[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Is there any way to add buff icons to your character like they appear on enemies? I’m playing a Dervish and managing cooldowns, health, and position are difficult to all maintain when cooldowns are the one thing I have to look away from my character for. :frowning:

And maybe an auto-win button ?


:grim_dawn: already has such a button. Avaible for new characters, it´s labeled “Oathkeeper”. :wink:


thats true
I had the same issue with RoT

some difference, but not conceptually. Would you consider it cheating if I killed the boss once and then just gave myself the item I tried to farm ? All I did there is optimize the repetition…

There’s a version for x86 (32bits)? :c

no longer…

I recommend to use the new healthbars from Grim Dawn instead of using the healtbars from GI.

but yours are so much better…

Since the new patch, i really i get offmood when i play because the new bars, they are really worst in readability, no black background, too much kerning on the letters…

thank you for your work man

Is it worth me downloading and getting used to this mod now as a new player to Grim Dawn even though mod support is going to be stopped at some point? (by the looks of things)? I’d hate to get used to it just for support to stop for it.The mod looks incredible and I know I’ll love it if I start using it.

You can use it with a clear conscience. The attitude of the tool is not up for debate. The author recently said:

And the interest is high enough.

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That’s great to know, thank you and thank you to the creator for making such a great mod.

That is up to GG to decice

I think everyone needs to chill. Not replying is an option for everyone.

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Seems I wasn’t clear enough. Do you all understand now? If not, I can always delete more posts. :stuck_out_tongue:


Is there a link for grim internals for game version

I just can`t update my game any further.

Why can’t you update the game?

As it was stated before, pirated version of the game are not supported
Please buy the game :smiley:

Version said its not compatible. So did

May be i need,,,, And so on?

@Darkstalix, why do you think i have pirated version? I was wondering few days where all my save games are, and they are on steam, but cant find them. I want to reinstall my windows but before i want to be sure where to find them. Havent tested yet, but unticking cloud saving it asks to reload the game. So maybe i load steam save and untick that option and then save the game and it saves locally. Otherwise, i`ll lose 11 characters.

p.s. As i`m new here is there a thread for short questions? Like “will Aegis proc Bat? Is it 20% chance multiplied by 5 as Aegis hits four targets”?

Best thing to do is move the saves from cloud saving to local saves. This tells you how to do it.

Then back up the local saves on to an external drive of some kind - USB key, flash drive, etc, so you have it ready to reinstall.

No, there’s nowhere to ask short questions. Just make a new thread and add your questions in that if it’s related to a particular build you have.

Those local saves are pretty shitty :). No use of them. Those that are missing i what i want.

Wait, does crucible counts as modded game?