[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Is there hotkey to change game-speed without doing it manually with mouse? It would be so good.

Thereā€™s not but it can be done using other programs, see the first video in this thread showing in-game speed change with a keybind
[Tool] GDHacker šŸ•· - Tribute & Exp Freeze / Game Speed / DPS window / Faster Camera PM / write in this thread for more info.

I think I updated it to public beta patch which I recommend (here how to set your game to in Steam Public Testing FAQ) so Iā€™d probably need to give you version if youā€™re still using that.

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This is first time of me in the forums and well thanks for the Grim Internals tool it really helps me alot but im having a small issue tho its not gamebreaking but i feel it is better if i know how to fix the issue.

The issue is that when i play the game with the mod damage numbers that you deal to mobs arenā€™t shown like those text numbers that you see next to your character when damaging a mob. Sure grim internals do have dealt dps counter on the left part of the screen but it kinda distracts my eyes away from my character.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone showed me how to fix this issue thank you. And uh sorry if i have bad english like its not my main language so.

Will I be able to get the Halloween hat again? Any other special items other than this hat?

Grim Internals v1.99e for latest GD Public Playtest Build (September 26).
Download-Link (MEGA)

GI user should update to this version!


Yes, GI treats the names of heroes and bosses the same.

Iā€™m not sure I understand correctly how the damage numbers should look like.

I have no plans yet to make a new halloween eventā€¦

I meant the old one. I lost it playing without internals one day.

Ok, with the next GI patch, the Salvage Dealer (Luther Graves) in DC will be selling the hat on Halloween.
Get it when itā€™s there ā€¦ and donā€™t tell anyone! :grin:


Well this is cute. Someone apparently watched a certain episode of Portlandia and put a bird on it :bird: image


I recently started playing (again) and for some reason I canā€™t get any damage numbers to show anymore when using grim internals. Iā€™ve got the dmg option on and been trying with swapping stuff on and off but nothing seems to work so far, any suggestions/ideas?
Also verified game files which all seemed fine, and have the latest grim internals version, am i missing something else?

thanks in advance

Open GrimInternals.ini with an text-editor, search for ā€œDisableFloatingText=ā€
and set it to false. Then save the file.
Hope this helps!

it worked, thanks alot! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Hey there, i just discovered this awesome tool of yours!

While i havenā€™t spendt much time exploring the config-window yet, iā€™m struggeling to configure each monster types settings seperately. When i change any settings concerning healthbars, then switch to another monster type, it will have the same changes applied.

So basically iā€™d like to have boss mobs more highlighted from the rest, and have trashmobs more in the background, but not completely disabled ^^

Maybe you can direct me on where iā€™m failing.
Thanks in advance, and thanks a lot for your work in general!

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Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

You canā€™t configure the health bars for each monster type separately.
The drop-down menu, where you can choose between ā€œCommon Monster +ā€, ā€œChampion Monster +ā€ etc., only determines for which types the health bars should be displayed; itā€™s a bit misleading, I know!

What you can do for each monster type is changing the health bar colors and size.
I recommend to take a look in the Q&A.

My english is shit af, so here watch this video. Cant use my modded character on the crucible, works fine on campaign.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Did you use the special command line to make it possible to play modded characters in Crucible?

First of all update the game and Grim Internals to their latest version and try again.
If the issue persists please report it here again. Thanks!

Yes, he did. It can be seen on the top left of the screen.

I downgraded the game, it wasnt working in (whatever is latest version.) Downgraded one version down and it isnā€™t working again.

I canā€™t replicate your issue!
Here is a screenshot of my DoM character in Crucible, so you can see that it works as intended!

Current version of the game is Public playtest version is so check which one youā€™re using.