[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

There is no duck sitting on the pole … :smiley:

Tbh the legendary sound i prefer the old one. This one sounds more of a Diablo sound. If you dont Use the GrimInternals folder that DUN! sound is better for me. You got a copy of that laying around?

The old legendary sound use the “records/sounds/ui/spak_playerlevelup.dbr”
with modified parameters (tuned down by 1 or 2 octaves, I can’t remember)
Set “UseDroppedLegendaryOldSfx=true” in the .ini file under [Settings]
or make your own sound effect; it’s funny to create one!

there is no duck?.. are you sure you didnt add this? I have been seeing this as long as i play GD with GI o_o
Omg my life is a lie

Not able to confirm this, that is the post besides the captain when you first start the game? if it is, I can’t see a duck. you got any other mods installed?

No nothing. Its not always there you are right
I have to relog 4-5 times to see it actually
And it has animation que too. Flapping its wings looking around etc ._.
The thing is that i never encountered it without GI

Ive only used GI for a few weeks, so when I saw that bird I thought I’d gone crazy. How could I of never noticed in 1600 hours?

Good lord and i thought that I was going crazy

That is not a duck! It’s a seagull :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this the new squirrel thing in GD. Not squirrels, but seagulls! Damn I need to look harder. :smiley:

Still thank you.

Is it possible to increase the stack size for scrap like you have done with the health/energy potions?

Thank you for this superb mod, it really adds HUGELY to the GD experience !!! :smiley:

Scrap goes up to 1000 too

ANYWAY Its a bird! OK? ;p

so you didnt put it there right? :s

Where can I download the past releases of Grim Internals?

We dont keep an archive about old releases cause on each update of the game you have to use the latest version and on top of that new features are being added daily

It’s always stacked up to 1000 … would it be possible to increase the stack to say 9999?

My shared stash is FULL :cry::furious::rolleyes:

I guess some people want to collect enough scrap to make this…:smiley:

@Darkstalix, it’s a crown (there I said it, the party pooper prize goes to me).

@GlockenGerda Not sure if you saw my last (and second) post about this, but I will ask again, is it possible to make the debuff icons appear on common mob?

Need… to… get to… next… waypoint… update… argh!..

Even though I have Item Skills Cooldowns toggled on, Brutal Shield Slam (from Serrated Shell) isn’t showing up. Is this a known error?

Possible? Sure!
But necessary? No …
Common monsters die too fast, you wouldn’t notice the icons anyway, imo, and it would reduce the fps if I would add debuff icons to all monsters.

You have to reduce the threshold value in the .ini file to show cooldowns with a short duration.

Search for “SkillsCooldownThreshold=” and set the value to 3.0 or lower (default is 5.0 seconds).

You’re welcome!

Yes, it is a bird; I agree on that!
Since it looks like an Egyptian seagull, I suppose it’s a stray bird. :smiley: