[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I’m seeing the same problem. :frowning:

EDIT: Some of us are seeing the same problem even without Grim Internals, especially the 64 bit version.


Yes i know i completely forgot to tell her that the links are broken
For now you can find the post in my profile in here or with the search function its very fast

This is intended
Better not push the engine on the first load might be a bit unstable

I will check for the MP issues in a bit
You made sure you run GI with admin rights?
Or you have any AVs? maybe blocking it
Also how i multiquote :x

Well … i’m just agree with most of people that say this kind of QOL must be natural to the game .
And yeah i use this tool so i must be as much lazy than you probably :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait …wait just to add the health bar over monster head for better visibilty you need to lose your denture ? xD

I’m havint problems rinning GI today.
Yesterday, after the update, everything was working normally.
Today it doesn’t work. Tried to run it directly from the folder with admin but nothing.

edit: Had to reinstall GI, dunno what happened :smiley:

I’ll admit that I’m lazy as fuck, but I clocked over 1500 hours in GD before I even knew about the existence of GrimInternals. I was the Grim Dawn equivalent of a Korean Star Craft 2 player, such speed, grace and accuracy! I perfected the technique of grabbing the loot mid-air before it even hit the ground :stuck_out_tongue:
I never wished for any auto-loot feature, only after using GI myself I learned to appreciate it. But still, I don’t mind when GI is temporarily out of order due to patches. Not having it for a couple of days doesn’t matter that much to me, I still know my loot-fu.

So even though I appreciate the benefits GI has, I’d never call the devs lazy for making that design decision, if anything I’d call them cruel :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (please don’t hit me @evil_medierra)

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Well, but there is a difference to feel that way, or to call out a dev lazy only because they don’t bend to the will of everyone and buckle to their needs and wishes. And while i understand where you Guy’s come from, because there are certain Features & QoL which i wish in general to have for most of the Games i play(like Illusionist… i love being able to customize Visuals / Appearance seperatly from Items which gives Stats) it’s hard to draw the line.

Because like i mentioned earlier(in my TL;DR Post), nowdays Game-Developers aren’t allowed anymore to develope what they want, otherwise they get trashed if they don’t follow any kind of Standarts or some / many People want from them.

I had many Topics about Dark Souls where alot of People are unable to comprehend that while Difficulty might not influence the Gamers per se who enjoy to be challenged, it can influence the Vision of the Game and what the Game-Dev want their Players to experience. So from my Viewpoint that’s something we need to re-learn again, and that also to save somewhat of the artistic Freedom due to things like Political Correctness and such this is nowdays already heavly damaged / influenced, the Fact that not every game is meant to be catered to our own needs and wishes but moreover but a reflection of what different creative peoples (Dev-Team) Vision…

And the absolute big irony about this whole Situation / Topic is the Fact, that i bet many People who vote for Grim Internals Features implemented into the Vanilla Gamers, are one of the first who hate on Blizzard for casualizing or the Mobile-Phone Moves, because what are this standart natural modern QoL mostly? Yes, Standarts made by the Mainstream & Casuals. Every Questmarker bloating the Minimap, every direct Pointer towards your Quest is because of People who were in the old days “Lazy” enough to read Quest-Description or do simple “mere” exploration and that goes for many QoL things.

And don’t get me wrong, as someone who use Grim Internals, i myself enjoy QoL Features a well etc. and i have myself for some / many Games which i like / love wishes how the Game(atleast for myself) could be overall a better Game, but it’s really uncalled for to claim Devs are too “lazy” to deliever features which they don’t seem to fit their Vision and people are butthurt over this AND the fact the already gave the Community the Tools / Freedom to deliever such features for themself.

Last but not Least, and that’s something which bothers me even more, now that Crate give us this Pickup Features, people can still be as ungratefull to mourne about HP Bars and whatever.


GI runs just fine in single player mode. So it shouldn’t have anything to do with admin rights, or AV issues. It only happens when I try to join any MP game, or someone tries to join mine. I tried with GI on one machine, on both machines and on neither machine. The only way I can join MP is if neither client is running GI.

This is probably the biggest issue I have with virtually ANY community, be it gaming, filmmaking, comics or whatever else I subscribe too. But then again, the world turns. It’s full of the good and the bad, that’s what makes it unique. Crate has shown me, after playing the game now for about 9 months, they’re a great company with a biting sense of humor. I like that. And GlockenGerda and Darkstalix are awesome for this wonderful tool they’ve kept uptodate.


Anybody else having this current update flagged as a trojan by their anti-virus? It keeps me multiple warnings about an infected file in both the .exe and the .dll from the upload Darkstalix made yesterday. Flagging it as a trojan/keylogger.

Welcome to the world of False Positives. You DON’T report such things to the developers/modders because there is little they can do for it. They have no control over AV programs and how they operate. Recognize a False Positive for what it is, report it as such to your AV provider (who will then hopefully quickly investigate the file and give it a clean bill of health and update their lists), then manually whitelist it in your AV settings on your own and move along.

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I really hope that health bars are also planned. I can live without auto pickup (and in fact I don’t have it enabled, I don’t like auto-pickup in any form), but I can’t live without health bars and can’t imagine doing shattered realm without it. I understand that auto-pickup is by far the easiest thing to implement (because it’s basically already in the game for the most part), but health bars are far more useful than auto-loot. At least I’m using GOG so I can switch between versions easily.

The tool definitely is NOT a virus or whatever
But its correct that they find it suspicious tho cause what it does is to inject the dll file into GD memory on launch
False positive :smiley:

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Darkstalix, can you doing optionally always on or off speed mode?

Ouch ! ,i feel very lonely here sigh… I though more people would be agree … Sad world

@ Lightyu and all other ,
I still think name plate need to be in game , gl .

That’s because most of us having been along with Crate for years now, watching them make this game for us the whole way thru. Crate is many things but lazy isn’t one of those things you’re gunna find most of us calling them.

It’s an insult, plain and simple, and an insult they don’t deserve. You insulted them without due cause in your French translation thread and then did the same here.

Maybe you feel it’s ok to just walk into any person’s house and insult them there too?


Well, i don’t want to be that guy but “you reap what you sow”! With your passive agressive tone it shouldn’t surprise you, atleast for this Topic, to get some backlash. Even more if you come with this somewhat arrogant attitude of saying “Sad World” simply because we don’t agree with you, and you think you are in the “right” for an “fact”. And sorry i had to many of this type of arguments and attitudes to not being cynical and / or critical towards to it.

Like for one (in an different Forum) where i had to argue with someone who claimed, that DLC’s and even Expansions (like Ashes of Malmouth, Lord of Destruction and such) are all cashgrab content from greedy company’s which should’ve been in the Game from the beginning, and said Game-Devs shouldn’t be allowed to judge Money for content made after an full, finished product(so extra work basically) because you paid already for the Main-Product. And don’t let me begin with examples like Dark Souls, because this wouldn’t end with an simple wall of text.

And i’ve to point out again, that i’ve nothing against express wishes or give suggestion, but there is simply a line between doing so or being entitled and begin to trashtalk the devs and even further the community, and call out it’s “sad world” that things have come this far.

I fully agree on that… i’m sure not one of this Guys who followed since the whole beginning, but i kept my eye on it and even bought it early once it was released on Steam as Early Access Title, so i also followed a majority of the Game development and crates work(though i wasn’t very active in the community / forum all this time).

However i’ve to point out, that’s for me not only a matter of people giving such an attitude towards crate, but the Gaming-Industry in general. (Did “hide” it due TL;DR but if someone want a bit further explaination then he can read through it).


I don’t try to talk down some shady buisness and anti-consumer practice, because that’s a ugly side as well(as you might’ve seen if you know my personal backlash) but there is also a side of the same coin where a huge role / part plays the Gaming-Community or better say consumers play their role into it.

From unfair callouts like this lazy argument, up to actions which even allowed / lead to “shady buisness” up to even further of the arrogant entitlement of consumers, who think because they paid for one product, their “money” rules over the company and they need to do what they want. And that kinda p*** me off if. Developers are also “only” Human beings which do their job, and there are limits in time, ressources etc. But Gamers think, only because Games are so fun and enjoyable to them, the work to create such things is as much of fun and enjoyable everytime, but even more as easy as simply play the game at the end. And that follows the motto of “i don’t compare about problems or how unrealistic my expectations are, i only care about the solution due I pay the money for them”… Anyway this drifts to much away from the topic so i will stop here.

I also want to add another thing, from my perspective it’s also “positive” if / when create doesn’t add everything from GI, because that give the tool a value and is still usefull to the people who want more of this kind of QoL Features… so it’s a win-win situation.(except, which i can’t evaluate, for glockengerad to support / develope this tool because unsatisfying and bothersome…)


Saying it’s a little irrespectful from dev because they don’t give enought time between translate work when they just finished it’s insulting ? My bad then ,it’s insulting for them too .
Preferably i won’t continue on this subject.

Oh and this house is a public forum if i’m right , sry if you feel i’m intrusive , you have your good part too .