[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Of course you can’t, but that should give you an idea how this tool has become widespread.

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One could instead compare 2k downloads over 20 hours = 100 per hour, with average 5.5k players on steam per hour + idk 1k GOG players?
100/6500 = 1.5%

Please do not close this Glocka, let us have choice of the QOL version we prefer the most , i still prefer GI perma health bar vs “only when monsters are injuried” of GD ( no offense Crate, you work is still amazing) plus the others thing GI provide .

Keep up the good health though .

except that this is exactly what it does not tell you for the reasons given… it does however show you that it is popular based on number of downloads in a short time, it tells you nothing about percentage of players though

That doesn’t make any sense math wise. Also because once you download the tool, you don’t do it again. Steamspy some time ago had some stats, like unique active players during a certain period of time, but unfortunately it seems these stats are now behind a paywall.

I’m not drawing percentages (without active players number you can’t), though if the number of current players was 50k and not 5k, with the same downloads, I would not say the tool was that popular.

No of course it does not make sense, but it should give a closer estimation of how spread GI is among active players compared to your analysis.

My bet is that about 1%-2% of active GD players use GI

There should of course also be a strong correlation on players with +500 hours gameplay using/not using GI, players that plays high shard SR and cruci waves on a regular basis etc.

@GlockenGerda On your Patch note you said “prefer game bar” (not exactly i know) but i really prefer GI bars, it won’t explode ?

Thanks one more time for your wonderful work !

Well, don’t get me wrong on here, even though i used the past month Grim Internals, i’ve never gotten lazy enough to not picking up proper Items like Equip. What was bothering to me was picking up these Materials and Components, which you hoard anyway (for Crafting and such) and kinda stretch the Gamepacing unneccessary.

But picking up Rare, Epic and Legendarys is part of the Gameplay-Experience (and part of the Genre) and i would dislike to miss that.

That’s okay, i’ve never said anything against it.

And that’s were we have a complete opposite Opinion. I hope GG don’t take it a wrong way, because i still say she 've done an Amazing Job, and i see there is still value to the Tool itself, for me (and that counts for many Games out there) there is most of the time a key difference between something modded in from a user side, and something natively added from the Devs itself.

The Healthbars of GI reminds me of this whole custom-ui addons from World of Warcraft, and while i understand / see that many People use that, for me it kinda killed the Game(even more as Addon’s are introduced which you need to install by Guild Rules and such), because often such stuff feels alien to me. The whole Healthbars of GI sticks out way to much, and didn’t fit the Theme and overall Style of Grim Dawn, which made it feel alien / like an “foreign body” and often tends to distract me, because it didn’t blend in well together with the rest of the Game. That’s why i even disabled Healthbars for trashmobs because the whole screen 've gotten bloated of green’ish bars which doesn’t fit the game itself. And yes i know, some people pointed out awhile ago, that you can “adjust” and “customize” it, but even if i would’ve tried, i never would’ve been able to nail it so it fits the game, unlike the devs; the actual people who are behind this game and their vision it’s based on.

And that’s why i prefer the way over GI Healthbars, because they fit the Game and blend in properly with the rest of the Game. Some might argue they find them less visible, for me it’s the other way around because i find them less distracting and catch them even while i’m focused on Combat / playing the Game itself. Heck they even thought about how to introduce them without bloathing the whole screen, by only show them once the enemy get hit(and yes i know that’s an option / setting for GI as well).

Is there something they still can add like settings and additional stuff(like your own health, which really is kinda missing): Totally, but for me they totally nailed it and fits the (vanilla) Game. And as long as GG updates GI i don’t see any issues for you and others, because if you enjoy more control over said healtbars than you have still Internals for that.

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Got GI working with deferred rendering finally :smiley:

Tell us, how. :wink:

Hey, I just installed the current version of Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods and Grim Internals.

Here’s the problems I’m getting:

When I regular/administrator launch GD: FG, and regular launch GI: OpenProcess () Failed error message

When I regular/administrator launch GD: FG, and administrator launch GI: it never starts up (I’ve monitored task manager and it doesn’t even flash on and flash off there)

When I administrator launch GI: nothing

When I regular launch GI: it starts up Grim Dawn, with Grim Internals working!!!..Vanilla Grim Dawn only :expressionless:

I’ve tried routing everything through Steam, tried uninstalling and re-installing, can’t get it to work.

I’m able to run Grim Dawn: FG without it just fine.

Could anyone offer me advice here?

I downloaded the expansion the other day, today downloaded this mod. I cannot get the mod to launch on Windows 10. First I run GD through a steam created shortcut on my desktop. Then try to run the GI exe normal, admin mode, various compat modes. No window ever comes up, nothing shows up running in task manager.

Someone just mentioned it doesn’t work with deferred rendering usually I guess. So I turned that off. Still didn’t help it start up. Widows Event Viewer is showing nothing. No clue what to try next. Would appreciate any suggestions.

I couldn’t install the Visual C++ that is linked in the install instructions because it is saying I already have a newer version installed. So assuming that is not the issue unless this tool is really picky about the version.

Nevermind. Rereading the instructions closely, you are supposed to have Steam open before running, not GD itself. Have it up and running now. See the GI v1.80 on the main menu.

I have many issues solved in there take a look just in case

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Uninstalled out of joy they were bringing lots of features to the main game… only to see that potions don’t stack to 1k only 100… you can’t have the hp bars on all the time… its VERY hard to tell if a monster is elite or a boss or whatever… and the new info/hp/name bar thing at the top is so large, its an eyesore eww…

Is GI going to be maintained? If so, I will just continue to use it.

Hopefully - ThX

I compared GD update with and without GI this weekend. I have to say that GI is still superior. Autoloot have larger radius in GI. Healthbars are better visible for Hero+ than GD icon variant. I have turned on both healthbars today. I still miss Potions/Skill CD in GD. DPS meter is helpfull if I test build but I can live without it. Teleport is fine if you want to quicker way to dung.

One positive note to GD: Search is great and I´m happy that they listen community in rest of changes even if they have to little update them.


On the Steam forums for the changelog I commented that Crate needs to increase the microscopic range on their auto-loot feature, had Zantai chime in that if I want increased range, that is what MODS are for.

So, what then was the point of implementing crappy auto-loot and HP bars if we need to make a mod that increases the range of the auto-loot?


Has anybody managed to get Gerda to test Crate’s crap-tastic version of Grim Internals features and see how badly Crate even missed the side of the barn?

What is it that needs to be done so that GI can still be used once Gerda decides we can just deal with Crates crap instead providing a download that won’t break with each new patch?

Perhaps stop playing the game all together if you do not like it?