[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

ok I understand, “antivirus”; Thank you thank you very much.

Ah you mean misaligned healthbars when you play on higher resolutions?
The thing is that i dont use high resolutions maybe thats why i havent tested these so i would have issue :confused:
If you see here

On my setup is perfectly ok but trust me if i had use higher resolution and since my OCD hits too i would defo suggest it to Glocky
I will inform her for this issue for sure

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Thanks for the info!
I made a small bugfix for this issue: GI V1.792


Success, thanks man

What browser do you use to access Mega? I get a please try again and/or disable all extensions with chrome, firefox, and edge.

It’s perfect!:star_struck:
& you did it so fast too!

Thank you so much! You’re the best! :smiley:

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I use chrome. Sounds like you might have an add/script blocker that’s running a bit too heavy.

Just ublock on all three and privacy badger, and disabled both.

I got Ublock origin, tampermonkey, nano defender and inline install blocker and haven’t had to disable them… so I got nothing. Strange that you can’t get to it from Firefox and Edge… both of those are fundamentally different enough that one of the three should have worked. My guess is your connection, either the hardware your, ISP or some combination. Sadly we just went beyond my range of self help knowledge.

@Darkstalix Is disabling the voice capture a confirmed fix for that issue?

Awesome great Tool. Installed for the first time and work like a charm.

Keep up the good work!

Question, is it possible to replace the HP numbers of enemies by a HP bar instead?

Thanks :slight_smile:

For some peeps yeh
Try to not use GI to sort out further cases

In the ini file edit these or untick them in the configurator
HideHealthBars = False
MonsterHealthValuesHidePercent = False
MonsterHealthHideValues = False

Also check on the first post the Q&A post on how to edit everything and how to use the tool to its fullest

can you not run the visual C++ on a 32bit system?

Not sure where you are going with this, but GI doesn´t support 32bit anymore, so if you are one of those people, GI isn´t for you, alas. Sorry.

Hiya, is it possible to auto-loot only MIs and double rares? I can set up my in-game filter to show only these but would have to manually pick up MIs (which is a lot; double rares not so much an issue). TIA.

A very special thank you to you Glocky: look at the first lines here :wink:



Yes, a nice touch from Zantai to the famous GlockenGerda … :smile:


Yes, the forthcoming patch is wonderful and makes the most important QoL features of GI redundant. However, I’ll still use it because of teleporting and being able to launch the game outside of Steam without having to update it. I like being able to play the old version of a game for a few days while I work on making my mod immune from unwanted changes. :slight_smile:

Oh, and I’ve grown accustomed to the active effects / potions sidebar as well.

I am afraid to ask this but will there be still updates to GrimInternals after patch

Because I really like (and NEED) my DPS features and my Cooldowns…:pensive:

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I’m sorry to say that, but now that we’ll get auto-loot, healthbars and crucible map selection
in the base game, Grim Internals is not needed anymore (most GI users will simply don’t use it anymore).

So it make no sense to spend my rare free time to develop/update it any further for only a handful of people.
I hope for your understanding!