[Tool] GDAutocaster - play šŸŽ¹ builds with ease, autocasting of skills, combos, faster / automatic camera, autohiding of items, centered Inquisitor Seal and more for all games!

Couldnā€™t you left one of the attacks on the RMB?

Could you explain more precisely why do you have that problem? Maybe I can figure something out.
Why cannot they be on the 2nd bar permanently? Because you have more than 20 skills?
I think 20+ skills is the only problem that cannot be solved somehow but maybe I just cannot imagine it at the moment.

I have 20 slots total (2 bars);
~ 15 of them are occupied by my pets.
~ 1 for Call of the Grave (temporary pet buff-skill on cooldown).
~ 5 aura/buff skills to toggle (once at start of game)

This way I am already 1 slot short.
But to get the spam-fire working, I had to place them in slot 1 and 2 of the first action bar (donā€™t know how to do it another way).
Which means I lost 2 more slots on the action bars.

My ini file now looks like this:

Pet Cabalist


[combo presses]


[periodic casts]

Combo 1 & 2 are the group pet summons (works great!)

The periodic cast is the spam fire (skill 1 & 2), with 0 being Call of the Grave buff thrown in, to activate as soon as cooldown allows. I often forgot to use it, which was a total waste of skill points.
I deactivated error/cooldown messages in-game so I donā€™t get txt on screen or annoying voice.

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Thanks for explaining everything in detail Iā€™ll think about it butā€¦ 15 pets?
15 different pet species? :wink: Youā€™re not repeating any of them, do you?

(sorry for stupid questions, please not be offended by them
but you need to check everything while writing with someone like that
sometimes people donā€™t see some silly mistakes / typos)

Btw If you have RMB free you can put one of the 3 skills that is spammed when you hold RMB I guess.
Do you have something on RMB? Then it would look like this (one skill less)

[periodic casts]

Unless none of the skills 0,1, 2 is spammed natively (just cast once) when on RMB slot in-game
then maybe we would have to do it in a different way.

But yeah I donā€™t think I can work around 20+ skills.
Although I could implement clicking cursor combos I guessā€¦

hahaha yes 15 (permanent pets) now and hopefully 16 soon when I finally get Heart of the Mountain to drop for my Yeti-pet :rofl:

Itā€™s my own fault. I wanted as big as an army of pets I could get. Thatā€™s one of the reasons I installed the Reborn 3.0 mod. The ranged attacks I spam also trigger the spawning of temporary chtonian and ghost pets. Filling my screen with loads of extra minions. I even have pets spawning when I get hit.
Not only that, but to top it all off, I deliberately picked devotions for my pets with glorious visual bombardments of Meteors, Blizzards and thunderstorms. Which all proc nonstop.

In combat I seriously have a hard time to see my own character sometimes in all the visual carnage, but itā€™s G L O R I O U S :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You probably already guessed I am a bit of a summoner-lover. Itā€™s my favorite class in all rpg games.

I want to thank you. These tweaks made my enjoyment of the game much bigger.
I would much rather spend 10 seconds at the start of the game switching out a few buttons to activate my auraā€™s/buffs, than the hassle of checking which pets to respawn with wich button-press.
Gameplay is much faster and fluent now and the double ranged attack-spam is the icing on the cake <3

Super happy with this. I am glad I found you on YouTube and followed your advice.
Thanks dude !

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No problem. Just a quick tip

You can use YOLO mouse (big colorful cursor) if you donā€™t see your cursor. I do that even not having pets.

So, I need help.

I used a (very) old version of GDAutocaster a while back just for casting stuff like Blood of Dreeg on cooldown and it worked fine. Recently I downloaded the newest version to do the same. My config file looks like this:

game_window_id=ahk_exe Grim Dawn.exe


skill=Word of Renewal

skill=Blood of Dreeg

Now, the issue I have is that sometimes when I stop playing there are like 6-10 instances of GDAutocaster open on my PC. Usually itā€™s just kinda weird, but doesnā€™t really affect gameplay.
Today, however, the tool started sending me error messages saying something about being unable to close the previous instance of GDAutocaster and if I wanted to keep waiting or not. I shouldā€™ve written down the exact message, canā€™t remember it now. But I just panicked cause it opened like a hundred of those messages and just wouldnā€™t stop - had to just shut my PC down on the power button.

Also, not sure if related, but when I switch from the game window into my web browser and then go back sometimes the autocaster just keeps going. But more often than not it just stops and I have to press the toggle button (9) for it to start again. Which is not a huge deal, just kinda odd that it sometimes keeps going and sometimes just stops. The big issue is the one above though.

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Could you see how many instances of GDAutocaster do you have when you

  • go to the game
  • then alt tab
  • go to the game again
  • alt tab

Then look in the task manager how many instances of GDAutocaster. I looks like GDAutocaster is not closing for some reason.

Also things Iā€™d like you to try

  1. Try running the program as administrator (it only presses buttons / closes, restarts itself so wonā€™t do any damage)

  2. Always give GDAutocaster a few seconds after to go to the gameā€™s window before next Alt Tab
    What I mean is donā€™t Alt + Tab and go back to the game in like 1s. Or reverse donā€™t go the the gameā€™s windows and alt Tab 1 s later. Not change these states more often than once every 5 seconds (Iā€™ll improve it but itā€™s just how it is now)

What do you mean by keep going? Is it when youā€™re browsin some Grim Dawn site maybe? Having to press toggle button again is a consequence of me restarting the program after the gameā€™s windows becomeā€™s active. Iā€™m doing it to have hotkeys worked 100% of the time after starting the program which I couldnā€™t do without this hack. But I think I can implement remembering ā€œbeing toggledā€ again in a different way.

Please try using GDAutocaster now the way I described / maybe make the test I mentioned (not alt Tabbing / activating gameā€™s window more than once every 5s <- maybe you wonā€™t have any issues then).

After that and hearing if it changed anything Iā€™ll make some changes to the program to improve some of the things you talked about.

Update https://github.com/kowariantny/GDAutocaster/raw/master/GDAutocaster.exe

1. Autocasting on toggle state remembered between Alt + Tabs again
2. Small technical improvement


  1. You shouldnā€™t now need to retoggle autocasting_on_toggle again after gameā€™s window active again

  2. Now the program restarts immediately after the gameā€™s active not 3 seconds after [technical]
    It may influence quick subsequent Alt Tabs + coming back to game + Alt tabs

So the tip I gave you to Alt+Tab / gameā€™s active with 5s frequency at least should not be needed

Now just try what I already written which is

  • maybe running the program as administrator

  • checking whether thereā€™s only once instance of GdAutocaster after you

    • run the program
    • go to the game
    • alt_tab / make window not active
    • go to game again
    • alt / tab / make window not active

Now you shouldnā€™t need a few seconds between those but maybe just a second or two
(this probably only applies in practice if you have a game windows and you would rapidly click on the window and on the desktop quicker than once per second?)

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The program reads command line / shortcut arguments
GDAutocaster.exe config.ini Ā Ā Ā  (reads config.ini and skips file selection dialog)
GDAutocaster.exe config.ini whatever Ā Ā Ā  (reads config.ini, skips file selection dialog, starts autocasting on toggle automatically)

Ok, so I do alt + tab away from the game and back into it quite fast sometimes - the other day I was just checking a farming route for example, so I was probably going back and forth in a few seconds. I guess that might have been the issue.

In any case, Iā€™ll test the new update later today when I get time to play and say how it goes. Thanks :slight_smile:

Ok, tested it for about 40-ish minutes, with window swapping every now and then, and it worked seamlessly. Only one instance active, and it also resumed casting every time I got back to GD :smiley: (which is great cause Iā€™ve lost count how many times I almost died on my HC char by running around Ugdenbog with 40% poison resist until I noticed Blood of Dreeg was off).

Havenā€™t tried using it as admin as I decided to check it without selecting that first. Since it worked I guess thereā€™s no need for that.

Also, just added the shortcut thing to skip the config file selection dialog and it worked as well.

Thanks a lot for your work and help.

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Thanks for not going back to the previous version and testing the new one.

Update https://github.com/kowariantny/GDAutocaster/raw/master/GDAutocaster.exe

  1. Autocasting on toggle is prevented while you hold any of not_hold_keys, not all of them at once as it was before.

  1. Deleted autocasting while holding button from the feature below because its better version is Periodic casts. The following is not possible now

Warning! Periodic Casts is being renamed to Autocast by hold.


3.- Basic autocasting on toggle renamed to [u]Autocast by toggle[/u]
  • Itā€™s now configured in a consistent way with other features of the program

  • toggle_key is now optional

  • pressed_buttons was deleted because it was redundant

  • Read more in the new documentations in OP

  • old version of the program and documentation are still there if you donā€™t feel like changing your configs but will not be further developed

    • Iā€™m planning to add a new option to reset/refresh Autocast by toggle timer while pressing itā€™s button for optimal usage of skills like Blood of Dreeg

      • When you press the button, you activate BoD and get healed and next time the skill is activated is delay from the moment you activated it manually

New configuration

[autocast by toggle]




Old configuration





4.- Periodic casts renamed to Autocast by hold

  • Just change the name of the section in your config from [periodic casts] to [autocast by hold]

Hereā€™s how my config to the following build

looks now

Vitality Storm Totem


[autocast by toggle]




[autocast by hold]


[combo holds]

[combo presses]

Thank you so much for this wonderful tool tqFan!

Do we have a command or option to assign on mouse scroll? Like WheelUp/WheelDown commands? :thinking:

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Yes, these are the names of these keys in AutoHotkey. I remember testing in once in some other script and it worked. I bound camera rotation to WheelUp/Down.

Btw half an hour ago I pushed bugfix (Autocasting on Toggle delay wasnā€™t changing and it was always the default 100ms, never 10s for example) so you may want to redownload if you downloaded the program before that.


WheelDown Turn the wheel downward (toward you).
WheelUp Turn the wheel upward (away from you).
WheelRight [v1.0.48+]: Scroll to the left or right.


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Yes, you should make a combo such as

[combo presses]

where 1 is Curse of Frailty,
2 is Bloody Pox

(200 ms delay between buttons presses for such combos is the usual I use)

The drawback of scroll however is that you cannot hold it because I play even most complicated builds by just holding RMB (sometimes also MButton so that it occasionally behaves differently)
[also a button for movement skill, or skills that need to be used occasionally like Mirror / MoT]

so I couldnā€™t use Scroll because I would always want to bind some Autocast on Hold to it at the same time and itā€™s impossible. Because the coolest things of the program is combining multiple its feature into one button which may look like this

  • you press and hold RMB
    • first 2 debuffs are cast

    • then delayed centered Inquisitor Seal

    • than after a further delay your channeling attacks or spammable cooldown attacks

You cannot achieve it with Scroll Wheel I think.

Btw write if youā€™d like some config to a build to get to know the program better.

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Thank you so much tqFan! Iā€™ll try this right away!
Well Iā€™m totally new to the program so thereā€™s a lot of backspacing going on.
So far I was able to setup perma buffs & periodic buffs.

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When you make a change in the config, you donā€™t even have to restart the program:

  • alt tab
  • make a change in text editor
  • back to the game

new, changed config is loaded again automatically after 3 seconds

Permabuffs usually look like this at my end (T is for swapping hotbar in-game)

[combo presses]

Autocasting by hold can be written like this

0, 7 are attacks on cooldown you spam

[autocasting by hold]

This is how I combine it with 2 debuffs (4 i 5) <- actually one can be just on RMB in-game not or 4/5 usually unless itā€™s spammed while you hold RMB
(some skills on RMB in-game are spammed while you hold it, others are not)

[autocasting by hold]
^ 200 ms for each of the 2 debuffs from Combo Presses

[combo presses]

If you have channeling skill (or a skill youā€™d like to have a button pressed down and held) and you want it to cast it with the program with a delay, you can do something like this

7 is your channeling skills

[combo holds]

initial delay is sometimes needed just to work
or needed when you want to cast some debuffs before channeling

Also remember you can activate these features / combos / casts on double press (and holds optionally)


If you copy the code, watch out for some typos I may have made.

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Thanks a bunch again for the effort & documentation of this tool tqFan!

I hate to ask, but how do I make something like ā€œWord of Painā€ & ā€œPrimal Strike/Savageryā€ to work with 1 button?

I mean it works, but you stop & look like youā€™re lagging for it cast and have to release it or press ā€œmove toā€ to get close to your opponent.

Thanks again in advance! :wink:

Definitely ask such questions because it takes experience, ideas and trying dozens of options to find optimal configs.

I assume youā€™re asking for virtually one button for moving and everything (I usually use Left for Moving and Right for (almost) everything) which makes things easier. The other thing is Melee Savagery in is one of the hardest skills to work with. Melee is harder to autocast in general than ranged or caster. Maybe I also propose you some option for 2 buttons after you respond.

The way Savagery and other Melee skills that are not bound to LMB behave when there are not monsters (targets) around is unfortunately an engine thing and I cannot do anything about it. It definitely makes scripting them harder.

One could mod Savagery I guess.

1 Button Config

  • Savagery cannot be on LMB but on the 0-9 hotbar

    • because it would be than spammed all the time
  • we cannot detect whether weā€™re near the monster or not

    • so have to switch to Also using Savagery mode manually with just LMB

The only option is the Doube Press I guess

  • after weā€™ve appproached the enemy we need to click LMB 2x and hold it

We have 2 options now

Option 1

  • clicking LMB 2x and holding it
    • makes you attack with Savagery periodically here and there, in-between your Primal Strike attacks

Option 2

  • clicking LMB 2x and holding it
    • makes you attack with Savagery instead of Primal Strike so that you stack 6 charges that will last you 12 seconds (this is how non-AHK people play)

Option 3 (doable but Iā€™m not including the config since itā€™s probably too much)

  • clicking LMB 2x and holding it
    • makes you attack with Savagery only for a defined period of time
    • and after that the character goes back to Primal Strike

Config for option 1

  • LMB - Primal Strike

  • 0 - Savagery

  • delay1 - less than 2 seconds

    • depends on variety of things like
      • attack speed
      • gameplay style
      • expectations
      • Crucible vs SR
  • double_press1_time_gap

    • depends on personal speed of clicks
    • high enough so you always manage to 2nd-click in the given time windows
    • low enough so that you not activate while walking / doing other stuff
    • for inventory management and stuff disable it with suspend_key
[autocast by hold]

Config for option 2
(this is not obvious that it works because it makes 0 be pressed while LMB is also pressed and multiple buttons pressed down at the same time often donā€™t work well in Grim Dawn. Inform me if there are some problems but it works for me.)

  • LMB - Primal Strike
  • 0 - Savagery
[combo holds]

How to include Word of Pain into this

Maybe cast it once everytime you press LMB or double press LMB? It would need some initial_delays, good config and testing.

How I would cast Wind Devils (example without Savagery but with Word of Pain)

I like them cast all the time which may be not would some players like because they deal a lot of damage. This is an example of how I usually do it. I would maybe cast Savagery with MButton but I donā€™t know since I havenā€™t played such builds for a long time (only Ranged Physical Primal Strike which is a completely different story). But I remember also having Savagery button pressed once every 1XXX ms. Maybe it will give you some ideas.

Our goals

  • Primal Strike (RMB) on RMB in-game

  • Word of Pain (0) cast once after RMB by the script

  • Wind Devils (9) cast all the time

    • but we also making sure they never interrupt our Word of Pain (0)
      • which is not a big deal because you could just press RMB one more time
      • but very occasional interrupting is something we can avoid

Word of Pain
[combo presses]

Wind Devils
[autocast by toggle]

^we prevent it to be Autocast by Toggle
 when we hold RMB (Primal Strike)

[autocast by hold]
^but we autocast if with initial delay1
 with Autocast by Hold to crate the gap
 where Word of Pain can be cast without
 a low probability of being interrupted
 by Wind Devil

Another option is to switch from Melee to Ranged Lightning PS Vindicator as itā€™s great too and is better for scripting (because we donā€™t move when we shot + first Savagery strike is ensured and you can be more precise with everything). But not necessary and maybe youā€™ll like some of the 1-button configs above or some 2-button configs. I think shooting PS feel better in general, not only for AHK. You can cast Inquisitor Seal where you stand and shoot from there

  • by the way I always have Inquisitor Seal autocast under my characterā€™s feet after starting shooting with my ranged characters

My chilling rounds character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy7Qkf9Pcn4
or Fire Strike one: Flame Keeper of the Blaze - my results | 7-8s MQ | Crucible ready
are fully automated despite having tons of skills

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