[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

@GlockenGerda : with the next update coming, why to not focus on GI but only as a dps meter with extra infos and drop all duplicate function from the game ?
Again, tks for your hard work on this great tool

Worked perfectly, youā€™re a gent and thanks for the welcome.

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@GlockenGerda If I may propose a feature request. I would like an option that visualizes the use op weapon pool skills. Like a small piece of text moving away from your character stating the name of the WPS when it procs. I know this is not something you would keep on for long, but during the leveling process and when trying skills it would be nice to see more clearly when the proc happens, because usually there is way too much going on the screen to actually see the character animation.

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Well, thanks for making and supporting the tool for this long, so bad now i will miss things like higher stacks limit, auto pick up greens, etc.

Devs, ā€œoh there is 3d party apps for things we dont want to build for the gameā€, community ā€œhey devs maybe in the future the creators of this apps will stop supporting it in the futureā€ rip.

Even the IA that most of the player base is using should be build into the game, instead of forcing people to install software without any control, tomorrow the creator could add some malicious code to the app and everyone will get into trouble just because of devs trying to develop games like is 1990 all over again.

I wish you could open the code so the community can keep updating the app.


you mix up cause and effect hereā€¦ because the relevant parts of the tool are being added to the game GG thinks about not continuing with it as the rest is not important enough

IA as in Item Assistant ? Just asking as this is in the Grim Internals threadā€¦ and as to ā€˜most of the playerbaseā€™, that number in reality is most likely around 1% of the player baseā€¦

What gets added to the game is up to the devs (even when driven by the community, as is the case with these features right now).

They have a vision of what their game is supposed to be (and what it is notā€¦), instead of adding everything anyone ever asked for.

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even with monster hp bar and auto loot material added to the game, they still donā€™t have the option to display debuff icon on monster. Grim Internal still has something the base game do not.


There going to be an update for the new patch? As while some of the features they implemented are nice it seems they only put it in halfway. (No player hp bar in single player for some reason, monster hp bars only show when they are damaged, and no percents) As well as no auto pickup for rare items x.x


we will see if Glocky is going to continue working with it cause \most of the features were added in game.
We better wait for the reaction for the new features of this patch
Im still at work to check things out damn it

Well, they really seem to have missed the point a little. The combine sound is back, why we donā€™t get player/playermonster health bars in singleplayer is beyond me and autolooting rare items was really nice.
For the moment I wish that Grim Internals lives on.


Well I still really like having the timescale for working on alts, and there are a few features that still havenā€™t been addedā€¦ iā€™m hoping it gets updated :smiley:


Me too, please update GI!! Pretty please :smiley:


@GlockenGerda add a donation button and let it speak. Maybe this can compensate your free time spent :slight_smile:


Same, I REALLY hope this will get updated!


Just want to say that I love Grim Internals, not just for the features that were recently add in v1.1.4.0, but time scaling, DPS meter, setting teleports, and many other great features! Really hope it still gets updated, and thank you again!


Itā€™s there. Canā€™t remember where exactly, and not at my computer right now, but Iā€™ve sent her a chunk donation earlier this year so you can definitely send her some coffee (if I remember thatā€™s how she words it for the donation. :smile:).


I would LOVE for GI to continue getting updated.

But I also understand if Glocken wants to call it quitsā€¦


Thank you for everything you have done to this point Glock. Personally I donā€™t want to see it go away. Itā€™s still very useful with the TP list, nem alert sound, speed, dmg numbers, stacking are very useful to me and a few friends I play GD with. I understand if you stop updating tho.


Ive been using the daylight thing and the game speed. Going back to vanilla game speed is so going to sux. I just installed your GI about 2 weeks ago and was loving it. I personally donā€™t really care about statistics. but the other stuff to me makes the game more fun. Lets hope (crosses fingers) that shes picks it back up.

Edit: well I definitely miss not seeing a boss out in that mess I really liked having a purple name or orange etc. before it attacks. This red bar thing isnā€™t good to me you have to mouse over the mob to figure out if its a boss or not. and I definitely miss the speed. But good thing I didnā€™t crash once tonight that part I definitely like.


Like others here, I hope GI lives on. There is still a demand for its unique features and also suggestions for new ones. No game stops in its tracks. If GG decides to call it a day, I will say thank you for enriching our gameplay.

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Please update Griminternals !!!