[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Thanks a lot again for keeping GI up to date. I almost can’t play without it anymore, it’s just so good.

I’d also like to ask if it would be possible to enable the drop sound and lightning pillar for rare drops with two rare affixes? With the new increased drop chance and the recent changes (buffs) to rare affixes I would be sad to overlook those double rares when they do drop once in a blue moon.

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@GlockenGerda Does the GI version for works with Grim Dawn version

Looks up at recent posts, posted mere hours ago


My gut says yes.

yes it does. but it doesnt have option to teleport to newest dungeon. yet :slight_smile:

Thanks. (10 char limit)


Tomb of the Heretic, -4337.40, -12.34, 3097.08,

to the GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt file and it’ll take you right outside the sealed door.

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yep, it works :slight_smile:

Grim Internals 1.85 doesn’t work with GOG latest patch version

Happens sometimes with the steam version as well, it crash if I launch Grim Internals directly. Before the logo screen starts loading.

A workaround I found is launching “Grim Dawn.exe” and letting it it start. Close it, and run “GrimInternals64.exe”. Then it works as normal.

My mods and game version:
Steam - v1.1.5.1 (x64) - Grim Internals v1.85 - Rainbow Filter (installed with setup.exe for Tool v0.3.4)

Please do not tell me you are here on the game’s forum with a pirated copy.

And I mean that literally, do not tell me, just disappear until you have acquired the game via legitimate means.


Hello and sorry if this was already discussed/answered, i recently noticed that GI allows to play crucible with grimarillion mod, and i wanted to ask if it would be possible to allow this with other mods also (im creator of MinDawn mod and im really interested in it), if it would be possible to let parameter work in way to simply add /modname instead /grimarillion in parameters, it would be awesome (im not asking for custom menus or anything, just possibility to load characters in crucible with mod files) if this was created purely for grimarillion and its not possible to make it universal like this, then sorry for wasting your time :smiley:

I have same issue. I’m trying to repair my files.

Edit: not working. :slight_smile:

Most likely it needs to be updated :s give up until tomorrow im sure glocky will find some time to spare and update it

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I have same issue. Has anyone found a work around?

Downgrade to previous GD version in Galaxy and use grim internals 1.83… if you have that version saved (thankfully I always keep few historical versions of GI - it’s way too useful to play without). Other than that, wait for an update.

I know that GlockenGerda will resolve this issue soon. :smiley: It’s hard to play without GI, but it is possible.

Play without GI? What a quaint concept… :wink:

I’ve grown to love the 1.40x game speed way too much. And boss health bars/debuff icons. There is no in-game replacement for either.

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Same problem for me since gog update.

GI is updated for v1.1.5.1


Hey Mendez,
So far, I have not received any positive feedback regarding “Grimarillion Crucible Mode”, so I assume
nobody is playing it.
Therefore it would be a waste of time to add further custom mods to this game mode.