[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Can’t Talk, must GI!

THankyou!!! awesome!! GI!!! :slight_smile: my life is now complete!

Thank you for the update!

As I am quite new to the mod (installed 8 days ago), I don’t know if this is a bug or just a reset after the update:

BEFORE: My 2 summoned minions (Guardian of Empyrion as Oathkeeper) were in the info box in green with a “NAME (2/2)”.

NOW: They are not shown, even though they are summonded.

Summons are handled as non temporary buffs (since v1.771) because of user requests.
If you want to see the textline, uncheck “Only Temp Buffs” in the Configurator.

Many thanks for your hard work and awesome mod :slight_smile:

Praise the lord, you maam are a saint :smiley:

Thank you!

Thank you very much for the update !

It seems i can not set different values for the different class of mobs anymore (common, champion, hero and boss). Maybe i’m doing it wrong, but i was abble to do it before.

Edit: well, i can do it, but the checked/unchecked boxs don’t change when i change the selected class, but it still affects what i see in game, weird.

Thank you very much for the hard work.

Thanks so much for the update! Never knew I’d miss this mod so much.

Thank you so much for the update.

WUHHUU! Thank you so much for this, the most solid mod in a grim world :smiley: Keep up this great work! HF

Thank you very much for your time and effort keeping the mod updated!!

Im using Steam Version and updated Grim Dawn, but for some reason im getting an error version mismatch but i already downloaded the new GI…anyone else experiencing this ?

Thank you. I was one of the people asking for that in the quest to reduce clutter. It’s definitely welcome. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m using the GoG version of Grim Dawn and I’m getting the same error, even after downloading the very newest version of Grim Internals.


I haven’t found the time to test all functions, because I wanted to release this update as fast as possible.
So if you encounter bugs or issues please post it here at the forum. Thanks![/QUOTE]

The Toggle hud is kinda gliched but still working. Rest looks good so far.

Thanks for the Quick update

On a different note, I asked this before but you weren’t here so I think it fell into oblivion, so I will ask again in case.

As it work for Heroes+, is it possible to add an option to show debuffs on normal mobs? As I noticed while playing with Bloody Pox, sometimes it feel like it doesn’t apply since the mob is not dying as fast as when I know it is applied (I know when it is only when there’s a hero+ mob close by lol).

I know the trash mob die fast, but sometimes depending on the situation some are pretty resilient to certain damages and take a while longer to die.

Again, thank you for the nice work done on this tool.

Small update:

I don’t recall now if it was working before (sorry my mind is pretty shi***) but with GI the controller support stop completely, I tried to copy the controller scheme from normal GD to GI shortcut but still don’t work.

I find it strange, since the game should detect it either way. Unless I’m missing something.

From what I read, GoG is still on hotfix 1 while this GI version is for hotfix 2, so you have to wait for GoG to get the update.

As for the steam user: I would check to make sure you have the latest version since there’s been several updates in the past days.

but i am using the latest version thats why im confused hopefully someone can help with steam version