[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

No, it shouldn’t. I hope you’re not the person with a pirated copy of the game.


IA works fine with 64 bit.
Partly thanks to the GI dev :slight_smile:

Great news slipperypete. :slight_smile:

Having problems downloading the mod from MEGA. Gives me an error. Anyone else having this problem?

nvm: had to disable all my chrome extensions for some reason…

Hi everyone!
Have a little problem here. Really love to play with this tool but it wont allow edited game.dll to work.
There is a “mod” Retaliation on ranged mobs. It isnt really a mod but a little edit to game.dll.

  1. Open Hex editor.
  2. Search for the following Hex String: 00 00 00 83 F8 01
    Sometimes newer version will change the following strings as 7X 1Y where X and Y are new numbers. So, for example, the string could look like
    00 00 00 83 F8 01 78 19
    You’ll have to change them to 90 90 and test.

This edit-mod works if i launch my game normaly and if i start it with Internals it isnt working.
Right now i am agonising about playing my retaliation build with edit-mod or with Internals.:cry: Maybe there is a way for edit-mod to work with Internals?

Did you try to run it as Administrator? That might fix it, also, I think GI have that function in it’s .INI, I think it’s close to the end of the file text.

you are right, in the end of the ini file there is a trigger for ranged damage retaliation set it on true
run as admin the GI

I use F1 as a hotkey in Grim Dawn. This also enables / disables the information in GI. Is there a way to change the binding, or disable F1 from affecting this behavior? I looked in the INI and couldn’t find anything. Very annoying!

when i use 32-bits version, it always remembers where i used last time.
64-bits version does not.
I really appreciate it if you can fix it, thx

Looking through GrimInternals.ini and cant find anything related to retaliation… not even close… Maybe someone can look up the exact line please?

Found with a search.

PatchRangedRetaliation=false (enables/disables ranged retaliation)
RemoveEnvironmentDamage=false (enables/disables the damage layer)

There is no such lines in my ini, but after adding them and setting to “True” it works great!
Thanks everyone for help.

It’s at the end of the file.

PatchRangedRetaliation=False <-------- Change it to True

Found it myself in older posts. But it is a fact that there was no such lines in my ini, had to add them.

Its actually Shift+F1…

Can you be a bit more specific about this? I have no idea what is the issue

Also Next time check on threads first post for the Q&A of Grim internals(or my signature link) for all the info you need for GI

… Huh.
So for some bizarre reason, it’s installed in multiple places.

… Bloody steam.

Is it possible to change the sounds Internals uses for various events? In particular the legendary drop sound.

do you have archived old versions available? Says version mismatch when I tried the exe

Yes, it is!

Nah, update your Grim Dawn to the latest patch (v1.1.2.3 Hotfix 3)
and GI should work.

Grim Internals v1.782 (x64) Download-Link (MEGA)

  • small bugfixes
    [li] added new parameter “SummonSkillsAreTempBuffs=False” to .ini file [/li](set it to “True” if you want summons to be listed as Temporary Buff in the InfoBox)
    [li] new healthbar config added for monster (Type: Champion) to .ini file[/li][HealthBarMonsterChampion]

Known issues:

  • [li]Steam Cloud Save is not functioning properly when you launch Grim Internals![/li]If you really need Cloud Save, then first launch Grim Dawn and when you see the game menu,
    (character selection screen) then start Grim Internals!
  • some tooltips in the Configurator are missing.
    [li]The Configurator window becomes unaligned and illegible when the desktop DPI scaling [/li]is set higher than 100% (A workaround is in the Q&A section, please read it!)
    [li]You can’t edit/delete teleport locations within the Configurator;[/li]instead use an external texteditor to edit the file “GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt”.

Thanks for the update.

I never asked you but…what is the significance of the duck sitting on the pole in Devils Crossing? xD
Tbh the legendary sound i prefer the old one. This one sounds more of a Diablo sound. If you dont Use the GrimInternals folder that DUN! sound is better for me. You got a copy of that laying around?