[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

When I open GI - The Teleport function is greyed out? Can’t click the drop down or anything.

Maybe I am not using it correctly?

After entering Ctrl+F5 in game i can set item marking and i saw MI++ and DR so what is the difference between those 2 ? I thought double rare was mi + 2 rare affix/suffix ? i feel like its the same

MI++ is a double rare MI. DR is a double rare regular base item.

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Is there a fix for this? 5000+ comments might take a while. . .

Thanks powbam, always on the look out. Spoke too soon, did not fix it. Still jumbled.

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Just checking but the last part of that - the .ini Scaling Factor - can be set/found here…

did you find that part?

To find out what scaling your computer is currently at just right-click on the desktop and select Display Settings to find that info.

Now that worked, the DPI factors had nothing short of a waste of time for me, the scaling inside the ini worked, thank you.

Controller doesn’t work when launched from GrimInternals … controller works as intended when launched with Grim Dawns steam launcher. (PLAY) button. <_<

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I was thinking to completely remove that Q&A since the scale factor was introduced but i left it there actually cause i was taking the word from everyone’s attempts to solve this and it actually worked on some peeps.
(its my mistake since i dont have a 4k screen or something big like that to truly test it)
apologies everyone if i drove ppl crazy with this :s

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You’re fine, I do have a 4096*2160 screen, though it’s not wide, it does have it’s fair share of windows related issues, I have worked around it, the scaling factor did wonders from the .ini file, though the DPI settings do not work worth a flop. Only a few games I play hate my resolution, and will minimize unless I am aggressive with the clicks as the game starts up. Funnily enough, Path of Diablo doesn’t suffer from any of these issues. <_< The Diablo 2 mod. lol…

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Happy Halloween everyone :gazer:


Thanks for this nice addition at Halloween!
Sadly it crashes my game everytime I hover the mouse over the new item.
Is there something I could do to prevent this?
I really love the theme and it would be sad to miss it :frowning:

Edit: I just discovered, that sometimes the game crashes, as soon as I try to log into the game with the character that picked it up.

I love the Halloween stuff. I have the hat, but how do I get the Pumpkin face?

I think the hat is the female version and the hat with pumpkin is for males.

I head there is a boss somewhere - haven’t seen it yet.

Where you get them???

Edit was there any other special things added since GI existed?

The first character you start a session with today will receive the hat. Also something special will happen when it’s midnight in-game :ghost:

https://streamable.com/xtiry5 This stuff totally breaks Dawn of Masteries mod, the pumpkins prevent hero orbs from being destroyed or picked up.

Not sure what you are talking about, in your video the hero orbs are breaking just fine. The only odd thing are the 2 epic items that drop and instantly vanish, are you using some kind of auto-pickup?

The blue items are DoM related, they are consumables. Even if the orbs DO break, the orb effect still lingers, making it seem like they are not breaking.

Beside, it creates this terrain for some reason and as a AAR build, it gets annoying when you are fighting many heroes. Would be nice to have an option to opt out of this, since it was totally okay yesterday.

That’s not the orb effect, the pumpkins have their own effect.

Start GD without GI