[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

After reading the last Grim Misadventure #175 * sniff * I decided I’ll go all the way to the end,
which means, I’ll support GI until Grim Dawn’s very last patch.


We love ya tx sooooo much

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Bless you Glocken!!

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I’ll support GI until Grim Dawn’s very last patch she says!!! :o

Thank you Glockio <3 !!!

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ok thanx for the assurance. And much appreciated this tool and your continued support of it!

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Thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face:, but don’t expect new big features or so, just updates so that the
tool will work together with every new patch for Grim Dawn.

It made me sad yesterday to read that we won’t get new Grim Misadventures anymore and I realized
how much I like Grim Dawn, even though I haven’t played it extensively for a long time … Suddenly
my desire returned to play it again! :grim_dawn::grava_yes:


That’s the spirit Glock. I take breaks too. I always come back tho.

Hello again, another question about your fabulous tool.
Please refer to the attached screenshot.

In the list of skills below the DPS meter u can see names of some skills in green that I have active eg Aura of Censure, Flame Touched and Vindictive Flame.
Also listed is Ignaffer’s presence, a skill granted by my chest armor.
But what is NOT listed is Harbinger’s Grasp, a skill granted by my gloves.
I suppose this skill is not listed because of its passive nature, while the skill from the armor has to be toggled on.
So is there a setting to show all such passive skills? If not, would it be possible to add such setting?

And going further, if possible, a setting to always include in the list when a skill is triggered (eg I see deadly aim get listed when it triggers, but I don’t ever see say WPS skills like Bursting Round listed when triggered, or skills like Static Strike which has percentage chance to be triggered, or a devotion proc like Hand of Ultos, or some item base skills).

Now I am aware that these can often be discerned by visual graphic effects, but not always, eg the Harbingers Grasp skill. Also when there is a screen full of monsters and bullets, it can be hard to tell what is going on or what things are triggering simultaneously. But a video of the action with your list of skills appearing/disappearing/changing colour in the info boxes would be immensely helpful.

And also, I am interested not just in the presence of skills but in their absence too, so if a skill is not being listed when it should be, then this could be symptomatic of some bug or interaction in the action unfolding onscreen.

I ask, because I am very interested in using this tool to help verify correct behaviour of the game. It has already helped me few days back to show a case where damage conversion with Dagallon helm is not working, and with the proof from this tool the devs can then action such issues.
Of course, perhaps these requests of mine are not technically possible, or you are not in a position or not inclined to do so. I respect that. But if you can, I think it might be very helpful for the whole community

No, it’s not possible atm, because GI interprets only the skills/buffs that were shown on the screen over the healthbar. To show all active and passive skills/buffs I would have to rewrite the whole function.
Maybe one day (in the distant future) I’ll do it, but first Grim Dawn must stop receiving new updates.

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ok technical question. Does your tool scan for the actual icons of the skills/buffs being visible on the screen, or are you reading from some data structure in memory representing that list of skills. Because if its the latter, maybe we could ask devs to add all those other skills to the data structure as they apply, without icons, or with an attribute to ‘hide from view’.

That way, extra clutter is not introduced within Grim Dawn itself since there is enough skill icons already visible above the health bar, but still your tool would be able to list the names of those other skills in your info boxes. It would also save the devs having to create lots of additional icons because probably many of those other skills dont have icons currently.

GI reads the relevant data structure representing that list of skills.

No need to ask the devs; all skills that your character is able to use can easily be received via a function in the game.dll (SkillManager::GetActiveSkillList (…)).
The problem is to decide which skills are worth to be displayed in the info box of GI.

… and the skill list can be huge; it contains all devotions, all elixirs and potions, all granted skills you get from items etc.

Ok that sounds promising. But as you say, a huge list may be just as useless as no list.

So primarily I am thinking people are interested in what skills trigger as the action unfolds, eg you take a one minute video of some action, then review what has happened skill wise on playback. So how about this idea:

  • setting to turn on additional skill display
  • sample rate for additional skills ie how often to call GetActiveSkillList (…) eg 1=once per second, 5 = 5 times per second, etc
  • setting of how many additional skills to display eg 20 (possibly in a third info box?)

The idea is not to display the sampled list since too many skills. Instead maintain a display list, then as you receive the latest list from the function call, compare it to previous sampled list. Any new skills in the sampled list get added to top of your display list, while same number of skills are removed from the bottom of your display list where the oldest skills are. So in fact you are displaying the 20 most recently applied skills .

But also of interest, is when comparing latest and previous sampled list, there is a skill removed from the latest (eg because it has deactivated in some way eg finished triggering, on cooldown, parent item unequipped, etc). Need a way to convey the disappearance of these skills from your display list, as otherwise, deactivated skills will be harder to notice (especially if the skill is super quick and only ‘live’ for one sample period).

One idea is to maintain a second display list which are the most recent deactivated skills, and use same idea of comparing previous sampled list with latest sampled list and updating the deactivated display list with newly deactivated skills on top while removing the oldest ones from bottom.

Another idea might be not having a second list, but in the first display list, don’t immediately remove deactivated skills, turn them red and leave them red for say a second, then remove them from the list after that. Or (assuming you also receive cooldown info from the function call) turn those skills yellow. So the change in colour is a visual cue that a skill in your display list has deactivated or gone on cooldown.

Of course I don’t know feasibility of implementing such ideas, feel free to try as you have time and do it in your own way to make it easier for yourself, or not, entirely up to you.

Others too can post their own thoughts.

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hey :slight_smile:
I really love this tool!
I have one question tho: is there a way to prevent the dpsbars from refreshing this fast (i would like to analyse to what type of damage i died but the dpsmeter nulls out in the same moment i die)
thanks for the tool :smiley:

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You can activate the GI death-screenshot function with set “PlayerDeathScreenShot=true” in the .ini file.
The screenshot could help in analysing what killed you.

Or, as another option, use a software like NVIDIA Shadowplay which can capture the last 30 secs of your gameplay (I don’t know if there is an equal software for AMD GPUs).

Thanks for sharing your ideas.
I come back to it if I ever decide to rewrite my old code and to include your ideas.

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@Mahjers This is what I’m working on:
Mark skills that are disabled due to a lack of dependency.
For ex.: Removing a 2h ranged weapon will cause my item skills “Harbinger’s Aim”, Blazing Fury" and “Harbinger’s Grasp” to become disabled (marked with a “!” in front of the skill name in the info box).
So it’s easy to see what granted skills are now useless (and could be replaced).

Btw: the GIF shows all of my item skills, but I plan to display only the disabled skills.


Ok looking nice.
But keep a setting to display all which can be off by default, so players can confirm their item skills too

Hey Glock, just wanted to ask if you get the chance for the 1.9 update if it is at all possible to expand on this set of features slightly.

…Would it be possible/feasible to also add a keybind that can disable the HC character glow effect on the menu? Since this particular feature set is primarily of use to people looking to take better screenshots of their characters my thinking is that being able to disable the glow of HC characters might be quite useful in this situation.

Also, I would note that I think there is no mention in @Darkstalix FAQ guide of these features you added - so, I think very few people are likely to even be aware that Grim Internals has these capabilities available. The only way to currently find out about the hotkeys etc is to filter the thread to show only your posts and scroll thru them until you come across this update info.

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The patch just came out and I am super duper excited for your possible last update!

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me too. GGOGOGOOG :smiley: