[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

You are right, Darkstalix. I didn’t read that bit about it. Thank you!

what are you running exactly?In the character select screen under the DELETE button does it say anything like GI 1771?
You must run the griminternals64.exe and before doing so make sure it is inside the grim dawn installation folder.
Add it into your AV’s exceptions and run it as admin

I have no AV installed, I’ve run it in admin but it still does nothing. GI 1771 doesn’t appear under delete button either. When I run the GI without starting Grim Dawn, it says it cannot run because it cannot find VCOMP120.DLL.

That should be a problem with Visual C ++.
See first page, requirements to install this correctly.

I have the 2017 c++ redistributed x64 version installed. Does it matter?

please give me a link to download GI x64 version run GD hotfix2!

Maybe it needs some component from the 2015 version.Try installing this too

The first page has the latest version as always, why do you need older version?

hi there, can someone link me to the page of the latest version of GI for 32bit ? i can’t find it in the search bar, thanks in advance


but its no longer supported by the OP

Thanks, now it works whenever I open GI.

32 bits is not supported anymore. I can get you a copy of the latest version but in less than a week we will get an update on game,a patch if you will
It will not work on that

Downloaded it but it says “Grim Dawn.exe has wrong filesize!”. Version of the game is

I’ve just installed the mod on a second PC. Launched the game and played for about a minute then it had a weird crash with no error. Now when I click GrimInternals64.exe it says:

copy GrimInternals64.exe and GrimInternalsdll64.dll to the [Grim Dawn installation]d folder!

Any one know what went wrong? I’m also using GD Item Assistant and my virus scan found some problems with some exe files there so I put them and the GrimInternals64.exe in the anti-virus exception list. Should I re-install GD?

Hi there, I’m getting a weird error when I run GrimInternals64.exe:

copy GrimInternals64.exe and GrimInternalsdll64.dll to the [Grim Dawn installation]d Folder!

I’ve tried re-installing, installing GI and then booting the game and it works. But then I installed GD Item Assistant and I get this error. I’ve dropped the files in the zip back into the GD folder to make sure they are definitely in there but it didn’t seem to help. Could it be a virus scan issue?

Hey by any chance you are using pirated version?

Yes most likely
Add grim internals to your AV exception list and run it again as admin

I’ve already got the D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn folder added to exceptions. Is that the right place to be putting the GI files?

Yes thats the one the default installation folder
I dont have av to further help you tho with this
But i know that you must add it in the exceptions(griminternals64.exe)

I have the ingame filter set to show only MIs and higher rarity, aswell as double rares. Is there any way for the autoloot option to stop picking up non-MI items with only 1 green mod?

Hiya GlockenGerda,

1st off - Just want say that I finally got around to using GI, and man…it’s amazing. It’s bumped my piloting to a whole new level and just made GD a much more enjoyable experience all around.

Thank you!

Secondly, I would like to make a suggestion - is it possible for you to add a timer option in GI? I’m not sure about others, but it would be very convenient to be able to turn that on/off while testing stuff.

There is no such feature atm and also it was asked before tbh and the answer was no