[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

you are absolutely correct. i only tried the first link. tried the second and worked perfectly.

thanks a lot for the help =)

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Now that we have the potion hotfix, could Glocken perhaps post a new/official version?

Many thanks

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Could we please get an update for the new game version V1.1.9.7, I miss my wonderful mod :slight_smile: I got so use to playing with it almost impossible to play without it, many thanks to the wonderful GlockenGerda.

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Play this one from the 2nd link, works perfectly fine [Tool] Grim Internals - #6669 by GlockenGerda

Is this done being updated?

It was updated by @GlockenGerda during the play test period. The link that @tqFan linked right above your post works perfectly fine. :sunglasses:

Does anybody know how to fix this issue Iā€™m having? My in game settings wonā€™t save if I launch the game with Grim Internals. Every change will revert as soon as I leave options. But if I boot the game from the base application, the settings save as normal. Cloud saves are disabled both in game and in steam. Iā€™ve also tried running Grim Internals as an admin and it didnā€™t help.

Edit: I solved the problem. For anyone else that might have this issue, the culprit was my antivirus. Adding some exceptions fixed the issue.


Concerning "Show Skill CD ", example:

MoE cooldown is shown as soon as MoE is actually in cooldown (when skill is over). Cool and useful.
MoT cooldown, however, is shown as soon as MoT BEGINS. Not so fine. I still have to count those 5 seconds in my head, when it wears off.

Why is that? Those are both the same CD types (CD starts when skill starts)?

MoE is what and MoT is ? (mark of torment?)

Mirror of Ereoctes and Mark of Torment I guess.

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can we please just refer to Mirror of Ereoctes as ā€œMirrorā€ then, itā€™s what iā€™m used to :sweat_smile:

anyways, iā€™d almost guess the reason they donā€™t display the same then is they use 2 different skill templates in the tables so are actually 2 different skills cd list wise?
one is a pure buff (mirror), and MoT is actually an attack skill

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Hm, thought so, too.
Editor calls them both ā€œskill_buffSelfDurationā€, so no handle there.
GI cannot be altered in this regard I guess?

mark of torment is Skill_AttackSpellReflect
mirror is Skill_Buffselfduration

legit wouldnā€™t know :sweat_smile: - just pointing out the skills are technically different, so maybe thatā€™s the reason why they default donā€™t act the same CD display wise

I have no idea what iā€™m doing wrong, I open it and the game just black screens before crashing. Iā€™ve added it as exception to my AV and iā€™ve tried running it in administrator.

I can even open up GI itself to modify settings but returning to the Grim Dawn window crashes the game immediately

are you using the ā€œexitā€ button in the top of GI window after changing settings, or trying to alt tab back into the game?

Do you play Grim Dawn in Windowed or Fullscreen mode?
Try redownloading and copying files again - sometimes people do it incorrectly.
Have you downloaded the version - the 2nd from link in the OP?

Yeah, I used the second link and iā€™ve tried recopying the files. I use borderless windowed, that hadnā€™t worked so I also tried fullscreen just because. I guess I could try just windowed mode, I hadnā€™t tested that just assuming it would cause the same issue. Would be strange if windowed worked, last time I used GI, I was running borderless window and it worked

Ah, Iā€™m an idiot. I didnā€™t launch it before opening the game.

Itā€™s all good now.

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Hi for some reason I am still getting the not compatible error and double checked version and the patch. Please help! I also ran as administrator.

Have you downloaded from the 2nd link?