[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I’m simply say what i think not more not less .

And? Crate isn’t rushing or demanding anything from the translators. The translators do it of their own free will at their own pace. In fact, Crate respects them enough for all they do they gave them FG freely for their efforts.

Almost right… it’s Crate’s “public” forum. Doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-all. It’s still their house.


Shocking, some people don’t want to be assholes with you to the people making the stuff you’re doing for fun! What a novel thought!

Let me know where you work so I can come to your office and tell you you’re a lazy fuck. :wink:

Oh and after that be sure to give me quality service with a smile.


Don’t you just love it when people have no idea what it takes to design and maintain software? It happens all the time to me at work. It’s incredibly annoying.


You mean to save the speed you had set from before?
I saw many ppl asked for it too.
OK THEN most likely on next patch will be set on saved and not reset back to default speed
But keep in mind it might cause irregularities :s we dont know yet

I will inform Glockio

Thank you very much.

Guys i cant join anything or anyone in MP games with or without the tool
Only if i play on 32bits version and after 1-2 travels i get stuck on loading screen

Anyone else?

Neither of these work. I have fully patched game, all dlc and latest GI as per the link at the top of this thread (Q&A)

I just rechecked and the environment damage indeed works
Maybe its some kind of different way you tested it? I just tested it again on aetherground and it worked

Tested outside Homestead, still getting jabbed :\

Do those lines go under [settings] or elsewhere? Coz thats where i have them

aaah i got it
When you edit the command lines from the ini file while you play the game it is not saved
Close the game,edit your ini file,save the file and run the game

I thought i had that on the Q&A post, ill recheck thanks for the report

I search, but can not find : do it exit an ini line to setup magical item auto pick up ?
(Need iron bits for transmutation, craft… So I don’t left them)

Sorry, that doesn’t work either. I’ve tried editing, saving, reloading after saving twice, still getting torched outside homestead. I have v1.1.3.0(x64) and GI 1.79 sooo yeah, confused

Magic items autoloot is not supported since are almost useless later on only rare items and MI for now

I will continue to click ! Thanks for this wonderful mod !

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You know what? use my ini and recheck its weird

Ini.zip (1.4 KB)


Thanks :smiley:

Ah this is how yours is, mine wasn’t. You need to change the Q&A to show it has to go under [Cheats], pretty sure that crucial info is missing up there :wink:


I enabled on mine so you would use it as it is
As i said in the Q&A the toggle is on off meaning true or false :wink: