[Tool] GDAutocaster - play 🎹 builds with ease, autocasting of skills, combos, faster / automatic camera, autohiding of items, centered Inquisitor Seal and more for all games!

First, I wanna thank all the work you’ve done on this tool and the fact you still reply to comments assisting people.

I am using this for Titan Quest, and I was wondering if there’s a way to set it up so that when I press a key, it holds shift + does that key at the same time. This functionality normally in the game lets you self cast buffs on yourself regardless of cursor position when done manually, trying to recreate this but in one button press.

[autocast by hold]

Tried something like this, looking at AHK “list of keys”, but ofc, I don’t know what I’m actually doing so I thought it would be best to ask you.

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You need to redownload the program:

Last major update 09-Feb-22:
add option to Combo Presses of pressing buttons with modifiers, i.e.

  • combo6=Tab:+LButton,#^!Z
    • presses Shift + LMB and after that Windows Key + Ctrl + Alt + Z

I’m testing it with Hunter’s Herbal Remedy - it requires Shift to be cast on the character. These 2 ways work for me:

D - bound in options to cast skill 6 in-game
Pressing D makes a Shift + D press

game_window_id=Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

[combo presses]

(we need to turn of the initial, native press of D in this method by using the key_native_function1 thing)

D - button without any bindings in options
6 - bound to cast skill 6 in-game
Pressing D makes a Shift + 6 press

game_window_id=Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

[combo presses]

(D not bound so no need to turn off its native function)

Thanks for updating your tool, it worked as intended! I’ve actually been using it for many different games. I was wondering if there’s a way to simulate a key being held down? E.g. the game I’m playing, has sprint on LShift but it has to be held down at all times which is destroying my hand.

Right now, I’m using keyboard software that I deleted the LShift Up from in a macro, so it only technically releases Lshift being “held” is when I press Lshift again. Again, I appreciate the help!

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Autohotkey has pretty extensive forum support and Googling “autohotkey plus whatever it is you want to do” invariably bears fruit more often than not.

This is just one of the hits returned…

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I don’t really understand AHK scripting that’s why I’m using Razer Synapse to record my keystrokes, if I was smart enough I would just write my own script. The problem with googling is that the examples they give don’t do what I’m trying to accomplish and me attempting to edit them just breaks it. If I want a more detailed solution to what I’m using right now, I will ask over there though, thanks.

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I recently came back to the game after a break and just found this great tool. Really great work on that and I love that you can use it for other games/programs as well.

However I have encountered few problems (mostly related to key_native_function) and I don’t know if it is because I am doing something wrong or if it is due to the program’s limitations and I would love it if you could help me.

  1. I want to use CapsLock key to suspend Autocaster functions, but also preserve its original functionality. One of the reasons I want this specific keybind is to have the CapsLock button light up on my keyboard. so that I know when Autocaster is suspended or not.

This is the code I have and even though CapsLock suspends functions properly it doesn’t keep it original functionality (e.g. when typing text in chat) nor does it light up.

I also tried suspend_key= ` (key over Tab) which I have bound to Pause Game, but then the game wouldn’t pause at all.

  1. This 2nd problem has to do with self-casting Inquisitor’s Seal. Ideally I want to be able to choose whether I want to self cast Inquisitor’s Seal or cast it normally, but I’ ll work on that after I solve a basic issue.

S - bound to Inquisitor’s Seal in-game
9 - bound to Inquisitor’s Seal in-game (a deliberately inconvenient keybind that is only called by the program)

I would like to press S to self-cast Inquisitor’s Seal but the following code doesn’t work.

This causes the game to instantly cast Inquisitor’s Seal on my initial cursor position and then move the cursor to me and do nothing (since Inq Seal is on cooldown).

Ideally I would like to have it set up like this, but this won’t work either

  1. On my infiltrator I want to automatically cast Pneumatic Burst and Word of Renewal, but also be able to manually cast them for the heal.

W - bound to Pneumatic Burst
E - bound to Word of Renewal

In this case pressing W normally casts Pneumatic Burst and resets the timer, but pressing E doesn’t manually activate Word of Renewal.

I thought that key_native_function2 would deactivate the Numpad5, but it seems that it deactivates E

Changing key_native_function2 to TRUE allows me to manually cast Word of Renewal and have the functionality that I want, but it seems weird.

Also my character stops in place an performs an attack from my Left Mouse Button momentarily every time the skill is autocasted. Manually casting Word of Renewal or Pneumatic Burst doesn’t cause this.

Update: The above issue (stopping for a second to perform an attack) is caused because Autocaster sends a “Shift” button press which I have bound to “Stationary Attack”. I confirmed this by binding “Shift” to other actions and testing.

I do not use “Shift” anywhere in the .ini file except in this section (which activates all my buffs/pets)

I have changed this to not use “Shift”, but I haven’t tested this extensively to know if it solves the issue. In any case, since this is unintended behaviour I thought it would be good to let you know.

Update 2: The “shift” issue is not related to the above combo. “Shift” is pressed even when I deleted this combo from the .ini file completely. I will remove other sections to see if I can identify the cause and let you know.

Finally, can I add comments in the .ini file without messing something up?

Something like this:

I am sorry that this ended up being so long. I appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank you very much in advance!

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Help me pls. I cant find a way to make it work right.
Right now i have doom bolt on LBM in game, so i could move and make insta doom bolts if i mouse over something. but i have Touch of chaos(enchanted auto) aswell. There is no way, sadly, to make it work like default auto in game. So i need have Touch of chaos(which going to be bind somewhere) on my LBM while i hold SHIFT and while its happening my Doom bolt should be spammed every 500ms cos i have reset mechanic on it.

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@3sword @Enferian Let me know if you’d still like some help.

@Vlad_Ahmedyanov :

That doesn’t sound too difficult however I quite rusty with both AHK and Grim Dawn. Although it can probably be done in many ways so I need to make sure I understand precisely what you want.

What is your Doom Bolt cooldown?

  1. Do you mean that you want to have Touch of Chaos on LMB key in-game (+Doom Bolt while SHIFT)

  2. or do you mean that you just want for Touch of Chaos to be active while you’re holding Shift + LMB
    and Doom Bolt still on LMB in-game?

I guess you mean 2 so that when you hold Stationary Attack (shift) with LMB (which is Doom Bolt) both are spammed???

I think it would be better to have just one button for that not two - you hold it and both Touch of Chaos and Doom Bolt happen. But may not see all of your use cases. Or maybe not because it may be more comfortable for you to keep holding LMB (Doom Bolt) and then press Shift as well for Touch of Chaos to start working too.

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Touch of Chaos bind button doesnt matter. Doob bolt should be on LMB in game cos its just better for moving and helps killing low hp packs.
But what im looking for with GDautocaster its when i hold click + shift, or shift + click (I have mentioned order does matter) my Touch of Chaos should be hold and Doom bolt should be spammed with 300-500ms delay.
Right now im using ToC on LMB in game.

[autocast by hold]

And i have a question, my code makes Shift be spammed as well with RMB, how to prevent it? Is it bug or im missing something? I have logged inputs so im sure. Im ok if RMB going be pressed with Shift+LMB be holded
If only game could hold more than one button -.- sadg

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I will test it and find solution in AHK for now I’ll make a general reply


In general Shift can be problematic, the only button like that, get stuck maybe even spammed itp this is not because of GDAutocaster but just a thing (in all AHK or in Windows?) :thinking: that doesn’t mean these problems cannot be usually solved somehow though or it doesn’t mean that I necessarily cannot make it work properly, I’ll see while testing, I use Shift sometimes

What DB cooldown do you have? I assume you reached that 0.3 - 0.5 cooldown using many CDR item for Doom Bolt. I’m asking because it can influence the configuration. Or do you have Cold DB Conduit spam

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I do have Hourglass

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Hey, sorry but I have another question. so you want DB to be on LMB in-game - which means it being spammed while you holding LMB by the game, not by the program.

But on the other hand you say

which suggests that you’d like Doom Bolt to me spammed by the program, not by the game.

I assume you’d like me to have Doom Bolt not be cast natively by the game if Shift + LMBing?
[btw it’s not possible, I can make all other game buttons “not work” but LMB / RMB will always be cast]

{or in other words I cannot “hide” LMB usage for the game while you Shift + LMB, it’s impossible}
DB will always be cast (if on LMB in-game) by the game if LMB + Shift
(and then of course DB is not spammed every 500s but ASAP)

Or you’re just fine with Doom Bolt being cast by the game (not by the script / program)

so for now I assume you can want the game to cast your Doom Bolt and add the Touch of Chaos thingy to it.

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I assume you’d like me to have Doom Bolt not be cast natively by the game if Shift + LMBing?

Thx, its answering my question. seems its not possible.
Then i just need to find a way to fix SHIFT spam at least.

btw I just noticed that if you have DB on LMB
shift + LMB while DB is on cooldown makes normal default attack (not Touch of Chaos)

so I need to change Shift behavior if we keep DB on LMB I suppose

btw no worry, I’ll find a good solution for you, I just need to recall all of this because I had like a half year break


No I’m stupid! That’s because I had Stationary Attack on Shift
It’s fine, nevermind


Yes. But my thought was that GDAC could just press Touch of Chaos as last button and hold till i release SHIFT or LBM, and stop pressing it for a moment so my default LBM could cast DB.(Or we could just use duplicate binds for it)

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Hey, are you using a gun or a melee weapon?
(I assume melee because DB on LMB in-game with ranged would be weird and shoot default attack as well)


Nuh,. Im Deceiver with 2h ranged and 2mil doom bolt crit

w8 so you are shooting standard default attack (not Touch of Chaos) if just using DB on LMB in-game while its on cooldown
(if holding LMB with Doom Bolt over monsters while it’s on cooldown)

it’s not bothering you? It’s not behavior we want, you only want Touch of Chaos be used

btw nice you’re using Chaos Doom bolt Decivers, I love these kinds of builds

What I’m leading to is that we probably don’t want DB on LMB in-game because of that
(Or I’m missing something)