[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

so i’m only using healthbar and auto loot, how can i disable all the incoming damages history on the left side guys

thanks in advance

Hotfix4 is out, I had just wondered why GI does not work anymore … I hope there is still an update today, if you had this tool once you do not want without :slight_smile:

mhh I take everything back, now it is again sorry ka why it just completely suspended. I thought because Hotfix4 because it is not anymore …

It sucks that 32 bit is no longer being supported. I have a very powerful computer, but for some reason I get vastly better performance with 32 bit compared to 64. Looks like back to non-Internals GD for me. Not sure if I can do it.

info-box or control panel compressed and unreadable. Closest example would be Excel Spreadsheet and you have line-item height is too small for the text.

I can only see half of the line items, the box is too small, squeezed onto itself/next line-item.

…running 4K, saw the post that mentioned changing the text size…

I can’t find a int anything and when I do a folder search for InfoBoxFontSize I come up with nothing.

First step: try the look at the first page!!! theres all to find you have to know

as I stated in my post I was having an issue with the solution mentioned

He is not an ass he is trying to explain that in like 2 pages ago this was answered many times and everybody is lazy enough not to read it
Trust me he is trying to help

The issue is with DPI scaling. If you have set your Windows scaling higher than 100% then you will have this issue
Check in your windows settings about it

Windows 7 scaling https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/get-a-better-view-in-windows-7-by-adjusting-dpi-scaling/
Windows 10 scaling https://www.windowscentral.com/how-change-high-dpi-settings-classic-apps-windows-10-april-2018-update

Q: The Configurator fonts and everything in there looks weird,what is the problem?
A: It has to do with the scaling issues the window has try these for now:
—> Right-click the GI AND shortcut/program -> properties -> compatibility -> Change high DPI settings -> tick Override high DPI scaling behavior -> set it to Application.
—> Do the above steps on the 64bit exe of Grim Dawn into the /x64bit folder(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\x64)
—> Disable scaling in windows or/and in your GFX’s software
—> After doing all these you might have to restart your PC

Come on brother…how comes the 32 bits version to play better?
First of all the 32 bit version was more likely to crash due to memory limitation

It’s really better that I do not post anything anymore. Should such people see how they get along… Should they look elsewhere for their info…

Here i will be still accused, if I point out that they do something for themselfs. No, they are too lazy to read anything and want their first post to get the butter smeared around their mouths.

(hope you know what I would say and understand this, Im german)

Remember the 64bit no configurator? I was pissed of beyond belief
The best part is ppl coming in here and moan why it doesn’t work when they have pirated versions.

GI ver. 1.754 (32 bit) still works.
Could´t find an official dl link of course, so i copied my files for you.

Click me!

Hope this works for you.

I had this at first, when I noticed later that I did the mistake of putting it in the wrong installation folder that was outdated, I did made Steam copy it from one HD to another but it didn’t delete the old folder. Check if it’s not your case.

Also, I forgot to ask, is it possible to add the an option to enable buff/debuffs or only debuffs on common mob?

I know some might think it’s silly but I’ve been playing a self made Bloody Pox build and I feel the lack of it to know when it run out, specially the yellow ones or big mobs with huge HP pool.

Also, I liked that clock that appear when we kill a WB(?) like Kraken, but would be neat to have one too to be enabled.

Thanks for the good work on this add-on.

I was wondering if Grim Internals (or any other mod) is somehow able to highlight double rare greens and MIs?

Any chance to add a checkbox to auto pickup unique items (Blue, purple)? I am aware that this has been asked before. But seeing as there is a checkbox for Green items, i don’t really see the difference between this and uniques. Your inventory fills up faster with greens than with uniques. I would greatly appreciate having this choice.

As far as i know no it doesnt exist

Hmm dont know, Glocky was very sure that she wouldnt anything like this but ill put it on the list

Yeah, I suspected as much. Unfortunately I’m too lazy (and have limited play time) to check all greens before selling them, unless I’m looking for a specific MI. :eek:

New Version v1.771 (x64) can work with x32 bit Grim Dawn
or only x64?

Since 32 is no longer supported by this my guess is 64 only.

This is a bad thing
x64 strongly lags in SR
what’s why i use x32 GD

whaaaat? ._. how comes my pc runs way waaaaay better on 64bit
Have you checked for further things on fps boost?
Maybe on the 32bits you had /d3d9? try it on 64 bit too

I cannot promise anything since its not in my hands but we will see what are all these issues on 64 bit compared to the 32 bit
Im trying to say about the 32 bit version…
I would really like to get some more info and what issues there are since dont have issues on both version at all
I play SR for example i have reached 70 and i dont have issues tbh, i know the FPS decrease the engine has but everything else is ok

Since i also read about the SR and DPS meter having even more fps dropping that’s actually normal
On the first page Glocky informs about it and its not the tool’s limitation but you should have disabled the DPS meter
It was added(and removed sometime ago cause of the complaints) because the fps where dropping
After pushing glocky one more time to add it because of demand she clearly stated that you must deactivate it when playing normal
Its for testing purposes only