[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I meant running GI without the pumpkin thing. Would be nice to opt out of that while still being able to use GI.

Maybe try changing the system date.

Damn, you genius. Worked like a charm!

Change it to Christmas and see if there’s something.

Всё установлено, но не удалось получить шляпу. Почему?

What is supposed to happen while wearing the hat at night? Nothings happened yet

а ты получил шляпу?

Yes, it spawns on the ground when you enter the game. Right on top of you.

у меня не появилась. хотя прога стоит, может что-то не так?

Are you launching grim dawn with the griminternals64 exe?

да, последняя версия

How do I get ambushed… I’ve set clock to 24 with the item on and nothing is happening. I don’t want to miss it.

A little tiny problem not sure if anyone has posted cux this thread is big but It seems the way your dps meter rounds its numbers is slightly different than what is displayed in the game. I tested it out and the game always displayed a number or three higher than what was recorded on the dps meter

Disable Fog makes Crucible of the Crags (one of my favorites) very dark:

This is how it looks normally:

Unlikely she can do anything about that. If I had to guess the fog layer probably has some kind of light or brightness attached to it. I actually like how everything darkens more realistically, it also sharpens the graphics and they look much better without the fog blurring.

You could always increase the gamma.

It doesn’t look realist to me, gamma doesn’t help either. Look at the dark patches on the left

It doesn’t make sense imo. Picture taken with gamma boosted already.

I honestly don’t think that there is much she can do about that. She added the option to disable the fog layer at my request - which is a feature of GrimCam (not her tool) - I’m not sure how she implemented it in GI or if what she does uses GrimCam’s implementation directly. Either way, it does exactly what GrimCam does.

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I dunno, looked pretty nice to me, I have no altered gamma settings or any brightness changes on my end. :stuck_out_tongue: I can say that I enjoy my new perspective on GD with the GrimCam tweaks I performed to go along with the No Fog. Which I am loving.

Maybe if we could get a Skybox me and all my zombie’s could hang out better :point_right: :point_left:

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I tried searching this thread, but it’s so huge I’m sure I missed something.

I’ve been experiencing performance issues with GD for some time, which is partly why I stopped playing at the beginning of the year. I really wanted to play, so I completely nuked my installation (after backing up my characters). Low and behold, my performance is SO much better.

I added back the few mods that I used before one by one, checking performance each time. Rainbow Filter had no effect. However, once I added Grim Internals back and launched that way, my performance was almost cut in half.

My test was idling in Fort Ikon and then running through Plains of Strife. No GI idle I sat at about 105fps. With GI it was around 55 fps! Running through PoS WITHOUT GI the lowest I saw was about 70 fps. I was hitting 40 at times with GI.

Does anybody have a similar experience? Any tips or advice? I did not change any Steam launch options, both were running x64, etc. Exact same setup (so I think) on both occasions, but massive difference in performance.

Hello, can you add a drop sound to epic (blue) items in a future update?