[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Crate’s implementation of auto-loot and HP bars was like being told your motorcycle will be replaced with an identical one and then finding out you instead got a rusty bicycle missing the pedals and the chain.

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Eh already from the announcement and the stream you could learn what they were gonna implement :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t watch the streams and thought we were getting something comparable to Grim internals. Using Crate’s ‘auto-loot’ I can stand a quarter inch away from a component (measuring the distance on my monitor using a ruler) and it won’t loot the component. And HP bars? Only show when mobs take damage, no HP bars for minions, no being able to see when debuffs are on Heroes and bosses, player HP bars are only for multiplayer. And as for Zantai’s comment over on the Steam forums about where if I want a longer range on the auto-loot, to use a mod, then what was the point of implementing these lackluster features in the first place if you need to use a mod anyway? We were already using Grim Internals.

if you do not know what it will look like despite the information being readily available, that is on you

I guess it is a matter of perspective… most players do not use GI, for them it is an improvement over what they had. You used GI and prefer it over what Crate implemented, so keep on using it


Except Greda is pretty much stopping Grim Internals so once GD hits the latest version (and likely last) will stop working and we’ll be forced to use what little Crate actually added. Plus for some reason, Greda points to ‘not wanting to provide a service to pirates’, there isn’t any way to alter GI to work with all future versions of Grim Dawn (there probably is way but Greda would rather GI die and we be forced to Crate’s inferior version of features.

Ungrateful and entitled.


what do you base this on ? Given that she released a version for after initially not wanting to, and it being in much demand, I do not expect her to stop now

No, there is no way to make it compatible with all future versions. If there were, she would have done that and called it a day long ago I assume.

As to her not providing the source for someone else to take over, that is entirely up to her.

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GG will be back with the next patch :slight_smile:

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Thank you to @GlockenGerda for continuing to love us.

How much work is usually involved in updating GrimInternals each time the game is patched?

I was soooo looking forward to these features by Crate, but I can’t help but feel disappointed when comparing it to GrimInternals.

Gerda is of course under no obligation to continue maintaining GI. However I can’t see the demand for GI disappearing any time soon. Especially when you compare what it continues to offer, even after the recent QoL feature update by Crate.

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As long as the interest in GI is high enough, I’ll update it!

Updating this tool depends on various factors, but usually I need 1-2 hours.
Bug fixing and adding new features needs a lot more time!


Can’t play GD without this wonderful tool.:kissing_heart:
Still lots of options we could utilize like monster, player stuff,
drop item affix notification, show buff, dps list and misc stuff.
Also I don’t know how to make GrimCam work without GI.::sob:

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Is it possible to have stock health bars and stuff, with GI info and DPS stuff etc?

edit - I figured out how, just turn off GI’s bars in the configurator and the stock ones show up if you have them turned on


@GlockenGerda Thank you for your continued support for this excellent tool!

IMHO, GI >>> Crate’s implementation. There is no comparison with the increased auto-pickup range, debuff icons, named Heros/Bosses, better (and constant) Health bars, etc.

I know this has been mentioned before, but honestly you should really reconsider not having the donation button available to support your past (and hopefully future) work on this mod!


Of course GI is better then what Crate did. Auto-loot range is easily 20x bigger then Crate’s version. With Crates auto-loot turned on I can have a component LITERALLY laying at my chars feet and it won’t get looted unless I run exactly on top of it. When I first tried Crates version, it was actually easier (and much faster) to still manually loot rather then having to make up to 4 passes to loot a component.

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I will also admit that the permanent HP bars from Grim Internals makes playing Reign of terror mod a bit easier since it allows me to see mobs BEFORE they get into melee range in the darkest areas.

I’m really glad you wanna continue support if interest is still high. I just fiddled around with the new update a bit, probably gonna return to GD soon after finishing with the current PoE league. I already miss the sound for Legendary drops and the names over bosses and heroes. Time to download the GI update!

Oh yeah, and teleports. I hate walking to the SoT entrance, just so unnecessary to not have a Riftgate at the entrance.

Thanks for the mod is still great. I have a question, how could i see the cd of skills with low cd (4 seconds for example) or it is not possible ?

From the Q&A:

Edit the GrimInternals.ini file, search for “SkillsCooldownThreshold” and change the value
to 1.0

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Anyone else having text trouble when they open the config. with ctrl+F5, its either the window is to small or the text is to large and cant see what everything says. Any help would be most welcomed.

No no one has these problem. :wink:

Because all others have read as a new User post 1!

In Q & A you will find your answer and how to solve your problem. :wink:

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