[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

While I love all the QOL improvements from 1.4.0 I think I will miss also Game speed feature and teleport list from GI. Now that I played the game at 1.2 speed I have really hard time to return to 1.0 speed.:smiley:

GI is still irreplaceable. Devs healthbar is ugly.

GI can continue to maintain the other valuable features not in the patch, and push the frontier with other QoL enhancements, as GG (and this community) has always done. Crate will likely not return to QoL after the patch.

Maybe somebody should make a poll or perhaps GlockenGerda can solicit some feedback from GI users to see if her assumption that ā€œonly a handfulā€ of people will still want to use GI after the next patch.

Maybe people should be grateful for all the work she did for free and respect whatever decision she makes regarding how she spends her time?


People have been thanking GlokenGerda for her work over and over again in this thread and elsewhere. Plenty of folks have mentioned making donations to her. Itā€™s very obvious that her work is appreciated, and I fail to comprehend how some of us wanting to keep using it for all the other features that you didnā€™t implement is construed as ungratefulness.

This is the reason that was given for discontinuing work on GI:

Iā€™m sorry to say that, but now that weā€™ll get auto-loot, healthbars and crucible map selection
in the base game, Grim Internals is not needed anymore (most GI users will simply donā€™t use it anymore).

So it make no sense to spend my rare free time to develop/update it any further for only a handful of people.

She said she planned to stop spending time on it because you are incorporating the most famous features of her tool into the base game, and she believes the remaining people who would want to keep using it for the other features constitute too small a percentage of the user base to be worth her time. Now, if she would come right out and say that sheā€™s got too much going on in her life and doesnā€™t want to or canā€™t dedicate her time to GI anymore for that reason, then fine. But that is not what she said, so all Iā€™m saying is that if it can be demonstrated that a lot more than the ā€œhandfulā€ of users she mentioned would want GI to stay up to date for the other features it offers that still arenā€™t in the base game, then maybe sheā€™ll change her mind and decide itā€™s still worth her time after all.


GI is a wonderful tool for sure with the other QoL it has noone can say otherwise
We should be glad about the game having these things cause it means that they hear this and that when every patch was introduced and breaking it.
I can feel that Glocky is already burnt out from coding and maybe from the game. She been here since 2013? This might be the reason the donation link was removed too
And on the other hand lets not forget Crate team and what they are trying to do
Its NOT THE EASIEST thing to satisfy everyone when making healthbars because of all that customization BUT as i said before about the patch i dont know if it makes me happy or sad
From the one hand Glocky might want to move on something else and on the other Crate knows how useful it was and they SPENT time especially as they mentioned on the UI since coding it was a pain.

And im saying all these knowing how hard it was to maintain the tool and the gameā€™s update since iā€™ve been here too trying to help everyone


Frau Gerda Glocke seems to be a truly decent person, and in my opinion, GI got bigger and bigger and took more and more time to maintain. And now a hell of a lot of people are using it, and it seems she didnĀ“t t want to abandon GI completely for exactly that reason. She didnĀ“t want to let us down.
I donĀ“t know whatĀ“s going on in ger personal life, but Crate including the key feature of GI is probably a blessing for GlockenGerda, for now she can put GI to rest w/o feeling bad about it.

Maybe we can be grateful for all that she has done and just let her be?
LetĀ“s give that a try, that sounds neat.


Learn to read between the lines kid

She says she is quitting and then a little later on she says letā€™s see what happens when the patch comes out and then determine whether GI is sill needed. If sheā€™s just done and ready to move on, then why even say that?

Alas, I donā€™t wish to draw out and debate the issue any longer. Point has been made.

For the record, I am very grateful for the time youā€™ve put into GI, GlockenGerda, and I wish you all the best if you truly desire to move on and leave it behind.

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It looks like my statement has caused a bit of confusion.
With this statement, I wanted to prevent discussions about GI (whether it is still needed or not),
although patch v1.1.4.0 has not been even released; you should first be able to test the new QoL-
Features yourself!
And some things (e.g.: the appearance of the new heathbars) could change in the final patch.

This in no way contradicts my 1st statement that it makes no sense to keep Grim Internals running for only a handful of people.


And letĀ“s keep in mind, that this isnĀ“t Blizzard. If the healtbars are lackluster, people will voice their opinion about it (a.k.a. nagging), and :crate: will probably make adjustements.


If you read sentences like this:

Then yes, iā€™d argue itā€™s still an ungrateful way to act.
It sounds like, while most of people here are pretty grateful towards the tool itself, no-one really is grateful towards GlockenGerda who spent so much of her Free-Time. Simply ā€œthankingā€ isnā€™t the same as being grateful, otherwise you guys wouldnā€™t ā€œcomplainingā€ and being entitled, coming with such insane statements like ā€œgive us what we want, as long as we wantā€, which make it sound you all have a right to get this tool and she simply should bow to you wishes and not follow her own decision. A real ā€œgratefulā€ Person would had accepted and respected her wishes and feelings towards it, that she donā€™t want to continue it and also donā€™t want to give out her Source-Code. And everyone who wouldā€™ve followed the topic a bit and not only grab the Tool and leave the Topic / Forum, or whine again if a new Update for Grim Dawn comes out, and that tools not updated in the first few seconds, wouldā€™ve seen that there might some weight lifted from her and her personal life with the upcoming QoL Update.(Which than is the next thing which is bothersome about this whole situation, that no-one really is grateful towards Crate for adding major features from GI in the Game, but thatā€™s another topicā€¦ so i will skip on that).


@LightningYu one of my fav things to do after a new patch release, is to go in to this thread and read all the ā€œcomplaintsā€ and ā€œquestionsā€ why GI is not working anymore. Cracks me up every patch


Yeah, though get kinda angry about that, because this kind of Attitude is pretty disrespectful.
Not saying i donā€™t understand why people find this Tool so great, because even i, who enjoy majority of his Games as Vanilla Experience, use this tool. But that doesnā€™t justify such an attitude, and donā€™t blame Crate for ā€œreleasingā€ a new Update(and thatā€™s not only crate which face such rantsā€¦ i saw it for different Games as well. One might thing people are grateful that an Dev continue to support their game with new contentā€¦ but it seems many people nowdays like to rant simply because they need to have a bit of patience for an Mod to be updated, or also in case of grim dawnā€¦ translationā€¦)
and than begin nagging towards an mod-creator / tool-developer they should update the tool / mod.

Bit offtopic about modding

Well, i like Modding Support and Mods in general, but for me there is rarely a Game where i would argue i canā€™t enjoy Vanilla Game anymore and need Mods, and compared to the amount of games i have plus modding support, itā€™s actually pretty rare for me to use mods anyway. Skyrim or Minecraft, which are popular examples, i enjoy Vanilla as much as a do with some modsā€¦ infact in case of Skyrim the only Mod where iā€™d argue you really should give it a try would be enderalā€¦ though thats like an complete new gameā€¦

Maybe itā€™s a generation issue?


can someone explain how to get mods to work with steam? I launch the mod and the game from steam but I get an error saying that steam is required and that it canā€™t find grim dawn. I moved the mod files to the grim dawn folder such as in the instructions and put the folder in the exceptions for antivirus. soā€¦ wtf?

GlockenGerda, thank you very much for such an amazing tool. I started playing GD back in Nov 18 and it was recommended to me about a month later. It was one of, if not, THE best QoL add ons Iā€™ve ever seen or used in a game. Thanks again for everything youā€™ve done with it.

  • Put the contents of the .zip into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
  • Go on Steam and press : Add a game and then the , Add a Non-Steam game.
  • Press on Browse and search for the GrimInternals.exe executable in the folder and after clicking on it press on ā€œAdd selected Programsā€
  • In the steam Library below the Grim Dawn game launcher there will be the GrimInternals,run the game from that shortcut

Make sure Steam is running

I believe iā€™m doing all that. iā€™m launching GrimInternals from the steam library and I get an error saying steam must be running. iā€™m not sure how I can have steam running any more than I am :slight_smile: