[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Most likely it has to do with your build mate, i,we havent had any memory leak reports before from other members so far, and then my guess is as good as yours…
Have you enabled the memoryusage to be shown? you saw any weird increases in usage?
the BSOD you are referring , can you hear music/sounds of the game etc?

What Windows version do you use?

I can’t reproduce the crashes you’ve experienced!
So I recommend in your case to not use Grim Internals anymore.

See, that’s the problem here, with cloud enabled, starting GD and once on the character selection screen starting GI, nothing happen.

So i had to import the cloud save files (network tab) and now i start the game through GI but obviously, no cloud :confused:

Does the dps meter calculate Trauma, bleed, burn etc?
Anyway to have those numbers shown?

I only just downloaded internals and I’m still learning what it can all do.
Thanks for the help.


i’ll try, hopefully i can manage

I am updated to version and it still giving me version mismatch

Edit: never mind wasnt launching the 64bit version. Got it working

If you need more help just shout here :wink:

As it is now, it does it in total per element lets say Fire/Burn is the same meter
It wouldnt be a bad Idea tbh but im sure it would put more stress FPS wise

finally got it, but it only apply on health bar. the “%” still changing from G Y R like usual. it’s fine but i would love to see static color for % text too

by far this is AWESOME, no need to pick “important” loot in those damned green floor anymore. still, why isnt there auto loot for epic and legendary, there’s one for rare one though. i love surprises when checking my bag lol

Any way to increase the size of status effect messages like “Stunned”? Or increase the number of them per second while stunned etc. Basically, I want to make it more obvious if I get CC’d. A lot more obvious.

ATM no such a feature is available but i had it in mind tbh since many 4K players appeared here and there

@Glocky it would be nice to add this

Is it possible to add new location to the teleport list?

Go to any location you want and just press “Save Position”

hmm, same what i’ve been thinking
maybe make the same as “incoming DPS”, but show only the current CC

honestly when playing, it’s quite distracting to see corner of the screen and just watch buff/debuff icon (which only last for a few second) and i especially dont even know what icon was that… what did i get hit with??? whenever i want to highlight it, it’s already gone…

I want to teleport to some map such as Kymon’s sanctuary but I can’t save in there. Also, is there a way to manually add new entry to the list?

Some places are locked for portals.

You must save it outside, in front of the entrance.

Yes … read the FAQ … :rolleyes: :wink:

I have no clue what i did wrong:

You posted this in the wrong thread that is all @_@
Do a repair/verify integrity of files of your game

This is what the Configurator looks like when UI scaling is enabled in Windows. The individual elements properly respond to the scaling, but the window itself seems to be a static size.

Please change the Configurator to either allow resizing of the window or to scroll when UI elements exceed the size of the window (or both, ideally).

I’m aware of this issue.

This is a known issue with the scaling of the window disable the scaling for gd for now