[Tool] GDAutocaster - play 🎹 builds with ease, autocasting of skills, combos, faster / automatic camera, autohiding of items, centered Inquisitor Seal and more for all games!

Im not stupid. i was using DB on LBM before i got ToC. Right now im using ToC as default attack and DB spam if i hold SHIFT. BUT it could be much more convenient if u could move with default DB on LBM and shoot with ToC if i hold SHIFT while DB is spammed.

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Cos with DB on LBM is much easier and faster to deal with weak packs.

btw nice you’re using Chaos Doom bolt Decivers, I love these kinds of builds

Right now im working on 0.3 sec cd chaos doom bolt build xD

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I can already tell you (and I’m testing now) that if you want to keep DB on LMB in-game
the Shift + LMB thingy won’t work because then
both Touch of Chaos and Doom Bolt buttons are held then which just doesn’t work as you well know

(and also I cannot hide from the game that you’re holding LMB when you’re holding Shift + LMB
because LMB and RMB behave like that in Grim Dawn but if it was different button than LMB
for example G, I could hide holding G if Shift + G)

and you cannot spam Touch of Chaos button press because it’s not good for skills withouut cooldown
Touch of Chaos needs to be held (either by you directly or by the script)


How about you change your playstyle a bit
and have Touch of Chaos + DB on just Shift (we keep DB on LMB of course for weaker packs when you don’t need Touch of Chaos)

Would that be ok?

so you either attack with just LMB or you attack with just Shift

and we just configure Shift

More logic
It may be possible (would have to check) to make Shift DB + Touch of Chaos thingy only work
if you just holding Shift and not LMB if that’s also what you want
(if you want to Stationary Attack while using LMB DB)


No need to hide LMB, i need to make last pressed\holded button RMB(ToC) cos its going to override already held LMB(DB) and release for a moment to cast DB. Is it not possible ?

You would release for a moment manually or would you like the program to do it (while constantly holding button(s))?


Program, so if i hold SHIFT + LMB then program should hold RMB and release for a moment each 300-500ms

Ok. I understand. Currently the program doesn’t have that functionality / I don’t think I could hack it well with what I have. It’s kinda unnecessarily complicated by you (as you could just hold Shift).

but I’ll try adding it to the program now because it looks simple to add
plus I understand that you would like to keep on holding LMB while holding Shift occasionally


Thx mate <3 hope u best, going to check this thread for a while. So sad this game does have a lot QoL things but not default auto changer or multiple buttons interaction. But im already having much joy with code what i have already posted ^^

Btw, there is a bug with shift, if u fast press shift and release then shift could stack foreva till u dont press shift again

I haven’t fixed the Shift problem (although I know it well) it but maybe if you’re playing I could send you another version of the program with some potential fix to test :thinking:

but it may also be some Autohotkey infixable bug or maybe Windows

Anyway you can try this changed version of the program
(may not fix this issue but worth a try :stuck_out_tongue: )


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Both bugs still exist)

Hmmm so you’re able to reproduce it easily right?
Can you give me your config and describe how to reproduce it? Maybe it will then be easier for me to fix it.

What do you mean by both bugs? Which other than Shift getting stuck do you mean?

[I’m working on the interrupt hold thingy btw]

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game_window_id=ahk_exe Grim Dawn.exe
[autocast by hold]

Second one its that makes shift to be spammed with RMB as well.
To reproduce stuck bug u need HOLD LMB and then fast press SHIFT. Mby even press second time after 500ms delay, im not sure.

Im pretty sure something strange happens even if u hold SHIFT and then fast click LMB. Shift becomes unheld…unholded…is there even a word?

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Grim Tools draft

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Not held anymore.

Btw, do u have idea what Ctrl + D does in main menu? xD

No, it’s the first time I see it :thinking: interesting

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Unfortunately I cannot reproduce these bugs today :thinking:
That’s the main problem for me that they’ve always happened too rarely for me to attempt proper fixing.
(and I’m not that good in AHK to limit the number of possible fixes)

but it does happen often enough for me that I usually try avoid using Shift :laughing:

Hi @Gnomish_Inquisition

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Same, i notice second one much more often.
Mby its something with windows…

I coded something. The behavior you want works for me

(there can only be one argument before : in combo)


[combo holds]

When holding Space, 3 is held but it’s released for 1000ms every 3s

For example if you’d like to squeeze in (200 ms window) a Doom Bolt on LMB held every 1s while holding Shift (Beronath is on 3), you could write


[combo holds]

if you test longer interrupt_duration with button on the hotbar (3 in this example) you can see them turning on / off

200 ms interrupt duration doesn’t show button on / off I think but it’s happening

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Sorry if this is a newbie question. If I have Savagery and Primal Strike on cooldown, I want the Primal strike to activate by itself while pressing LMB (doing Savagery attacks) after its cooldown is done, and go back to Savagery while the cooldown cycles. Basically cycle Savagery and Primal Strike alternately while holding down LMB.
would I do it using interrupting combo holds like:
[combo holds]
combo2=Lbutton:1,2 (1=Savagery, 2=Primal Strike)

Or did I get that completely wrong?

Is it Ranged or Melee?
Can you have Savagery on LMB?

Anyway, this interruption is a pretty new feature and kinda hacky in nature and I would do it in some other way.

Here are my assumptions, let me know you want it differently:

  • Savagery on LMB (for simplicity, can be changed)
  • cooldown version of Primal Strike on 2
[autocast by hold]

what it does it spams 2 every 200ms while you’re holding LMB which is totally fine for cooldown skils.

It might be the case that having 2 spammed while holding LMB might be annoying for you in certain scenarios. For example when filtering stash, clicking on some text field. Here are some solutions for it:

Solution 1 - turning if off manually when it’s bothering you with Tab for example


[autocast by hold]

Solution 2 - delaying the spam by 200 ms with initial_delay so that it’s not activated with single LMB clicks but clicks proceeded with at least short holds.

[autocast by hold]

Solution 3 - making the spam work not after 1 click and hold but after 2 clicks and hold

[autocast by hold]

I was writing by hand not copying hopefully there are not typos and I remember everything right.