[Tool] GD Stash

I knew it would be too late, that was more of a public warning…

There is no difference between deleting the database like you did and an import. The import drops the tables first(which is DB speak for deleting the tables), and then creates them anew.

If you insist on deleting the database at a file level, you can export your collected items in GD Stash to a file first and import them again after you created the new one.

Don’t think so, the first one is the big one. That can very well be responsible for the changes you make with GD Stash not being reflected in game (because the game ‘randomly’ goes with the cloud data instead of the local changed files)

The second one is a remnant of the old localization logic and will be fixed in the next version.

Not sure how much / whether OneDrive interferes

Tell me, is it possible to fix the cubes instead of the text? Russian language is selected in the settings

Looks like the font used to display the text does not have those characters. Java itself uses Unicode, so everything on the Java side should be fine.

You have that issue with both the GD translation (item names) and the GD Stash translation (item stats), so to me that leaves the font used. Will have to see what that looks like on my end

GD Stash does not prescribe a specific font, it uses the ones on the system, it just specifies characteristics (eg serif or not, font size, bold or not, etc)

Mamba any chance char editor can get highest dmg taken reset option like we have for highest dmg dealt?

Could this have something to do with Windows fonts? On my second PC everything is displayed correctly, although the systems are almost identical. Win10
If you need more data or screenshots from me, please let me know.

uhh the HDD that gdstash was installed died just now when i booted up my pc, gona take a few days to get it fixed, any recommended actions on how i should reinstall the gdstash if i cant recover the old hdd ?
i saw a gdstash backup folder in documents, could it be able to port my db to a new gdstash installation?

or just do a new installation and import to db again?

there is really only one thing you care about, which are your collected items.

Copy the db directory over and import the database again, that way you at a minimum have a working DB and should also still have your items. The DB is in C:\users<username>\GDStash

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Forced the strings into UTF-8 format in the code in a few places, it now displays correctly on my PC (it did not before). Will release a new version soon.

Version 1.7.5 released

Fixes the foreign language support issue. Import the GD data again for the fix.

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Thanks a lot! Now everything is in perfect order and there are no errors after importing the databases.

Custom Mods still cannot be localized. :joy:

that statement was already wrong for the old version…

What’s the meaning? I’m using the latest version and re-importing the data.

Both language packs exist.

Chinese names can be displayed in the game.

you specified a .zip file, not the Text_ZH.arc.

Pretty sure that does not contain the translation for DoM, which is why you get the warnings about all the missing tags. Select Text_ZH.arc instead, that should work.

.zip files were for pre-GD 1.2.0 versions, if you are on an older version, that .zip will need to include all texts, also the ones for the mod.

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latest GDStash not working with Java 20?

Thank you very much for your answer. The problem has been solved. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :ok_hand:

yes, I am back to Java 8 for a while now, since everyone had that and apparently there are some incompatibilities between the two

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GDStash does not see “Of Albrecht’s Focus” as valid suffix for medals. The GD Tools Item DB is showing it. Which tool is correct?

It is not a valid suffix for medals, only for rings. The only exception is the Wendigo Eye medal

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No “Harmonious” prefix for shoulders. Is it normal?