[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I am having problems since the new version of Grim Dawn was updated today. Keep getting this error message when trying to use Grim Internals exe.

The game starts up and plays normal when not using the mod I run it in x64. I removed the Grim Internals exe from steam and re-installed the Grim Internals again and replaced the old files just in case. I added the exe in steam again and tried running Grim Internals in Admin mode and nothing seems to work. I made sure cloud save is off as well. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks.

^^^^^^^ Here we go again


It is simple:
1.98b is compatible with GD

Now we are in version so the GrimInternas developer has to create another version compatible with this latest patch LOL

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Yeah I figured as much just wanted to make sure there was noting else I could do on my end thank you both for your response.

Can you update the version1.1.9.0 as soon as possible? thank you:smiley:

Don’t worry Glocken usually does as soon as she can. Sometimes it might take her a day or 3 and if something is going on in her life she’ll usually let us know when we can expect it.


I’ll upload the patch around 8 p.m. (MEZ) in the hope
that the Grim Dawn GOG version was updated to v1.1.9.0, too.


Thanks for everything and GOG updated to

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I havent added them yet bro i will do it until tomorrow morning for sure

actually i just did, no idea how i missed this,ty @powbam


How to translate this Tool.
Sorry for “stupid” question, but I’m new to GD.

See this from the 1st post …

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Grim Internals (x64) v1.99a for GD Patch v1.1.9.0
Download-Link (MEGA)
Download-Link (Google Drive)


  • fixed a bug that caused GI to crash when using the GOG version of the game


  • Launching GI while Cloud Saving is enabled will show up a warning message (as a reminder that there are issues)
    You can disable the warning message in the .ini file:
  • Added new entries for the .ini file
    ShowInactiveItemSkills=True (shows inactive item skills (because of a missing dependancy) in the info box (marked with a “(!)”).
    ShowInactiveDevotionSkills=True (unbound Devotion skills will be shown in the info box (marked with a “(!)”).
  • Added two new hotkeys for the Main Menu Zoom Modus (introduced with v1.97, can be activated with the entry “MainMenuZoom=True” in the .ini file.)
    Hotkey ‘K’ toggles the glow effect of a selected hardcore character on/off
    Hotkey ‘A’ changes the current ‘idle’ animation of a selected character to ‘walking’, ‘running’ or ‘attacking’ for a certain period of time.

Known issues:

  • Steam Cloud Save is not functioning properly when you launch Grim Internals!
    To prevent possible data loss, disable Cloud Saving in the game options menu!

The Configurator is only available in English language; the info box text
can be translated as @FOE has mentioned!

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: As always GG not only updates but also adds stuff. Imma test it right now.

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Only small additions…

Wow, cool. Gunna try this out. Don’t think I woulda ever wondered if that would be a thing actually :smile:

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Thank you for always being on top of this gerda , You really forget the appreciation of these things until a patch hits so thank you.

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This is dope

She walc but she also attac.


Cant get my GI to start with the gog version. No error message or anything, simply black screen and unresponsive. Dont know if the problem is on my end.

Maybe try copying and overwriting all the files again.

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