[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

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I was looking to remove /d3d9 command but in GD launch and not griminternals xD

Tell a noob, how to remove this. In easy words, please. :wink:

So I have a conundrum with regards to GI and GD in general. Now that Iā€™ve used GI I find playing without it quite hard, I tried playing the new patch without it and I could only go for about an hour before I gave up. For my friends it took even less. So I struggle now to recommend this to people because I find once you use it, it makes playing without itā€¦difficult to say the least. This makes me think of one of my favorite sayings, ā€œIgnorance is blissā€. lol

So here is why I feel GD is better with GI versus without. Hopefully Crate can address some of these themselves, thereby removing the need for GI.

1. HP Bar over Character - This is critical, why I need to look down to see how damaged I am is kinda bonkers. I equate it to taking your eyes off the road, I do NOT want to take my eyes off the road. Give me a HUD (aka HP Bar over Character). :slight_smile:

2. Monster Names - GI lets me know the name of everything Iā€™m fighting versus the obliviousness that Vanilla GD gives. I would argue this should just be a staple of the game that we can turn on off. Now I can see white, yellow, orange (special), red. It also makes sense, does our character have amnesia or something that he forgets everything he/she seeā€™s? lol

3. Monster HP Bars - Skinny Red Lines vs Thicker Green->Yellow-Red? Is this even a contest? For me Crateā€™s answer is a good start, but has a ways to go before itā€™s close to the usefulness of GI.

4. Auto Loot - Crate added this, great. Does it pickup books, blueprints and rares? No. Is that a deal-breaker? Definitely not. Good for Crate recognizing this Quality of Life improvement.

5. DPS - Is this nice? Yes. Do I NEED it? Personally no. But knowledge is power and this helps understand character effectiveness FAR better than the simple DPS on the Character Sheet.

6. Counters - Knowing when things are coming off/on cool down is nice, again knowledge is power. This is the least impactful (imho) thing about GI, but still nice to have.

So my conundrum is knowing that GI may never get updated again and speculating that the odds of them implementing the first 3 items above is probably not stellar, do I stop playing GD or play my heart out before the next patch and then call it a day? sigh :-/

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See GGā€™s post a few posts up.

Ah OK, good stuff thanks. Still my comments still stand regarding what GI gives that I feel is both critical and ā€œcommon senseā€, namely Player HP Bar and Monster Names (Monster HP Bars exist and I expect will improve with future patches).

The good thing is my conundrum / fear goes away knowing that as long as their is demand GG will continue to update it. :slight_smile:

GI can save teleport location. Thatā€™s great for me cause I use for place far from portal like Tyrantā€™s Hold or save before boss room to fast run at end game itā€™s very convenient

Have a slight problem with Grim Internals in that the Auto Complete is disabled and is grayed out so I canā€™t turn it on (Iā€™m playing Reign of Terror mod for now).

Since auto complete is part of the base game since the latest patch, I guess it will be/was removed from Grim Internals.

[Grim Internals Installation video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7T2cgh4k90)

Except Crateā€™s auto loot is complete crap which I turned off about 5 minutes after starting a session. Tying auto-complete to the auto-loot just makes it worse.

Edit:Been playing Reign of Terror with Grim Internals running and Crateā€™s crap auto-loot turned on, components STILL wonā€™t auto complete in inventory.

IMO, this issue is not related to Crateā€™s new auto-combine feature or to Grim Internals.
You should inform @Ram in the ReignOfTerror thread.


Is there any possibility to add ā€œno level restrictionsā€ button to GI?

Iā€™m not sure what you mean here

So I can use high level items when Iā€™m only level 1 or 2.

then you would need to remove also attribute requirements.

Right. GDTH had this button, so it would be great if GI have this button tooā€¦

That will not happen in Grim Internals with 100% certainty ā€¦ itā€™s not a cheating tool, its a QoL tool ā€¦


that is a slippery slope, one mansā€™s QoL is another manā€™s cheat (eg teleporting to a boss location directly)


Big difference between optimizing repetition (grinding and farming) and removing difficulty (equipment power scaling)

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