash.ui.stash.GDSharedStashPane.(GDSharedStashPane.java:152)
    at org.gdstash.ui.GDTransferPane.adjustUI(GDTransferPane.java:546)
    at org.gdstash.ui.GDTransferPane.(GDTransferPane.java:336)
    at org.gdstash.ui.GDStashFrame.(GDStashFrame.java:926)
    at org.gdstash.ui.GDStashFrame$Starter.run(GDStashFrame.java:75)
    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)

the above says it all, the file ends before it should, at least according to the GDS logic. Generally this should mean your file is corrupt. Can you open it in game ?

If that works, try again after you opened it in game…

I am able to run the game. Characters, stash and items all there.

Same error occurs when running GDStash during game.

Could it be because cloud is enabled on steam and in game?

The save dir you specified is not the cloud save dir, so change the save dir.

Thanks for all the help and prompt replies. When i tried to import the database from the cloud save, there was an error. It seems that my old characters that never appeared in the games was causing the issue. So it all went well after deleting those characters.:smiley::+1:

The GD data is imported from the install dir, so cloud vs local save makes no difference.

I do assume you switched the save dir, that should be all that was needed for the above issue. If on top of that you have corrupted chars, that is a separate issue, the error message was referring to transfer.gst, which is the shared stash (a char file would be player.gdc)

indeed i did switch the save directory to the cloud folder. upon switching, it gave me 2 errors which points to my old characters. only after i delete those two from the files, GDStash runs cleanly.

I’m not certain, but it seems that GD Stash can’t read all items from game database?
I have the “Magi Visage” drop and it is not recognized by the tool, when I put the item in stash GD Stash displays the following warning:

I assume the item is from while you imported the item data before it was released.

Try importing the GD data on the Config page and then check if the item now is recognized.

Thank you for your suggestion, that fixed the problem.
Naw I will remember to import database after every game patch :slight_smile:

How do you import your stash from a version that doesn’t create .gds files?

I’ve had GD Stash’s database survive numerous OS (re)installs, but after switching to Windows 10 the older version I had been using, 1.26, stopped working. After installing 1.5.2 my entire item database up and disappeared.

I looked at loading items from a directory, but the only directory I found containing items that could be loaded was the Grim Dawn\Saves folder, and there were a lot of items in it that almost certainly weren’t in my old stash database/files. Items like 18 or purple-quality recipes and a couple dozen, each, of multiple ointments and elixirs that I shouldn’t have any of in my old DB/files such as 50 Venomfang Oils when I know I’ve only ever had 15 drop because they’ve always stayed in the shared stash.

all versions do that, also, you do not need to import any items if you are already using the tool / have a database containing your items

sounds unlikely, but the DB format has changed, so 1.52 cannot read a 1.26 DB.
What you need to do is import the GD data in 1.52 (it should ask you to do so), that updates your existing Db to the latest format. Your collected items are unaffected by this.

The import should tell you whether it was successful and how many collected items are contained in the DB.

Thank you for your quick response, mamba.

That’s just it. So far as I can tell the database is gone, and I haven’t done anything that would have deleted it because it was stored on a completely separate drive from the ones I installed Windows 10 on and the other that I moved the Users folder to.

I followed all of the instructions during the installation process, and my stash database was empty. It wasn’t until I copied an item from the shared stash into it that I finally got results while trying to search it for all items.

The only thing I’ve done that’s managed to find any items was to go into the “Im- / Export” tab, hit “Load items from dir,” and the items that it turned up are suspect to say the least. Among the list were duplicates of items from stashes, items from mods other than the currently selected mod, recipes I already learned and thus wouldn’t have duplicates for, multiple items with “invalid” affixes, and multiple instances of soul bound items or items that the stash won’t take more than one of because they’re “duplicate.”

I honestly don’t know what’s going on, and the only other information I have is that for whatever reason I have a GDStash folder in Users<account> with a db_morepoints (“morepoints” being a personal mod) folder in it with 510MB of data in the “seg0” sub-folder. That’s the primary reason I wondered if older versions had stored the stash database in something other than the .gds file the latest version wanted.

the DB is in C:\users<username>\GDStash\db (or db_), or wherever you moved your user dir to

it never stores the items in .gds, it just exports them to it when you want to transfer the items.

The DB table with the stored items is in the seg0 folder. Did you select the mod on the Config page ? Because if you imported vanilla, then that is a separate DB and collection of items

The mod selected determines what item storage database is loaded by “Import Database?” All these years and I thought that was a generic “Click this on your first run to load all necessary game assets from the game’s database files.” >_<

Aaand along the way GD Stash deleted/overwrote all the old data, and I emptied my Recycling Bin before noticing that my Windows 7 GDStash folder didn’t contain the appropriate folder for my mod’s item database. /facepalm

Alrighty, thank you for your assistance. I’ve figured out my mistakes. The final, or perhaps fatal for many items, one being I really, really need to stop deleting anything until at least one month after I’ve done a clean OS (re)install. >_<

I’d still love to know how the db_morepoints folder disappeared from my Windows 7 profile because AFAIK I would have used copy, not cut, and paste, but that’s not on GD Stash.