[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Well, I had hoped for a different answer but sure I understand it.

Thank you for the great tool I had a lot of fun with! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That makes me a sad panda, but I understand. I started using GI about four days before FG dropped, and purely for the DPS info.

Wait wait I was at work and i just got here! what is going on?

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Farewell to GI the most useful tool ever in the GD era
I will Truly miss the customizations tho :frowning:
/Hail the queen


*tips hat to Glocken

You did this community a great service!

(I will miss the cooldown counters but Iā€™ll live)

If you donā€™t maintain your tool anymore Crate has to add the teleport list system (cause I suppose one day GI wonā€™t work anymore). This feature is a big help in boss/devotion farming :slight_smile:

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While Crate is bending a bit and going on a QoL spree here I wouldnā€™t hold your breath too long on that one. They might bend on some things but Iā€™d be willing to put money down that you wonā€™t be seeing Zantai bend on that one.

No way Zantai would bend on that indeed, its not like the Crucible QoL its something that was there for grind or what reasons.
I will definitely miss the Day/night Cycle tho and the pot cooldowns


Maybe Glocky could keep these things like damage and cooldowns, day night change, alive, until Crate has a sense to implement this too ā€¦

and this forum thread here will become boring ā€¦

I hope that there are some other things at the new interface TAB in Game Options, which isnā€™t show on Zantais Screenshot.

Thank you for your dedication to keeping GI updated - much appreciated. I find the cool down countdowns and damage meters quite useful in everyday play, especially on the harder fights. The teleporting makes farming and nemesis hunting easier and quicker, thatā€™s for sure. I know GlockenGerda has been hesitant to hand off her code to anyone else (and I completely understand the reasoning) but perhaps if she has someone she can trust to maintain a stripped down version of GI - it could live on? (One can dream!)

Thanks again!

There are some things from the original General tab moved there but mostly it is various toggles concerning Health bars.

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And that reasoning is what, exactly?

Thank you for what you have helped us with Grim Internalsā€¦ :crying_cat_face:

A suggestion would be to open the source code so people could continute to update the tool if youā€™re deciding to stop. Sure, devs are implementing some of the features, but FAR away from all of the nice QoLs that GI offers. Like game speed, teleport, cooldowns, debuffs, day/night, pots, you name itā€¦ I would seriously appreciate and recommend a reconsider on just leaving this tool untouched. As you have pleased the community through the years, why stop now? Give us what we want, a taste of your amazing tool as long as we want!

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But the most useful feature beside the autoloot and health bar is dropped item affix notification, hard to farm item without it. Hope you continue to support grim internal

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Before this gets out of hand here, please wait for patch v1.1.4.0 first to see the new features in action.
Then we can discuss whether GI is still needed or not.


Thank you, Glocken, for your hard work and dedication in keeping this QoL addon running. Instead of complaining about things, people should be grateful that you have taken time out of your personal life to help the community. I didnā€™t start using GI until about six months ago and that was before the teleports. Yes, they are useful, but at the same time it takes away from possible loot opportunities running through dungeons. People are always upset they canā€™t find (insert item/recipe here) but then donā€™t put the work in to find them. Just my personal opinion.

I didnā€™t expect that

Praise the Glocka


I respect your free time needs (as I want to have more gaming time^^). If you need help for testing or find faithful developer too help you, ask, Iā€™m sure weā€™ll find few people who wants new experience !