[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

That seemed to do it! Feels ridiculous, but I didn’t realize you had to be past the main screen :rofl: Thanks for the help!

I…I want these fonts :o

Indeedthere is not any mention that in the Q&A the CTRL+F5 only in game wasn’t mentioned
Dully noted

The font is from the mod “ReignOfTerror”.
You have to extract the fonts.arc from the mod.
Then copy the extracted fonts folder to \Grim Dawn\Settings\fonts.

But it’s mentioned in the first post;

Should I add “Not in the mainmenu”?

It was definitely my bad more so than any ambiguity in the post, but might be worth adding anyway just in case some daft nubcake like me doesn’t clue in and needs things spelled out xD

Here is a sneak peek what you’ll get with the next GI version (release is when Grim Dawn v1.1.5.0 comes out).


GI will be able to add the Grimarillion mod (if installed) to the main campaign, so
you’ll then be able to play the Crucible mode with your Grimarillion char.

(The char in the screenshot is wearing wings from the “For modders only Wings” mod from Okami,
they are not part of the Grimarillion mod (afaik)).


Yeah, I will add a more precise notice to the first post!! :slight_smile:

…damn sister,driving us crazy again huh?
Is it possible to throw a message in the title menu when ppl press the combination?
Like : Open the configurator menu IN game only!!!

Thanks for Grim Internals!

If you are taking feature requests, I had a few things that’d be kind of nice to have after using it for a while:

The ability to show incoming damage floating numbers, not just in the infobox; it’d be real nice to get that hint about how much I’m hurting through both frequency / volume of hits, and the size of them…

Rather than just “pick up rare items”, being able to pick up anything visible via the loot filter rules. That way if, eg, I have magic items enabled because I’m poor at the start of a character run I get auto-pickup on them. Also, filter out some of the rares that I don’t care about as much when I don’t want them $$$ :wink:

Longer hold times for the incoming / outgoing DPS meters: it’d be nice if they could both average over a slightly longer period, and if they would keep the last value when I get out of combat for 20 seconds or so. That’d make it easier to see what was happening without spikes having such a dramatic effect.

PS: for ctrl-F5 “Should I add ‘Not in the mainmenu’?” I first tried it there, too, so I’d say yes. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback/new feature request!
The only feature I’ll add this year is the merge of the grimarillion mod with the main
database/resources of the game.
This isn’t much work and it is fun for me to use/test new classes in the Crucible mode.

Perhaps I’ll add new features to GI once the development of Grim Dawn is over.
Then I can rebuild the data structure that Grim Dawn is using without the fear that some new
GD patches breaks everything and I have to spent a lot of time to fix it.

Fair. Thank you. :slight_smile:

How does this work ? Is it like an actual explicit merge with GDX2.arz, or is it some behind the scenes merge logic which would allow other mods to be used in the Crucible as well ?

I just want to tell it briefly:
Grim Dawn uses a special file system with partitions.
One partiton for the main game files and another one for the custom mods files.

The MAIN-partition contains the resource folders of the game, which are read in a special order:
“\My Games\Grim Dawn…\Settings”
and so forth.

Custom mods files are added to a MOD-partition.

So, all I do is to add the Grimarillion resource folder and the database “grimarillion.arz” to the MAIN partition ,
so the game can handle these folders as they would be part of the main database/resources.

It’s not really a merge of grimarillion with gdx2.arz; more like an add.

Guys, tell me, how i can change legendary drop sound?

See this post:

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Will the Grimarillion add have any other impact on Grimarillion players other than the ability to play crucible ?

Will mod characters display the correct textures on the main menu, and will the class “tag not found” now display the proper class name the first time you load in?

If you merge Grimarillion with the base game, these issues should not occur, so I assume they will be fixed by IA’s approach as well.

If the user activates the “Grimarillion Mode” the grimarillion mod becomes part of the main game!
So the correct textures will be displayed for grimarillion characters
on the main menu along with the correct class name.
Characters from other mods, however, will have a wrong class name
(e.g.: ReignOfTerror: class “Assassin” becomes a “Monk”,
because both mods uses the same tagSkillClassName)

So it’s important to know what are grimarillion characters and what are characters from other mods.

Sadly there is no way to distinguish what char belongs to what mod, at least I don’t know a way.

What do you mean with “IA’s approach”?
Is Item Assistant trying to do the same?
Or was it just a typo?

Thanks, Glock!

I have two more questions. Will it be necessary to move our mod save files from our “user” folder to the “main” folder for this to work?

When you say grimarillion becomes part of the main game, does that mean we could play mod builds on co-op with vanilla hosts? Or would there be major desync/not even be possible?