[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

So as long as all I’m playing is vanilla GD and Grimarillion, Grim Internals works without issue etc?

At least I haven’t encountered an issue…

(I also use vanilla Rainbow and Grimarillion Rainbow, but that’s it)

This was the case until yesterday, but then I found a way to
display and load the characters from the “user” folder.
So, no need to copy over the files. :slight_smile:

I haven’t tested multiplayer yet, but afaik you can’t connect to a host
that doesn’t have the same database installed (checksum check).

Grim Internals works with vanilla and all expansions, if it’s that what your asking.

Not exactly…

I have GD with AoM and FG… Besides that, I only play Grimarillion.

My question is, with all the talk in this thread about merging databases - is there some glitch between Grim Internals and Grimarillion that I am not aware of? – Thanks

No, there is no glitch.
I’ll add a special “Grimarillion Mode” to Grim Internals that allows the player to play
Crucible with a grimarillion build. That’s all.

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that was a typo, meant GI :wink:

Thanks, again Glock. I appreciate all the work you put into this.

Also, are you on Discord at all? I’ve been hosting a community discord specifically for Grimarillion and other Grim Dawn mods announcements and resources. It would be rad if you joined with the other modders!

Do we still have to go to custom game to play Grimarillion?

If we have a grimarillion build selected and click “start” from the main campaign, won’t that wipe our build?

I’m unsure what’s the best way to implement the grimarillion mod.
Because it’s now part of the main database, the user can easily mess up their existing main campaign characters if he plays them in the “Grimarillion Mode”.
For example: Grimarillion uses the “Big Caravan” modification.
That means all main campaign characters uses now the bigger personal/transfer stash (because all main characters shares the transfer stash, formulas and transmutes).
Actually it is a good feature to have a bigger stash, but when a user decides to not use Grim Internals anymore, the transfer stash is messed up when playing the vanilla game.

So I disabled the main campaign for now!

The current state is: You have to start Grim Internals with “/grimarillion” as parameter to enable it.
Then you can select the Crucible Mode, all your custom made characters will be listed; then you choose one of your grimarillion character and the battle can begin.
No changes are made to main campaign characters; all is good.

Playing the Crucible mode with a grimarillion build was all I wanted.

Regarding Discord: I don’t use it anymore, I hate to chat. :woozy_face:

Btw: I send out a test-version to my beta-tester on sunday.
If anyone also want to test it, leave me a note.

Just to confirm, in order to play the Grimarillion MOD, (not crucible) nothing has changed. We will still start the game from “Custom Game” and play as usual, correct?

yes you run the game with GI executable and then you choose the mod
For the GrimaCrucible most likely you will have to make another executable for that only which it will be not a problem

@Darkstalix or @GlockenGerda Can either of you answer this guys questions on Steam by chance. Guess he doesn’t want to make an account here or whatever so figured I’d throw him a bone and post it here for you…

I think he’s more concerned about the ini file or something and I’m not really a GI pro so guess I’ll leave it to you guys.

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The ini file is generated when Grim Internals starts the game for the first time.

If you renew the exe file (and the .dll file) due to an update, the ini file will be updated the next time you start with the changed and newly added parameters.

It will not be overwritten to preserve your settings.

You should make a backup copy of the file after each update.

There’s nothing more to say about that.


sorry for the late reply
Yeah as Tean101 said there is no problem to update anything else internally unless huge updates happened
The exe dll and the folder of _GrimInternalsData
Ill go and check there too

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is there a way to assign information to a specific infobox?

i currently use the first one for my buff timers / cooldowns near the center of my screen and would like to use the second one for kill, exp and looted items for example on the left but i haven’t found a way to organize it accordingly

No sorry :confused:
I understand its a bit turnoff since the first infobox includes exactly those you mentioned, buffs cooldowns items looted bosses killed etc but the tool to be able to rearrange these would take a lot of time and we cant ask more from our author cause atleast it gets updated always on time and no further features to be added unless something is omitted

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hallo,i can dlow,thanks

Hey glockengerda,

Any chance you could add a filter on monster health bars?

I know you can currently filter them by their respective tiers (e.g. hero+), but I think it would be helpful if players could filter out a specific type of monster - basically, ANY monster with the “Arcane” suffix.

P.S: Thanks for doing all this!

Does the loot beam still work? I see people using it, but i have no option for it and there are no beams on my drops. Looked at the txt and it says loot beams= true, so they are on, is it just broken?

Yeah, displaying arcane monster types make sense; I’ll add this feature in the next patch.
But no other monster types like healer; they are already good visible, imo.

Do you have copied the “_GrimInternalsData” folder from the .zip file to
the Grim Dawn folder? It’s needed for the loot beam to work properly.


Oh no I didnt, my bad, thanks just copied it over. Hopefully it works now.