[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

As Darkstalix said, it seems like there is something wrong with your Grimarillion installation,
otherwise Zeke would be visible in the main menu.

On my side all is working fine!
I’ve got no other feedbacks that something is wrong with my tool, sorry!

Try downloading and installing v73c for Grimarillion again. There were some bugs, but Asylum’s hopefully fixed them now.

Will Grim Internals require an update for the hotfix?

Thanks as always Glocken!!

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Tested it and no, it does not.

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Hello, Grim Internals team ^^
Just notice that I am having a lot of “Tag Not found” when using the tool with the mod “Reign of Terror”. Everything runs perfect when not using Grim Internals. Here is a screen shot:

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Just so you guys notice, I am using the last updates to “Grim Internals” (V1.84), “Grim Dawn” (V1.1.5.1) and “Reign of Terror”(V0.6.1.1).

I’ll take a look soon! Thanks for reporting!

Edit: Please download v1.85 and try it!

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Hey, for some reason it won’t update to for me. I’ve tried both Grim Internals 1.84 & 1.85 but when I launch the game through the GrimInternals64.exe it just says game version When I launch Grim Dawn on it’s own it’s updated to This is a problem for me because I’m trying to play with a friend and his Grim Internals works fine but mine doesn’t, and since there’s a difference in patch we can’t play together.

Any help would be much appreciate, thanks!

Here’s a screenshot to show exactly what I’m talking about (bottom right current version)

That’s weird and I don’t have an explanation for this issue yet.
Are you using Steam or GoG?

Steam. Thanks for the reply.

I was hoping you would say GoG, because GoG is at v1.1.5.0 atm.
So, what now? Hmm…
Anyone else have a similar issue?

Steam and no problem with version.

No issue here… (x64) G.I. 1.85 etc. (Steam)

Steam version here and other pals i play with we have no this issue

@Jarryd_Kressy try to do a repair on your client man and reinstall the GI files

This was fixed Glocky in the latest 1.85 just checked

Hi I just started using this and it’s working great, was wondering how/if it’s possible to autoloot every equip drop rarity from common to legendary because I only see the option to loot rare items.

Only the rare loot is autolooted,there is no option for other quality drop autoloot

Oh I see, do you know why it’s specifically only rare loot?

Autoloot for rare items was a user request long time ago to make quick money by selling those items.
Then after Crate increased the money drop rate I removed this feature, but then I was forced
by users to bring it back again :upside_down_face:
I don’t like the idea to auto loot epic and legendary items, because of that I didn’t add this feature.

I see I see, well it’s a great tool overall none the less. I was more interested in autoing up the common and magic items since I have an issue and cannot just leave stuff on the ground and so many of them drop. So I’ll just manage picking them up one at a time, at least it completely makes sense why it’s rare only though. Cheers!

@Darkstalix @GlockenGerda I uninstalled the game and removed all local files (besides saves) and redownloaded/installed the game from scratch, then placed fresh Grim Internals files into the folder again and it worked perfectly. Glad it was a pretty simple fix, thanks for your support. :slight_smile:

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